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    Shungite and Shungite Products in Russia and the EAEU: Production, Market and Forecast (5 edition)

    Number of pages: 101 Number of tables: 26 Number of figures: 21
    Language: Russian
    Released: 06.03.2024
    Delivery method:

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    Demo: Download
    Price: 2 000 Euro

    This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


    This report is the fifth edition of the shungite market research in Russia and the EAEU.

    Market monitoring has been carried out since 2002.


    The purpose of the study is to analyze the shungite market.

    The objects of research are shungite and shungite products.

    This work is a desk research. Data from the statistical committees of the EAEU countries (including Rosstat, the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan) were used as sources of information; UN international databases (UNdata), WorldBank, Eurostat; international and European trade data (UN Comtrade, TradeMap); Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (until 2022); Unified information system in the field of procurement; railway transport statistics; VLSI databases; foreign specialized companies; annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers; industry and regional press, conference materials, Internet sites of manufacturing enterprises and consumers of the products under study; scientific and technical literature (elibrary, etc.), FIPS patent database; the InfoMine database, as well as websites of shungite manufacturing enterprises.

    Chronological scope of the study: 2002-2023; forecast up to 2030

    Geography of the study: Russian Federation, Republic of Kazakhstan – comprehensive detailed market analysis.


    The report consists of 8 parts, contains 101 pages, including 26 tables, 21 figures and 9 appendices.

    The first chapter of the report is devoted to general information about shungite, its chemical and material composition.

    The second chapter of the report provides an assessment of the shungite mineral resource base in Russia and Kazakhstan, and provides brief data on shungite deposits, their characteristics and raw material reserves.

    The third chapter of the report provides a technological classification of shungite, presents EAEU enterprises producing shungite products, and shows statistical indicators of its production in 2002-2023.

    The fourth chapter of the report is devoted to a description of enterprises in Russia and Kazakhstan that produce shungite products; it provides a range of commercial products, areas of use and main consumers.

    The fifth chapter provides data on foreign trade operations with shungite products in Russia (for the period 2002-2023) and in Kazakhstan (2005-2023), showing the volumes of these supplies. Data on deliveries to Ukraine are also provided.

    The sixth chapter of the report examines prices for shungite products in 2008-2023, both in the domestic market and foreign trade prices in Russia and Kazakhstan.

    The seventh chapter of the report examines shungite consumption in the Russian Federation in 2002-2023. This section provides the balance of shungite production and consumption, the industry structure of consumption, the main Russian consumers (with consumption volumes), and also describes the current state and development prospects of the largest consumers.

    The eighth and final chapter of the report provides estimates of the possible consumption of shungite in Russia as a whole and in individual areas of use until 2030.

    In addition to various conclusions about shungite products, the appendices provide contact information for shungite producers and consumers in Russia and the EAEU.


    Target audience of the study:

    – participants in the market for shungite products and chains of its further consumption;

    – potential investors.


    Unlike competitor research, this report is the most complete on the market and, in addition to data on Russia, includes information on the EAEU countries, as well as Ukraine. In addition, the report provides an in-depth retrospective up to 2002.


    The proposed study claims to be a reference guide for marketing services and specialists making management decisions working in the shungite products market.





    1. General information about shungite


    2. Mineral resource base of shungite in the EAEU


    3. Classification of shungite-bearing ores, mining and processing methods. Production of commercial products from shungite in the EAEU in 2002-2023.


    4. EAEU enterprises producing commercial products based on shungite in 2002-2023.

    4.1. LLC NPK "Carbon-Shungit" (Russia)

    4.2. GRK Koksu LLP (Kazakhstan)

    4.3. Other businesses

    4.3.1. NPO "Ecology"

    4.3.2. MKK-Engineering LLC

    4.3.3. LLC "Kondopoga Shungite Plant" (Russia)


    5. Export-import of shungite products to the EAEU in 2002-2023.

    5.1. Exports and imports of Russia in 2002-2023.

    5.2. Exports of Kazakhstan in 2005-2023

    5.3. Imports of Ukraine from Russia and Kazakhstan in 2008-2023.


    6. Analysis of prices for schungite products in Russia and Kazakhstan

    6.1. Domestic prices in Russia in 2023

    6.2. Dynamics of export-import prices

    6.2.1. Dynamics of export-import prices in Russia in 2008-2023.

    6.2.2. Dynamics of export prices in Kazakhstan in 2008-2023.


    7. Consumption of shungite in Russia in 2002-2023.

    7.1. Balance of production and consumption of shungite in Russia in 2002-2023.

    7.2. Structure of consumption of shungite products in Russia in 2005-2023.

    7.3. Main consumer industries

    7.3.1. Metallurgical industry

    7.3.2. Construction industry

    7.3.3. Other areas of consumption

    7.4. Main consumer enterprises of shungite

    7.4.1. JSC Kosogorsk Metallurgical Plant (Tula, Kosaya Gora village)

    7.4.2 JSC "EVRAZ ZSMK" (Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region)

    7.4.3. PJSC "Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant" (Chelyabinsk)

    7.5. Prospects for using shungite


    8. Forecast for the development of the shungite market in Russia until 2030.


    Appendix 1. Conclusion on the suitability of crushed stone from the Nigozersky deposit of shungite-containing rocks for road construction

    Appendix 2. Conclusion on the physical and mechanical characteristics of crushed stone from shungite-containing shale "Nigozerskoe" for the ballast layer of the railway track

    Appendix 3. Conclusion on the physical and mechanical characteristics of crushed stone from shungite-containing shale “Nigozerskoe” for construction work

    Appendix 4. Conclusion on the physical and mechanical characteristics of crushed stone from shungite-containing shale "Nigozerskoe" for crushed stone bases and road surfaces

    Appendix 5. Conclusion based on the results of a comparative assessment of the shielding properties of building materials of various compositions

    Appendix 6. Conclusion 26 of the Central Research Institute for Shungite

    Appendix 7. Contact information of shungite manufacturing enterprises in the EAEU

    Appendix 8. Contact information of shungite consumer enterprises in Russia

    Appendix 9. Main importers of Russian shungite products in 2004-2012, tons

    Table 1. Chemical composition of shungite rocks in Karelia, %

    Table 2. Material composition of shungite rocks in Karelia, %

    Table 3. Requirements for shungites for use in the production of cast iron, ferroalloys and other products in the ferrous metallurgy

    Table 4. Volume of production of commercial shungite products in Russia in 2002-2023, thousand tons

    Table 5. Average chemical composition of shungite rocks from the Zazhoginsky deposit (macroelements), %

    Table 6. Average chemical composition of shungite rocks from the Zazhoginsky deposit (microelements), %

    Table 7. Main Russian consumers of shungite products of LLC NPK Carbon-Shungit in 2002-2012, thousand tons

    Table 8. Main Russian consumers of shungite products of LLC NPK Carbon-Shungit in 2013-2023, thousand tons

    Table 9. Financial indicators of LLC NPK Carbon-Shungit in 2004-2022, million rubles.

    Table 10. Brands of taurites of GRK Koksu LLP and their granulometric characteristics

    Table 11. Chemical composition of taurite concentrates (CTSF) GRK Koksu LLP,%

    Table 12. Brands of certified taurites of GRK Koksu LLP for use as sorbents

    Table 13. Areas of application of taurites by grade

    Table 14. Efficiency of water purification from Koksu shungite contamination

    Table 15. Financial indicators of GRK Koksu LLP in 2007-2022, thousand $

    Table 16. Import of shungite to the Russian Federation in 2003-2023. by supply directions, thousand tons

    Table 17. Export of shungite from the Russian Federation in 2004-2023. by delivery directions, t

    Table 18. Main importers of Russian shungite products in 2013-2023, tons

    Table 19. Export of taurite shales of Kazakhstan by supply directions 2005-2023, tons

    Table 20. Prices for shungite of various fractions of LLC NPK Carbon-Shungit in 2023, rub.

    Table 21. Balance of production and consumption of shungite in Russia in 2002-2023, thousand tons, %

    Table 22. Current areas of possible application of shungite

    Table 23. Main Russian consumers of shungite by industry and volumes of their consumption in 2005-2023, thousand tons

    Table 24. Main properties of Novocarbon grade TSPs

    Table 25. Indicators of water purification using shungite

    Table 26. Test results for changes in the content of petroleum products and suspended solids, mg/l

    Figure 1. Location of shungite deposits in Karelia

    Figure 2. Dynamics of shungite production in Russia in 2002-2023, thousand tons

    Figure 3. Dynamics of production of commercial shungite products by LLC NPK Carbon-Shungit in 2002-2023, thousand tons

    Figure 4. Ratio of export and domestic consumption of shungite products of LLC NPK Carbon-Shungit in 2002-2023, %

    Figure 5. Regional structure of supplies of shungite products of LLC NPK Carbon-Shungit in 2019-2023, %

    Figure 6. Dynamics of production of commercial shungite products by GRK Koksu LLP in 2007-2023, thousand tons

    Figure 7. Dynamics of export-import of shungite products in Russia in 2003-2023, thousand tons

    Figure 8. Geographical structure of exports from Russia in 2013-2023.

    Figure 9. Main Russian recipients of shungite (taurite) from Kazakhstan in 2016-2023, t

    Figure 10. Dynamics of exports of taurite shales of Kazakhstan by supply directions in 2005-2023, thousand tons

    Figure 11. Dynamics of imports of shungite products to Ukraine from Russia and Kazakhstan in 2008-2023, tons

    Figure 12. Average annual export and import prices in Russia for shungite products in 2008-2023, $/t

    Figure 13. Dynamics of average annual export prices of Kazakhstan for shungite products by supply directions in 2008-2023, $/t

    Figure 14. Dynamics of production and consumption of shungite in the Russian Federation in 2002-2023, thousand tons

    Figure 15. Industry structure of consumption of shungite products in Russia in 2005-2023, %

    Figure 16. Dynamics of shungite consumption in the Russian metallurgical industry in 2005-2023, thousand tons

    Figure 17. Dynamics of shungite consumption by JSC Zhuravsky Ocher Plant in 2007-2023, thousand tons

    Figure 18. Dynamics of ferromanganese production and shungite consumption of KMZ JSC in 2006-2023, thousand tons

    Figure 19. Dynamics of shungite consumption by EVRAZ ZSMK JSC in 2005-2023, thousand tons

    Figure 20. Dynamics of pig iron production and shungite consumption at ChMK PJSC in 2008-2023, million tons, thousand tons

    Figure 21. Forecast of shungite consumption in Russia until 2030, thousand tons


    Coming soon

    January 2025

    Organosilicon compounds in Russia and the world: Production, Market and Forecast

    January 2025

    Pharmaceutical Substances and Intermediates in Russia:Production, Market and Forecast

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