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    Sulfuric acid in Russia and neighboring countries: Production, Market and Forecast

    Number of pages: 104 Number of tables: 39 Number of figures: 19
    Language: Russian
    Released: 30.09.2020
    Delivery method:

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    Demo: Download
    Price: 2 500 Euro

    This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


    This report is the first edition of a survey of the sulfuric acid market in Russia and surrounding countries.

    The market has been monitored since 2002.

    The purpose of the study is to analyze the sulfuric acid markets in Russia and neighboring countries.

    The object of research is sulfuric acid (including technical, improved, battery).

    A distinctive feature of this study is a detailed consideration not only of the sulfuric acid market in general, but also the separation of the improved and battery H2SO4 markets from the total production and consumption. The sources of the raw materials used are described in sufficient detail, as well as the directions and volumes of its supplies.

    In addition, the markets of the countries of the closest Russian environment (Finland, Norway, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, China) are considered in detail, since the transportation of the investigated chemical over longer distances is impractical due to its aggressiveness.


    The presented work is a desk study. Databases of the UN (UNdate), the Statistical Committees of the CIS countries (including Rosstat, the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, the Agency on Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan), customs statistics of the Russian Federation and Ukraine, official statistics of railway transportation of the Russian Federation were used as information sources; materials of the industry and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers, websites of enterprises-producers and consumers of sulfuric acid, as well as the InfoMine database.

    Chronological scope of the study: 2014-2019; forecast - 2020-2025

    Research geography: Russian Federation - comprehensive detailed market analysis; Finland, Norway, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, China - general retrospective market analysis.


    The report consists of 4 parts, contains 104 pages, including 39 tables, 19 figures and 4 appendices.

    The first chapter of the report provides information on the methods of obtaining sulfuric acid and raw materials used in industry, considers the directions and volumes of supplies of raw materials to producers of sulfuric acid.

    The second chapter is devoted to the analysis of the Russian market for sulfuric acid for the period 1994-2019. The section provides data on production volumes, traces the dynamics of the output of these products by Russian enterprises, considers the current state of the main producers of sulfuric acid.

    The chapter also examines in detail foreign trade operations with sulfuric acid in the Russian Federation with an analysis of the volumes and directions of export-import supplies, presents the dynamics of export-import prices.

    In addition, the consumption of sulfuric acid in Russia is considered. In particular, the balance of production and the structure of consumption of this product was compiled, the main areas of application and the main enterprises-consumers of sulfuric acid were considered.

    At the end of the chapter, there is a production-consumption forecast for the period up to 2025 and 2035.

    The third chapter analyzes the sulfuric acid market of the states bordering on the Russian Federation. The production, export-import and consumption of the investigated chemical (with the release of acid of improved quality and battery) is considered in detail.

    The fourth chapter identifies the main trends in the development of the sulfuric acid market (with the allocation of improved and battery acid) for Russia and states that have a common border with the Russian Federation.

    The appendices contain specifications for sulfuric acid produced by individual manufacturing enterprises, in-plant consumption of sulfuric acid by Russian manufacturing enterprises, as well as addresses and contact information of the main manufacturers and consumers of sulfuric acid in the Russian Federation.


    Target audience of the study:

    - Sulfuric acid market participants - producers, consumers, traders;

    - potential investors.


    The proposed study claims to be a reference tool for marketing services and decision-makers working in the sulfuric acid market.





    I. Sulfuric acid production technology and raw materials used in industry

    I.1. Methods for the production of sulfuric acid

    A. Sulfur combustion

    B. Roasting of metal sulfides

    B. Recovery of gypsum or anhydrite

    I.2. Main suppliers of raw materials for the production of sulfuric acid

    I.3. Directions of supply of raw materials


    II. Sulfuric acid market in Russia in 1994-2019

    II.1. Product quality

    II.2. Sulfuric acid production in the Russian Federation in 1994-2019

    Production volume and dynamics

    The largest manufacturing enterprises

    Expert assessment of the current structure of sulfuric acid production by type, with the release of improved acid and battery acid

    Production forecast for the period up to 2025-2035

    II.3. Analysis of Russian exports and imports of sulfuric acid, including improved quality and battery acid (2014-2019)

    Dynamics of volumes and structure of export-import

    Export-import prices

    II.4. Consumption of sulfuric acid (with the release of improved and battery) in Russia


    III. Sulfuric acid market in nearby countries

    III.1. Sulfuric acid production in countries bordering the Russian Federation in 2014-2019

    III.2. Analysis of exports and imports of sulfuric acid by countries bordering the Russian Federation (2014-2019)

    III.3. Consumption of sulfuric acid (with the release of improved and battery acid) in countries bordering the Russian Federation


    IV. Determination of the main trends in the development of the sulfuric acid market (with the allocation of improved and battery acid) for Russia and states that have a common border with the Russian Federation


    Appendix 1. Specifications for sulfuric acid produced by the largest manufacturing companies in the neighboring countries of the Russian Federation

    Appendix 2. Intra-plant consumption of sulfuric acid by manufacturing enterprises of the Russian Federation in 2019 (in terms of monohydrate)

    Appendix 3. Contact information of the largest producers of sulfuric acid in the Russian Federation

    Appendix 4. Contact information of the largest enterprises-consumers of sulfuric acid in the Russian Federation

    Table 1. Methods of production and capacity of enterprises for the production of sulfur in the CIS

    Table 2. Directions of supplies of raw materials to the largest producers of sulfuric acid in the CIS

    Table 3. Requirements for the quality of sulfuric acid (according to GOST 2184-2013)

    Table 4. Requirements for the quality of sulfuric acid grade "K" (according to TU 113-08-617-87)

    Table 5. Requirements for the quality of battery sulfuric acid (according to GOST 667-73 with amendments N 1, 2, 3)

    Table 6. Production of monohydrate in 2010-2019 (thousand tons), used raw materials and

    Table 7. Production of monohydrate and capacity utilization of the largest producers of the Russian Federation in 2019,%

    Table 8. Production of sulfuric acid (by enterprises) and oleum (by enterprises) in the Russian Federation in 2017-2019, thousand tons,%

    Table 9. Projects for the construction of new sulfuric acid production in Russia in the period up to 2025

    Table 10. Directions of Russian exports of sulfuric acid in 2014-2019, thousand tons, thousand $

    Table 11. Export supplies of sulfuric acid by Russian manufacturers in 2014-2019, thousand tons

    Table 12. Directions of Russian imports of sulfuric acid in 2014-2019, thousand tons, thousand $

    Table 13. Import of sulfuric acid by enterprises of the Russian Federation in 2014-2019, thousand tons

    Table 14. Average annual prices for sulfuric acid imported by Russia in 2014-2019, $ / t

    Table 15. Average annual prices for exported by Russia

    Table 16. Main suppliers of commercial sulfuric acid and oleum in the Russian Federation (including imports) in 2017-2019, thousand tons,%

    Table 17. The largest enterprises-recipients of commercial sulfuric acid and oleum in the Russian Federation (including imports) in 2014-2019, thousand tons

    Table 18. Production of lead-acid batteries for starting piston engines in the Russian Federation in 2017-2019 (thousand units) and acid consumption for their refueling (thousand tons)

    Table 19. Largest consumers of improved and battery sulfuric acid in the Russian Federation in 2019, thousand tons

    Table 20. Volumes of consumption of monohydrate in Russia in 2007-2019, thousand tons

    Table 21. Structure of consumption of monohydrate in Russia in 2019, thousand tons,%

    Table 22. Balance of production and consumption of improved and battery sulfuric acid in the Russian Federation in 2019, thousand tons

    Table 23. Capacities of the largest companies producing sulfuric acid in countries sharing common borders with the Russian Federation, thousand tons per year

    Table 24. Export of sulfuric acid by countries sharing common borders with the Russian Federation in 2014-2019, thousand tons

    Table 25. Directions of sulfuric acid supplies by countries sharing a common border with Russia in 2014-2019

    Table 26. Imports of sulfuric acid by countries sharing common borders with the Russian Federation in 2014-2019, thousand tons

    Table 27. The largest suppliers of sulfuric acid to countries sharing a common border with the Russian Federation in 2014-2019.

    Table 28. Balance of production and consumption of sulfuric acid in countries sharing common borders with the Russian Federation, in 2014-2019, thousand tons

    Table 29. The structure of world consumption of sulfuric acid by fields of application in 2019, thousand tons,%

    Table 30. Approximate structure of consumption of sulfuric acid in regions adjacent to the Russian Federation in 2019, thousand tons

    Table 31. The largest enterprises-consumers of sulfuric acid in countries that have a common border with the Russian Federation

    Table 32. Production of the main types of products, for the production of which sulfuric acid is required, in countries bordering the Russian Federation, in 2014-2019.

    Table 33. The use of sulfuric acid and oleum, depending on concentration and specific gravity

    Table 34. Balance of production and consumption of improved and battery sulfuric acid in countries bordering the Russian Federation (excluding China and North Korea) in 2019, thousand tons

    Table 35. Sectoral structure of consumption of improved and battery sulfuric acid in countries bordering the Russian Federation in 2019, thousand tons,%

    Table 36. The largest enterprises-consumers of improved and battery sulfuric acid in countries that have a common border with the Russian Federation

    Table 37. Consumption of improved and battery sulfuric acid by countries bordering the Russian Federation in 2019, thousand tons,%

    Table 38. Forecast of consumption of improved and battery sulfuric acid in the Russian Federation for the prospect of 2025-2035, thousand tons,%

    Table 39. Consumption of sulfuric acid by countries bordering on the Russian Federation in 2019, thousand tons,%

    Figure 1. Scheme for the production of sulfuric acid from sulfur

    Figure 2. Scheme of production of sulfuric acid from pyrite

    Figure 3. Scheme of the nitrous method for producing sulfuric acid

    Figure 4. Dynamics of production of sulfuric acid in the Russian Federation in 1994-2019, million tons

    Figure 5. Structure of production of sulfuric acid in the Russian Federation in 2000-2019,%

    Figure 6. Structure of monohydrate production by enterprises of the Russian Federation in 2019,%

    Figure 7. Assessment of the brand structure of monohydrate production by Russian enterprises in 2019,%

    Figure 8. Production of sulfuric acid in Russia and forecast of its production for the period up to 2035, million tons

    Figure 9. Dynamics of export-import operations with sulfuric acid in Russia in 2007-2019, thousand tons

    Figure 10. Structure of exports of sulfuric acid in the Russian Federation in 2014-2019, thousand tons

    Figure 11. Structure of imports of sulfuric acid in the Russian Federation in 2014-2019, thousand tons

    Figure 12. Dynamics of average annual export-import prices for sulfuric acid in the Russian Federation in 2007-2019, $ / t

    Figure 13. Consumption structure of commercial sulfuric acid and oleum in the Russian Federation in 2019,%

    Figure 14. Sectoral structure of consumption of improved and battery sulfuric acid in the Russian Federation in 2019,%

    Figure 15. Dynamics of the main indicators of the sulfuric acid market in Russia in 2007-2019, thousand tons

    Figure 16. Production of phosphate fertilizers and consumption of sulfuric acid in Russia in 2010-2019, million tons

    Figure 17. Regional structure of world capacities for the production of sulfuric acid in 2019,%

    Figure 18. Production of main types of products of JSC "Lifosa" in 2015-2019, thousand tons

    Figure 19. Production of sulfuric acid in Russia and forecast of its production and consumption for the period up to 2035, million tons


    Coming soon

    September 2024

    Polyester and Epoxy Resins in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast

    September 2024

    Petroleum Sorbents in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast (4 edition)

    September 2024

    Plastic Lubricants (Grease) in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast (6 edition)

    October 2024

    Sodium Cyanide in Russia, CIS and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (9 edition)

    October 2024

    Technical Ceramics Based on Zirconium Dioxide in Russia and the World: Production, Market and Forecast (3 edition)

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