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Iron Ore Raw Materials (Iron Ore Concentrate, Sinter, Pellets) in Russia and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (10 edition)
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This report is the tenth edition of the study of the iron ore market in Russia and the world.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the Russian and global iron ore markets.
The objects of the study are iron ore raw materials, including concentrate, agglomerate, iron ore pellets, etc.
This work is a desk study. The following sources of information were used: data from statistical committees of the EAEU countries (including Rosstat, the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan); international UN databases (UNdata), World Bank, Eurostat; international and European trade data (UN Comtrade, Trade Map); the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (until 2022); the Unified Information System in the Sphere of Procurement; railway transportation statistics; SBIS database; foreign specialized companies; annual and quarterly reports of issuers of securities; industry and regional press, conference materials, Internet sites of manufacturing enterprises and consumers of the studied products; scientific and technical literature (elibrary, etc.), FIPS patent database; InfoMine database, etc.
Research timeframe: 2000-2023; 2024 – assessment, 2025-2035 – forecast
Research geography: Russian Federation – detailed comprehensive market analysis, other countries of the world – general retrospective market analysis.
The report consists of 9 parts, contains 306 pages, including 89 tables, 48 figures and an appendix.
The first chapter provides a brief description of the world iron ore raw material market in 2010-2023.
The second chapter of the report provides the main concepts and requirements for iron ores.
The third chapter of the report is devoted to the analysis of the state of the raw material base of iron ore raw materials in the Russian Federation. Provides information on the distribution of iron ore reserves by region, as well as by the largest deposits as of 01.01.2023.
The fourth chapter presents information on iron ore mining in Russia, including by region and individual enterprises in 1995 - the first half of 2024.
The fifth chapter is devoted to the production of commercial iron ore in the country (by region and mining and processing plants) in 1998 - the first half of 2024. Separately presented are data on the production of oxidized pellets and agglomerate at mining enterprises.
The sixth chapter presents an analysis of the state of iron ore enterprises in Russia: volumes of ore mining and production of commercial iron ore, pellets, main sales markets, development prospects, etc. Data on the financial condition of mining and processing plants are provided.
The seventh chapter analyzes foreign trade operations with iron ore raw materials in 2000 - the first half of 2024, and shows the main sales markets.
The eighth chapter provides the balance of production and consumption of iron ore raw materials in Russia in 1997 - the first half of 2024. Information is provided on the dynamics of pig iron and steel production in the Russian Federation, and iron ore supply schemes by region and to the main metallurgical plants are analyzed.
The ninth chapter of the report presents a forecast for the production and consumption of iron ore raw materials in Russia for the period up to 2035, as well as the prospects for demand for iron ore raw materials in the Russian market.
The appendix provides addresses and contact information for the main iron ore enterprises in Russia.
The target audience of the study:
- participants in the ferrous metals market;
- trading companies;
- potential investors.
The proposed study claims to be a reference guide for marketing departments and specialists working in the iron ore raw materials market.
1. Brief characteristics of the world market of iron ore raw materials in 2015-2023
2. Basic concepts and definitions. Requirements for iron ores
3. Raw material base of iron ore raw materials as of 01.01.2023
4. Iron ore mining in Russia in 1995-2024
5. Production of iron ore products in Russia in 1998-2024
6. Current status of some mining and processing plants in Russia
Central Federal District
JSC Lebedinsky GOK
Raw material reserves
Enterprise composition, capacities
Production activities
Sales of products
Shipment of iron ore products to the domestic market
Plant development and investment projects
Plant economics
PJSC Mikhailovsky GOK
Raw material reserves
Production activities
Sales of products
Plant development. Investment activities
Plant economics
JSC Stoilensky GOK (SGOK)
Raw material reserves and main equipment
Production activities
Sales of products
Plant development. Investments
Plant economics
JSC KMAruda Mining and Processing Plant
Raw material reserves
Enterprise composition, capacities
Production activities
Sales of products
Plant development and investment projects
Plant economics
Northwestern Federal District
JSC Karelsky Okatysh (Kostomuksha Mining and Processing Plant)
Raw material reserves
Enterprise composition, capacities
Production activities
Sales of products
Plant development and investment projects
Plant economics
JSC Olkon (Olenegorsk Mining and Processing Plant)
Raw material reserves
Enterprise composition
Production activities
Sales of products
Plant development and investment projects
Plant economics
JSC Kovdorsky Mining and Processing Plant
Raw material reserves
Enterprise composition and capacities
Production activities
Sales products
Plant development and investment projects
Plant economics
Ural Federal District
OJSC Vysokogorsky GOK
Raw material reserves
Enterprise composition and capacities
Production activities
Sales of products
Plant development and investment projects
Plant economics
OOO Bakalskoye Rudoupravlenie (OOO BRU)
Raw material reserves
Enterprise composition and capacities
Production activities
Sales of products
Plant development and investment projects
Financial status
JSC EVRAZ Kachkanarsky GOK
Raw material reserves
Enterprise composition and capacities
Production activities
Sales of products
Plant development and investment projects
Plant economics
OJSC Bogoslovskoye RU
Raw material reserves
Enterprise composition and capacities
Production activities activity
Sales of products
Plant development and investment projects
Plant economics
Siberian Federal District
PAO Korshunovsky GOK
Raw materials
Enterprise composition and capacities
Production activity
Sales of products
Plant development and investment projects
Plant economics
Raw materials
Enterprise composition and capacities
Production activity
Sales of products
Plant development and investment projects
Far Eastern Federal District
Kimkano-Sutarsky GOK (KS GOK)
Raw materials
Enterprise composition and capacities
Production activity
OOO GRK Bystrinskoye
Raw materials
Enterprise composition and capacities
Production activity
7. Export-import of commercial iron ore of the Russian Federation in 2000-2024 gg.
8. Domestic consumption of iron ore in Russia in 1997-2024
9. Forecast of development of the iron ore market in Russia until 2035
Appendix: Contact information of iron ore producers in Russia
Table 1: Production of iron ore by country in 2015-2023, million tons
Table 2. Mass fraction of total iron in iron ore at the main deposits in the Russian Federation, %
Table 3. State of the mineral resource base of iron ores by federal districts of the Russian Federation as of 01.01.2023, billion tons
Table 4. Distribution of iron ore reserves by industrial types in Russia (as of 01.01.2023), million tons
Table 5. Main deposits of the Russian Federation, million tons
Table 6. Distribution of reserves of the Central Federal District by iron ore regions, million tons, %
Table 7. Distribution of reserves of the Ural Federal District by subjects of the federation, million tons, %
Table 8. Distribution of reserves of the Northwestern Federal District by subjects Federation, million tons, %
Table 9. Distribution of reserves of the Siberian Federal District by subjects of the Federation, million tons, %
Table 10. Distribution of reserves of the Far Eastern Federal District by subjects of the Federation, million tons, %
Table 11. Distribution of reserves of the Volga Federal District by subjects of the Federation, million tons, %
Table 12. Extraction of raw iron ore by regions of Russia in 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010 – 7 months. 2024, million tons, %
Table 13. Distribution of operating quarries in the Russian Federation by iron ore production in 2023, million tons
Table 14. Distribution of mines in Russia by iron ore production in 2023, million tons
Table 15. Raw iron ore production by mining enterprises in Russia in 2000, 2010-2024, million tons
Table 16. Production of iron ore concentrate at enterprises in Russia in 2007 - 7 months of 2024, thousand tons
Table 17. Production of oxidized pellets by mining enterprises in Russia in 2005 - 7 months of 2024, thousand tons
Table 18. Availability and use of equipment, volume of work performed at open pit mines of JSC LGOK in 2020
Table 19. Dynamics of quality indicators of Lebedinsky GOK products for 2010-2023
Table 20. Shipment of iron ore products by type of product from LGOK in 2007-1H 2024, thousand tons
Table 21. Dynamics of iron ore supplies from LGOK to the domestic market in 2007-1H 2024, thousand tons
Table 22. Main consumers of iron ore (excluding HBI) of JSC Lebedinsky GOK on the domestic market in 2014-1H 2024, thousand tons
Table 23. Dynamics of iron ore exports (including HBI) of JSC Lebedinsky GOK in 2005-1H 2024 by country, thousand tons
Table 24. Assortment of exported iron ore raw materials and hot briquetted iron of JSC Lebedinsky GOK by country in 2021-2023, thousand tons
Table 25. Indicators characterizing the profitability and loss-making of JSC Lebedinsky GOK for the period 2005, 2008-2022, million rubles
Table 26. Iron ore reserves of the Vereteninskaya deposit of the Mikhailovskoye deposit (as of 01.01.2023), million tons
Table 27. Technological parameters for processing low-grade ore of the Vereteninskaya deposit of the Mikhailovskoye deposit
Table 28. Chemical analysis of the products of PJSC Mikhailovsky GOK in 2020
Table 29. Use of iron ore raw materials and concentrate in technological processes of PJSC Mikhailovsky GOK in 2019, million tons
Table 30. Availability and use of equipment, volume of work performed at open pits of PJSC Mikhailovsky GOK in 2019
Table 31. Consumers of iron ore of the Mikhailovsky GOK on the domestic market of Russia in 2008-2023, thousand tons
Table 32. Export iron ore raw materials of Mikhailovsky GOK in 2018-2023 by country, thousand tons
Table 33. Indicators characterizing the profitability and loss ratio of Mikhailovsky GOK PJSC for the period 2008-2022
Table 34. Technical conditions for agglomeration iron ore (STO 00186826-029-2015) produced by SGOK, %
Table 35. Technical conditions for agglomeration iron ore concentrate (STO 00186826-026-2015) produced by SGOK, %
Table 36. Technical conditions for iron ore pellets (STO 00186826-034-2013) produced by SGOK
Table 37. Availability and use of equipment, volume of work performed at opencast mines of JSC SGOK in 2018
Table 38. Export of iron ore raw materials by product range of SGOK in 2011-2022, thousand tons
Table 39. Profit and loss statement of JSC Stoilensky GOK in 2010-2021
Table 40. Availability and use of equipment, volume of work performed at underground works of JSC KMA-Ruda Plant in 2017
Table 41. Deliveries of concentrate of JSC KMA-Ruda Plant to the domestic market in 2006-2023, thousand tons
Table 42. Key technical and economic indicators of JSC KMA-Ruda Plant in 2008-2020
Table 43. Indicators characterizing the profitability and loss-making of JSC KMA-Ruda Plant for the period 2005-2021
Table 44. Physical and mechanical properties of fluxed and non-fluxed pellets produced by Karelsky Okatysh JSC
Table 45. Availability and use of equipment, volume of work performed at open pits of Karelsky Okatysh JSC in 2019
Table 46. Sales of iron ore concentrate and pellets by Karelsky Okatysh JSC in 2007 - 1st half of 2024, thousand tons
Table 47. Supplies of pellets by Karelsky Okatysh JSC to the domestic market in 2007 - 1st half of 2024, million tons
Table 48. Export of iron ore pellets by Karelsky Okatysh JSC in 2006 - 2023 by country, thousand tons
Table 49. Indicators of financial and economic activity of JSC Karelsky Okatysh in 2005-2020.
Table 50. Indicators characterizing profitability and loss-making of JSC Karelsky Okatysh in 2005-2021.
Table 51. Deliveries of concentrate of JSC Olkon in 2005 - 1st half of 2024. to domestic and foreign markets, thousand tons
Table 52. Indicators characterizing the profitability and loss ratio of JSC Olkon in 2005-2021, million rubles, %
Table 53. Ore reserves of deposits developed by JSC Kovdorsky GOK (as of 01.01.2023), million tons, %
Table 54. Sales of iron ore concentrate by JSC Kovdorsky GOK in 2007 - 1st half of 2024, thousand tons
Table 55. Supplies of iron ore concentrate by JSC Kovdorsky GOK to the domestic market in 2007 - 1st half of 2024, thousand tons
Table 56. Export of iron ore concentrate by JSC Kovdorsky GOK in 2007 – 1st half of 2024, thousand tons
Table 57. Indicators characterizing the profitability and loss-making of JSC Kovdorsky GOK in 2005-2022
Table 58. Supplies of concentrate and sintering ore to Vysokogorsky GOK from outside for the production of agglomerate in 2005 – 1st half of 2024, thousand tons
Table 59. Main consumers of iron ore of JSC Vysokogorsky GOK on the domestic market in 2007 – 1st half of 2024, thousand tons
Table 60. Indicators characterizing the profitability and loss-making of JSC Vysokogorsky GOK in 2005-2022
Table 61. Balance reserves of the Bakal iron ore deposits group, on the balance sheet of BRU LLC (as of 01.01.2023), thousand tons
Table 62. Technical conditions for iron ore products manufactured by BRU
Table 63. Main consumers of concentrate, siderite and sintering ore of BRU LLC* on the domestic market in 2005 - 1 half of 2024, thousand tons
Table 64. Average chemical composition of products manufactured by Kachkanarsky GOK, %
Table 65. Raw iron ore production by EVRAZ KGOK JSC by quarries in 2005-2020, thousand tons
Table 66. Sales of iron ore raw materials by EVRAZ Kachkanarsky GOK JSC in 2007 - 1st half of 2024, thousand tons
Table 67. Consumers of iron ore raw materials (agglomerate and pellets) of JSC EVRAZ Kachkanarsky GOK on the domestic market in 2010 - 1st half of 2024, thousand tons
Table 68. Export supplies of pellets of JSC EVRAZ Kachkanarsky GOK in 2007 - 1st half of 2024, thousand tons
Table 69. Indicators characterizing the profitability and loss ratio of OJSC EVRAZ Kachkanarsky GOK in 2005-2023
Table 70. Main consumers of concentrate of JSC Bogoslovskoye RU in 2007 - 1st half of 2024, thousand tons
Table 71. Indicators characterizing profitability and loss-making of JSC Bogoslovskoye RU in 2005-2022
Table 72. Availability and use of equipment, volume of work performed at open-pit mines of PJSC Korshunovsky GOK in 2018
Table 73. Supplies of iron ore concentrate of PJSC Korshunovsky GOK to the domestic market in 2007 - 1st half of 2024, thousand tons
Table 74. Indicators characterizing profitability and loss-making of PJSC Korshunovsky GOK in 2005-2021
Table 75. Reserves of iron ore deposits developed by branches of EVRAZ ZSMK JSC, million tons
Table 76. Raw ore mining at EVRAZ ZSMK enterprises in 2000 - 1st half of 2024, thousand tons
Table 77. Commercial ore production by EVRAZ ZSMK mining enterprises in 2007 - 1st half of 2024, thousand tons
Table 78. Sales volumes of iron ore products by EVRAZ ZSMK in 2011-2023, thousand tons
Table 79. Production and sales of iron ore by Kimkano-Sutarsky GOK LLC in 2017 - 1st half of 2024, million tons
Table 80. Production and sales of iron ore OOO GRK Bystrinskoye in 2018 – 1st half of 2024, million tons
Table 81. Dynamics of iron ore exports by main RF exporters in 2000, 2005, 2010 – 1st half of 2024. thousand tons
Table 82. Geographical structure of Russian iron ore exports in 1996, 2000 – first half of 2024, thousand tons
Table 83. Structure and dynamics of iron ore imports to Russia in 1998, 2000 and 2004 – first half of 2024, thousand tons
Table 84. Production-consumption balance of commercial iron ore in Russia in 1997, 2000, 2003-2024, million tons
Table 85. Pig iron production in Russia in 1997, 2000, 2003-2023, million tons
Table 86. Production of steel and rolled ferrous metals in Russia in 1997, 2000, 2002-2023 yyyyy, mln t
Table 87. Scheme of supplies of commercial iron ore to the main metallurgical enterprises of Russia in 2022
Table 88. Owners of Russian mining and processing plants
Table 89. Forecast of the balance of consumption and provision of commercial iron ore to the metallurgy of Russia until 2035, mln t
Figure 1: Dynamics of prices for commercial iron ores (ore fines, 62% Fe, CFR China) in 2012–2024. and forecast up to 2028, USD/t
Figure 2. Distribution of reserves and forecast resources of iron ores of category P1 by subjects of the Russian Federation, billion tons
Figure 3. Dynamics of raw ore mining in Russia in 1995-2024, million tons
Figure 4. Dynamics of iron ore concentrate production in Russia in 1998-2024, million tons
Figure 5. Technological processes of Lebedinsky GOK
Figure 6. Raw iron ore mining by JSC Lebedinsky GOK in 2000-2023, million tons
Figure 7. Production of iron ore raw materials and hot briquetted iron by JSC Lebedinsky GOK in 2000-2023, million tons
Figure 8. Main consumers of iron ore raw materials (excluding HBI) of JSC Lebedinsky GOK GOK» on the domestic market in 2014 – 1H 2024, thousand tons
Figure 9. Dynamics of iron ore export supplies (excluding HBI) of Lebedinsky GOK in 1999-2024, thousand tons
Figure 10. Technological processes of Mikhailovsky GOK
Figure 11. Raw iron ore mining by Mikhailovsky GOK in 2000-2023, million tons
Figure 12. Iron ore production by Mikhailovsky GOK in 1999-2023, million tons
Figure 13. Iron ore supplies by Mikhailovsky GOK by product type to the domestic market in 2004-2024, million tons
Figure 14. Dynamics of iron ore exports by Mikhailovsky GOK Mikhailovsky GOK in 1999-2024, million tons
Figure 15. Raw iron ore production by Stoilensky GOK in 2000-2023, million tons
Figure 16. Iron ore production by Stoilensky GOK in 1998-2023, million tons
Figure 17. Dynamics of iron ore exports by Stoilensky GOK in 2000-2024, million tons
Figure 18. Iron ore supplies by Stoilensky GOK to the domestic market in 2004-2024, million tons
Figure 19. Raw iron ore production by KMA-Ruda Combine in 2000-2023, million tons
Figure 20. Output iron ore products of JSC KMAruda Plant in 1995-2023, thousand tons
Figure 21. Raw iron ore production of JSC Karelsky Okatysh in 2000-2024, million tons
Figure 22. Iron ore production of JSC Karelsky Okatysh in 1999-2024, million tons
Figure 23. Raw iron ore production of JSC Olenegorsk GOK in 2000-2023, million tons
Figure 24. Dynamics of iron ore concentrate production of JSC Olkon in 1999-2023, thousand tons
Figure 25. Raw iron ore production of JSC Kovdorsky GOK in 2000-2023 y ... yyyy, thousand tons
Figure 32. Raw iron ore production by EVRAZ Kachkanarsky GOK in 2000-2023, million tons
Figure 33. Iron ore production by EVRAZ Kachkanarsky GOK in 1999-2023, thousand tons
Figure 34. Iron ore supplies by EVRAZ Kachkanarsky GOK to the domestic market in 2004 – first half of 2024, thousand tons
Figure 35. Raw iron ore production by Bogoslovskoye RU in 2000-2023, million tons
Figure 36. Iron ore concentrate production by Bogoslovskoye RU in 1999-2023, thousand tons
Figure 37. Raw iron ore production by PJSC Korshunovsky GOK in 2000 – 1st half of 2024, million tons
Figure 38. Concentrate production by PJSC Korshunovsky GOK in 1999 – 1st half of 2024, thousand tons
Figure 39. Sales of products by PJSC Korshunovsky GOK in 2004 – 1st half of 2024, thousand tons
Figure 40. Raw iron ore production at EVRAZ ZSMK enterprises in 2000 – 1st half of 2024, million tons
Figure 41. Dynamics of commercial ore production at EVRAZ ZSMK enterprises in 2005 – 1st half of 2024, thousand tons
Figure 42. Dynamics of iron ore exports from Russia by type in 2000 – 1st half of 2024, million tons
Figure 43. Dynamics of non-agglomerated raw material exports from Russia in 2000 – 1st half of 2024 (million tons) and average export prices ($/t)
Figure 44. Dynamics of pellet exports from Russia in 2000 – 1st half of 2024 (million tons) and average export prices ($/t)
Figure 45. Dynamics of iron ore imports to Russia by type in 2000 – 1st half of 2024, million tons
Figure 46. Dynamics of non-agglomerated iron ore imports to Russia in 2000 – 1st half of 2024 (million tons) and average import prices ($/t)
Figure 47. Dynamics of pellet imports to Russia (million tons) in 2000 – first half of 2024 and average import prices ($/t)
Figure 48. Dynamics of production, export, import and consumption of commercial iron ore in Russia in 1997-2024, million tons