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    Fuel Cell for hydrogen energy in Russia and the world: Production, Market and Forecast

    Number of pages: 80 Number of tables: 12 Number of figures: 22
    Language: Russian
    Released: 24.08.2020
    Delivery method:

    PDF Copy

    Pdf, Word (version for copying and editing)

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    Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and PowerPoint presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

    Demo: Download
    Price: 2 000 Euro

    This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment


    This review is the 1st edition of a study of the fuel cell market in Russia and the world.

    The purpose of the study is to analyze the Russian market of fuel cells for hydrogen energy.

    This market has been monitored since 2014.

    The object of the research is fuel cells of various types and designs, their production in Russia and the world, as well as export-import operations and consumption in 2014-2019.

    Chronological framework of the study: 2014-2019, forecast - 2020-2035.

    Geography of research: Russian Federation - a comprehensive detailed analysis, the whole world - a brief description.

    This work is a desk study. The sources of information were data from Rosstat, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, scientific and technical literature, industry, regional and international press, as well as the websites of enterprises - manufacturers and consumers of fuel cells.


    The report consists of an introduction and 7 chapters, contains 80 pages, including 12 tables and 22 figures, 3 appendices.

    The first chapter is devoted to the classification of fuel cells, in particular, the technical and commercial classification of these devices is considered.

    The second chapter of the report describes Russian standards for fuel cells (they are compatible with international ones), including test methods and requirements for hydrogen as the main fuel.

    The third chapter is devoted to the production of fuel cells in the world in 2014-2019; the regional and commercial structure of production is given.

    The fourth chapter examines the state of the production of fuel cells in Russia in 2014-2019.

    The fifth chapter examines foreign trade operations with fuel cells in Russia in 2014-2019.

    The sixth chapter provides information on the consumption of fuel cells in Russia in 2014-2019.

    The seventh chapter gives a forecast of fuel cell consumption in Russia for 2020-2035.

    The appendices provide key terms for hydrogen energy, contact information for manufacturers and a list of used literature.


    A feature of the report that distinguishes it from competitors is the analysis of the competencies and capabilities of Russian enterprises for the production of fuel cells and their components.


    Target audience of the study:

    - market participants of fuel cells and their components - manufacturers, consumers, traders;

    - potential investors.


    The proposed study claims to be a reference manual for marketing services and decision-makers working in the market of fuel cells and their components.





    1. Classification of fuel cells

    1.1. How fuel cells work

    1.2. Technical classification of fuel cells

    1.3. Commercial classification of fuel cells

    Stationary systems

    Power plants

    Home power generators

    Transport industry

    Portable power systems

    Microscopic fuel cells

    1.4. Fuel cell problems

    Hydrogen infrastructure problems

    Physicochemical Problems of Fuel Cells


    2. Fuel cell standards

    Fuel cell test methods

    Hydrogen requirements


    3. Production of fuel cells in the world in 2014-2019


    4. Production of fuel cells in Russia in 2014-2019

    LLC "Plant of Electrochemical Converters" (Novouralsk, Sverdlovsk region)

    LLC NPO Centrotech (Novouralsk, Sverdlovsk region)

    Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Central Research Institute of Marine Electrical Engineering and Technology" (St. Petersburg)

    FSUE Central Institute of Aviation Motors named after P. I. Baranov "(Moscow)

    State Scientific Center FSUE "Keldysh Center" (Moscow)

    Ural Manufacturing Company LLC (Yekaterinburg)

    LLC BI EM Power (Moscow)

    LLC "AT Energy" (Moscow)

    JSC "Group of Companies" Inenergy "(Moscow)

    Handipower LLC (Moscow)

    JSC "Rusnano" (Moscow)

    JSC "Rusatom Overseas" (Moscow)

    Fuel cell component manufacturers in 2014-2019

    JSC "Chepetsk Mechanical Plant" (Glazov)

    CJSC "NeoChem" (Moscow)

    LLC "Prometey RD" (Rostov-on-Don)

    JSC "Plastpolymer" (St. Petersburg)


    5. Export-import operations in 2014-2019


    6. Consumption of fuel cells in Russia in 2014-2019


    7. Forecast of consumption of fuel cells in Russia for 2020-2035


    Appendix 1: Key Terms of Hydrogen Energy

    Appendix 2: Contact information for manufacturers of fuel cells and their components

    Appendix 3: List of sources used

    Table 1: Main types of fuel cells

    Table 2: Comparison of the main types of fuel cells

    Table 3: Maximum content of impurities in hydrogen fuel for fuel cells with a proton exchange membrane of road vehicles, μmol / mol

    Table 4: Global supplies of fuel cells to the market in 2014-2019, thousand units, MW

    Table 5: Structure of fuel cells consumption by areas of use in 2014-2019 by installed capacity, MW

    Table 6: Distribution of world consumption of fuel cells by physical and chemical types of devices in 2014-2019, MW

    Table 7: Comparative characteristics of Siemens ECG for a submarine and ECG developed by UEHK for an underwater vehicle

    Table 8: Characteristics of 2 varieties of the "Gamma" system

    Table 9: Maximum permissible content of impurities in zirconium dioxide stabilized with yttrium oxide, produced by ChMP (Glazov)

    Table 10: Characteristics of catalysts for fuel cells produced by OOO Prometey RD (Rostov-on-Don)

    Table 11: Import of fuel cells in 2014-2019, units, thousand $, kg

    Table 12: Purchases of fuel cells at open tenders in 2014-2019, million rubles

    Figure 1: Diagram of fuel cell operation

    Figure 2: Exterior view of a 1.4 MW SureSource 1500 unit from FuelCell Energy (USA)

    Figure 3: Coradia iLint Train (Germany)

    Figure 4: Regional structure of fuel cell consumption in 2014-2019 in count, %

    Figure 5: Regional structure of fuel cell consumption in 2014-2019 by power,%

    Figure 6: Layout diagram of KPU "Kristall-27" with a capacity of 300 kW

    Figure 7: Onshore complex for refueling with hydrogen and oxygen KEU "Kristall-27"

    Figure 8: The history of the creation of samples of power plants on fuel cells of the Central Research Institute of Electronic Engineering in 1991-2017.

    Figure 9: Standby power plant "Kristall" on solid polymer hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells

    Figure 10: Electric heat generator "Etg" with a power of 5 kW

    Figure 11: Military vehicle "UAZ" with an electric motor and TPTE

    Figure 12: Hydrogen tram mockup

    Figure 13: External view of the CIAM-Record UAV

    Figure 14: Fuel cell tetracopter manufactured by BI EM Power LLC (Moscow)

    Figure 15: Hydrogen tracked mini-all-terrain vehicle LLC Snowbike (Samara)

    Figure 16: Drone of LLC YuVL Robotics for inventory of warehouses

    Figure 17: Fuel cell package produced by AT Energy (Moscow)

    Figure 18: Small-sized Topaz unit with power up to 30 W

    Figure 19: Gamma Trailer system up to 1 kW

    Figure 20: Astra backup power supply system up to 10 kW

    Figure 21: Charger for smartphones with a power of 5 W developed by OOO Handipower (Moscow)

    Figure 22: Hydrogen Toyota Mirai in Russia


    Coming soon

    February 2025

    Aniline in Russia, the EAEU and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (3 Edition)

    February 2025

    Organosilicon compounds in Russia and the world: Production, Market and Forecast

    February 2025

    Niobium and niobium products in Russia, EAEU countries and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (9 edition)

    February 2025

    Sputtering Metal Targets in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast

    February 2025

    Titanium Raw Materials in Russia, the EAEU and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (5 edition)

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