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    Crushing and Screening Equipment (mobile and stationary) in Russia and Ukraine: Production, Market and Forecast

    Number of pages: 224 Number of tables: 50 Number of figures: 39
    Language: Russian
    Released: 16.06.2012
    Delivery method:

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    Price: 2 500 Euro


    This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment. 


    The report is devoted to investigation of current standing of market of crushing and screening equipment in Russia and Ukraine and forecast of its development. The report consists of 7 Sections, contains 224 pages, including 39 figures, 50 tables and 3 appendices. This work is desk study. As information sources, we used data of Rosstat, Federal Customs Service of Russia, the base of rail transportation in the Russian Federation OAO "RZD", the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, State Customs Service of Ukraine, annual and quarterly reports of companies, sectoral and regional press, as well as web-sites of company producers of crushing and screening equipment. In addition, interviews were conducted with representatives of major companies-manufacturers of crushing and sorting equipment in Russia and Ukraine.
    In the first chapter of the report describes the existing crushing and screening equipment are the main types of crushers used by enterprises of Russia and Ukraine.
    In the second chapter of the report presents data on the production of crushing and screening equipment in Russia, he analyzed the volume and structure in 2007-2011. Also in this chapter describes the current status of major domestic companies producing equipment under consideration. The third chapter presents similar data for the production of crushing and screening equipment in the Ukraine.
    The fourth chapter is devoted to analysis of foreign trade operations of crushing and sorting equipment in Russia and Ukraine in 2007-2011. Identified the major suppliers and consumers of imported equipment, given the export-import prices, and summarizes the major foreign companies that produce such equipment, their contact information.
    In the fifth chapter of the report shows the prices for equipment of domestic and foreign production in the Russian market.
    The sixth chapter analyzes the demand for crushing and screening equipment in Russia and Ukraine. The data on the volume and structure of domestic demand, supply-demand balance of the considered equipment in these countries. In addition, the situation analysis and describes the prospects of the major consuming industries.
    In the final sixth chapter of the report forecast of market development in Russia and Ukraine crushing and screening equipment `for the period up to 2020
    The appendices contain specifications for crushing and screening equipment certain domestic and foreign manufacturers, as well as contact information on company-producers of equipment in Russia and Ukraine.
    The present study may be helpful:
    • Russian and foreign production companies of crushing and screening equipment;
    • sales representatives manufacturers;
    • consumers of crushing and screening equipment: GOK, asphalt, crushed stone plant, etc.




    1. Brief description of crushing and screening equipment
    1.1. Crushing equipment
    1.1.1. Jaw crushers
    1.1.2. Cone crushers
    1.1.3. Impact Crushers
    1.1.4. Other crusher (hammer, roll)
    1.1.5. The main types of crushers used by Russian enterprises

    1.2. Screening equipment (screens)
    1.3. Portable and mobile crushing and screening plants
    1.3.1. Portable crushing and screening equipment
    1.3.2. Mobile crushing and screening equipment

    2. Production crushing and screening equipment in Russia
    2.1. The volume and structure of production in 2007-2011.
    2.1.1. Crushers
    2.1.2. Screens

    2.2. Current status of the largest Russian company-producers of crushing and screening equipment
    JSC "Plant Uholovsky" Strommashina "(Ryazan region).
    LLC "Stromneftemash" (Kostroma region).
    JSC "Combine Heavy Machinery"
    JSC "Ural Heavy Machinery Plant" ("Uralmash", Ekaterinburg)
    JSC "Ormet-YUMZ" (Orenburg Region).
    JSC "Avtokompozit" (formerly of "Drobmash" Vyksa Nizhny Novgorod region).
    LLC "Kanmash DSO" (Chuvashia)
    JSC "SPC" Mekhanobr-Technology "(St. Petersburg)
    JSC "Volgotsemmash" (Tolyatti Samara region).
    JSC "Ural-Omega" (Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region)
    Of software "Irkutsk Heavy Machinery Plant"
    JSC "Rudgormash" (Voronezh region).
    ZAO NPO "Pnevmash" (Chelyabinsk region).
    Other crushing and screening equipment vendors
    Plans to build new plants for the production of crushing and screening equipment

    3. Production crushing and screening equipment in Ukraine
    3.1. The volume and structure of production in 2007-2011.
    3.2. Current status of the largest Ukrainian enterprises producing crushing and screening equipment
    PJSC "Novokramatorsk Machine Building Plant" (Donetsk region).
    LLC "Mashstroyindustriya", Luhansk region.
    Ltd. "Lugansk Electric Works"
    Ltd. "Lugansk Machine-Building Plant named after AY Parkhomenko"
    PJSC "Kremenchug Plant of Road Machines" Kredmash "(Poltava region).
    LLC "Donbass Industrial Company" ("DIC", Donetsk region).
    Other crushing and screening equipment vendors

    4. Foreign trade operations of crushing and sorting equipment
    4.1. Foreign trade operations of crushing and screening facilities in Russia in 2007-2011.
    4.1.1. Exports
    4.1.2. Imports

    4.2. Foreign trade operations of crushing and screening equipment in Ukraine in 2007-2011.
    4.2.1. Exports
    4.2.2. Imports

    4.3. Brief description of the major foreign manufacturers crushing and screening equipment
    METSO Minerals (Finland)
    SANDVIK Rock Processing (Sweden)
    EXTEC Screen & Crushers Ltd. (UK)
    TEREX Pegson Limited. (UK)
    TEREX Powerscreen Ltd. (Northern Ireland)
    TEREX Finlay (Northern Ireland)
    DERRICK Corporation (USA)
    Other crushing and screening equipment vendors

    5. Price analysis
    5.1. Prices for crushing and screening equipment production in Russia in 2007-2011.
    5.2. Prices for overseas production crushing and screening equipment

    6. Analysis of the demand for crushing and screening equipment
    6.1. Analysis of the demand for crushing and screening equipment in Russia in 2007-2011.
    6.1.1. Pulpwood production and consumption of crushing and screening equipment in 2007-2011.
    6.1.2. Structure of consumption of crushing and screening equipment in Russia
    6.1.3. Situation analysis and prospects for development of the main end-uses

    Production of crushed stone
    Recycling of industrial waste
    6.2. Analysis of the demand for crushing and screening equipment in Ukraine in 2007-2011.
    6.2.1. Balance of production and consumption of crushing and screening equipment
    6.2.2. Consumption pattern
    6.2.3. Situation analysis and prospects for development of the main end-uses

    7. Prospects and forecast of market development, crushing and screening facilities in Russia and Ukraine for the period up to 2020

    Appendix 1. The nomenclature of crushing and screening equipment manufacturing company "Avtokompozit"
    Appendix 2. Specifications crushing and screening equipment world's largest companies, manufacturers represented on the Russian market
    Appendix 3. Contact information on main producers of crushing and screening equipment in Russia and Ukraine

    Table 1. The main types of crushers manufactured by enterprises of Russia and Ukraine
    Table 2. Some features of the standard crushing and screening lines
    Table 3. Key economic indicators of Russia in 2007-2011
    Table 4. The largest enterprises producing mills in Russia in 2007-2011, pieces
    Table 5. The largest enterprises producing screens in Russia in 2010-2011, pieces
    Table 6. Specifications of crushers manufactured by "Stromneftemash"
    Table 7. Specifications of screens produced by "Stromneftemash"
    Table 8. Specifications of crushers manufactured by JSC "Uralmashzavod"
    Table 9. Technical characteristics of cone crushers secondary and fine crushing of JSC "Uralmashzavod"
    Table 10. Deliveries of crushing equipment produced by JSC "Uralmashzavod" greatest consumers in 2007-2010
    Table 11. Technical and operational characteristics of mobile crushing and screening equipment DSU-30-90, manufactured by JSC "Avtokompozit"
    Table 12. Technical and operational characteristics of the installation MDSU-50 production of "Drobmash"
    Table 13. The volume of major products and the structure of income "Drobmash" in 2004-2009
    Table 14. Technical characteristics of aggregates crushing production of "Volgotsemmash"
    Table 15. Specifications of jaw crushers manufactured by JSC "Volgotsemmash"
    Table 16. Russian companies, which operate the crusher production company Titan "New Technology"
    Table 17. Key economic indicators of Ukraine in 2007-2011
    Table 18. The largest company-producers of crushing and screening equipment in Ukraine in 2007-2011, pieces
    Table 19. The main technical characteristics of the crusher production of PJSC "Novokramatorsk Engineering Works"
    Table 20. The main technical characteristics of the screens produced by "Lugansk Electric Works"
    Table 21. The main technical characteristics of the screens produced by "Donbass Industrial Company"
    Table 22. Export volumes of crushing and screening equipment in bulk and in money terms in 2007-2011, pieces., Million $, M $ / pc.
    Table 23. The structure of Russian exports of crushers and crushing units in 2007-2011, pieces., Thousand $, M $ / pc.
    Table 24. The structure of Russian exports of screens and units sorted in 2007-2011, pieces., Thousand $, M $ / pc.
    Table 25. The structure of Russian exports of crushing and screening equipment (mobile and stationary) in 2007-2011, pieces., Thousand $, M $ / pc.
    Table 26. Import volumes of crushing and screening equipment in bulk and in money terms in 2007-2011, pieces., Million $, M $ / pc.
    Table 27. Geographic pattern of Russian import of crushing and screening equipment (mobile and stationary) in 2007-2011, pieces., Thousand $, M $ / pc.
    Table 28. Supplies crushing and screening equipment of the largest foreign producers in 2007-2011, pieces.
    Table 29. The volume of Russian imports crushing and screening equipment by region of Russia in 2007-2011, pieces of equipment
    Table 30. The volume of Russian imports crushing and screening equipment by RF fields in 2011, pieces of equipment
    Table 31. The volume of Ukrainian export of crushing and screening equipment in bulk and in money terms in 2007-2011
    Table 32. Key figures of Ukrainian import of crushing and screening equipment in 2007-2011, pieces., Million $, M $ / pc.
    Table 33. Geographic structure of Ukrainian imports of crushing and screening equipment (mobile and stationary) in 2007-2011, pieces., Thousand $, M $ / pc.
    Table 34. Supplies crushing and screening equipment of the largest foreign producers in Ukraine in 2007-2011, pieces.
    Table 35. Price list for the crusher manufactured by JSC "Plant Uholovsky" Strommashina "(from 02.01.2011), thous. Unit with VAT
    Table 36. Prices for some imported models of crushing and screening equipment in 2011, thousand $ / pc.
    Table 37. Supply-demand balance of crushing equipment in Russia in 2007-2011, pieces.
    Table 38. Major consumer groups in the market, crushing and screening equipment
    Table 39. Indices of consuming crushing and screening equipment industry in Russia in 2007-2011
    Table 40. List of Russia's largest GOKs
    Table 41. Forecast of mining iron ore and steel production in Russia in 2020, mln t
    Table 42. The largest ore mining and processing enterprises of Russia, which entered into service in the past 15 years
    Table 43. The largest coal-mining enterprises in Russia, by economic region
    Table 44. Estimated dynamo coal mining in Russia until 2030, mln t
    Table 45. Changing of regional structure of production of crushed stone and gravel in Russia in 2005-2011, thousand m3,%
    Table 46. List of the largest producers of crushed stone in Russia
    Table 47. Indices of consuming industries crushing and screening equipment in Ukraine in 2007-2011
    Table 48. The largest coal mines in Ukraine
    Table 49. The development of the mines in the Ukraine for the period up to 2030
    Table 50. Production of ore concentrate, sinter and pellets in Ukraine by enterprises in 2010-2011, kt

    Figure 1. The scheme of crushing and sorting complex
    Figure 2. Methods of mechanical destruction of the materials sold in crushers and mills
    Figure 3. Schematic diagram of the jaw crusher
    Figure 4. Schematic diagram of the cone crusher
    Figure 5. Schematic diagram of the rotary crusher
    Figure 6. Schematic diagram of centrifugal impact crusher
    Figure 7. Schematic diagrams of hammer crusher with horizontal and vertical axes of rotation of the rotor
    Figure 8. Schematic diagram of the roller crusher
    Figure 9. Dynamics of crushing equipment in Russia in 2005-2011, thousand pieces,% change. year
    Figure 10. Monthly production of crushers and screens in Russia in 2010-2012, thousand pieces
    Figure 11. Regional structure of production mills in Russia in 2011,%
    Figure 12. Shares of the largest companies producing mills in Russia in 2011,%
    Figure 13. Dynamics of foreign trade crushing and screening equipment in Russia in 2007-2011, pieces., Million $
    Figure 14. Commodity structure of Russian import of crushing and screening equipment in 2011 compared with 2008,%
    Figure 15. Dynamics of Russian import of crushing and screening equipment in kind and value terms in 2007-2011, pieces., Thousand $ / pc.
    Figure 16: Changing the geographic state the structure of Russian import of crushing and screening equipment in 2011 compared with 2008,%
    Figure 17. Regional structure of consumption of imported crushing and screening equipment in Russia in 2007-2011,%
    Figure 18. Dynamics of foreign trade crushing and screening equipment in Ukraine in 2007-2011, pieces., Million $
    Figure 19. Dynamics of prices on crushers and mobile crushing and screening machines in 1998-2009 (year end), thousand rub. / Pcs.
    Figure 20. Dynamics of average monthly prices of screening equipment in Russia in 2010-2011. and for 2 months. 2012 thousand rub. / Pcs.
    Figure 21. Dynamics of average monthly prices for crushing and grinding equipment in Russia in 2010-2011, and for 2 months. 2012 thousand rub. / Pcs.
    Figure 22. Dynamics of production, exports, imports and consumption of crushing equipment in Russia in 2007-2011, pieces.
    Figure 23. The dynamics of crushing and screening equipment in Russia in 2007-2011, pieces., Million $
    Figure 24. Changing shares of the largest suppliers of imported crushing and screening equipment to Russia in 2011 compared to 2008-2009,%
    Figure 25. Changing shares of the largest domestic manufacturers in the supply of crushing and screening equipment in the domestic market in 2011 compared to 2008-2009,%
    Figure 26. Changing shares of major companies-manufacturers of crushing and screening equipment in the structure of the Russian market in 2011 compared to 2008-2009,%
    Figure 27. Dynamics of production of commodity iron ores in Russia in 1998-2011, mln t
    Figure 28. Map of location of major production facilities in the steel industry of the Russian Federation
    Figure 29. Dynamics of mining of non-metallic building materials in Russia in 2004-2011, million m3
    Figure 30. Dynamics of mining of coal in Russia on how to 2005-2011, mln t
    Figure 31. Dynamics of production of crushed stone and gravel in Russia in 2000-2011, mln m3,%
    Figure 32. Regional structure of production of crushed stone and gravel in the Russian Federation in 2011,%
    Figure 33. The dynamics consumption of crushing and screening equipment in Ukraine in 2007-2011, pieces., Million $
    Figure 34. Changing shares of major companies-manufacturers of crushing and screening equipment in the structure of the Ukrainian market in 2011 compared with 2008-2009,%
    Figure 35. Dynamics of mining of coal in Ukraine in 2003-2011, mln t
    Figure 36. Dynamics of production of iron ores and concentrates in Ukraine in 2003-2011, mln t
    Figure 37. Dynamics of gravel and housing construction in operation in Ukraine in 2003-2011
    Figure 38. Forecast consumption of crushing and screening equipment in Russia up to 2020 pcs., Million $
    Figure 39. Forecast consumption of crushing and screening equipment in the Ukraine for the period up to 2020 pcs., Million $


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