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    Coal and its use in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast (3rd edition)

    Number of pages: 190 Number of tables: 92 Number of figures: 26
    Language: Russian
    Released: 25.10.2023
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    Demo: Download
    Price: 2 000 Euro

    This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


    This report is the 5th edition of the Russian coal market research.

    The purpose of the study is to analyze the Russian coal market


    The object of the study is thermal and coking coals, coal concentrates. Particular attention is paid to the consumption of coal products, indicating the volumes and grade composition of coal used by the largest Russian consumers.


    This work is a desk research. Data from the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation (Rosstat), the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (FCS RF), and railway transportation statistics were used as information sources.

    Also, when working on the report, materials from the industry and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers, and data from Internet sites of coal producers and consumers were used.


    Chronological scope of the study: 2000-6m2023; forecast – until 2035


    Geography of the study: Russian Federation - comprehensive detailed analysis of the market, world market - brief information on coal production.


    Scope of the study: the report consists of 11 parts, contains 190 pages, including 92 tables and 26 figures.

    The first chapter of the report provides a classification of coal by grade composition.

    The second chapter provides data on the mineral resource base of coal and the main deposits of the Russian Federation.

    The third chapter is devoted to coal mining in Russia. The chapter provides statistical data on the dynamics of production of various types of coal in 2000-2023. In addition, this chapter provides a summary of global coal production.

    The fourth chapter contains data on the largest coal mining enterprises in the Russian Federation and provides statistical information on the volumes of production of thermal and coking coals.

    The fifth chapter of the report provides data on major projects in the coal industry.

    The sixth chapter of the report contains an analysis of coal exports from the Russian Federation in 2007-2023. The largest Russian exporters of both thermal and coking coal have been identified: data on the volumes and main directions of export are provided.

    The seventh chapter of the report examines data on the volume of Russian coal imports in 2011-2023. Information is provided on the quality characteristics of imported fuel, as well as on the directions and volumes of supplies. The largest consumers of imported coal have been identified.

    The eighth chapter analyzes the dynamics of prices for thermal and coking coal, both on the world market and on the domestic market of Russia in 2013-2023.

    The ninth chapter analyzes data on the volume of coal transportation on the domestic market and in the export direction, including the structure of exports through seaports and border crossings.

    The tenth chapter is devoted to the consumption of Russian coal on the domestic market. The main consumer groups have been identified, consumption volumes have been assessed, and the main trends in this market segment have been identified.

    The chapter shows the balance of production, consumption, export and import of coal in Russia in 2012-2023.

    Data are also provided on the volumes of coal use by the largest consumers (more than 100 thousand tons/year) in Russia in 2012-2023.

    Among the main consumers are electric power enterprises, coke production plants, cement factories, and chemical industry enterprises.

    The eleventh chapter provides forecast data on the volume of coal consumption in Russia in the future until 2035. The main policy documents that determine the development of the coal industry are considered.



    1. Classification and grade composition of coals


    2. Mineral resource base and main coal deposits of the Russian Federation


    3. Dynamics, structure of coal production and processing in the Russian Federation and the world in 2010-2023.

    3.1. World coal production

    3.2. Coal mining and processing in the Russian Federation


    4. The largest coal mining companies in the Russian Federation


    5. Projects for the development of coal deposits in the Russian Federation


    6. Export of Russian coal (2000-2023)


    7. Coal imports to the Russian Federation (2011-2023)


    8. Analysis of coal prices in 2013-2023.

    8.1. Coal prices on foreign markets

    8.2. Coal prices on the domestic market


    9. Coal transportation


    10. Coal consumption in the Russian Federation in 2012-2023.

    10.1. Consumption of Russian coal on the domestic market in 2012-2023.

    10.2. Balance of coal production, consumption, export and import in 2012-2023.

    10.3. The main consumers of coal in the Russian Federation in 2012-2023.

    10.3.1. Electric power industry

    LLC "Siberian Generating Company"

    JSC Siberian Energy Company

    JSC "Biyskenergo"

    JSC Irkutskenergo

    JSC Far Eastern Generating Company

    PJSC Inter RAO

    OJSC "TGC-11" and JSC "Tomsk Generation"

    Gazprom Group

    PJSC "OGK-2"

    PJSC Mosenergo

    PJSC "TGC-1"

    PJSC "T Plus" (JSC "Volzhskaya TGC")


    10.3.2. Coke and chemical enterprises


    JSC Altai-koks

    CherMK (PJSC Severstal)


    PJSC "Koks"


    Mechel-koks LLC


    JSC "Ural Steel"

    JSC "Moskoks"

    OJSC "Gubakhinsky Coke"

    10.3.3. Cement factories

    JSC Spasskcement"

    LLC "Topkinsky Cement"

    JSC "Angarskcement" (Irkutsk region)

    TimlyuyCement LLC (Republic of Buryatia)

    LLC "Krasnoyarsk Cement"

    Serebryansky Cement Plant LLC

    JSC "Teploozerskcement"

    Golukhinsky Cement LLC (formerly Cement OJSC, Altai Territory)

    CJSC Savinsky Cement Plant

    10.3.4. Other enterprises

    JSC RUSAL Achinsk

    JSC "Siberian Chemical Plant" ("Siberian Chemical Plant")

    JSC Arkhangelsk Pulp and Paper Mill

    LLC "Yurginsky Machine Plant"

    NJSC "Rusal Sayanogorsk Aluminum Smelter"

    JSC "Kuchuksulfat"

    OJSC "Utility Systems of BAM"

    LLC "Sorsky GOK"


    11. Forecast for the development of the coal market until 2035.

    Table 1. Classification of coal by type (Ro, Qsaf, Vdaf)

    Table 2. Classification of coals by volatile matter yield, carbon content and calorific value

    Table 3. Classification of coals depending on technological properties

    Table 4. Classification of coals by areas of use

    Table 5. Classification of coals by particle size distribution

    Table 6. Volume of coal production by the world's leading countries in 2012-2022, million tons

    Table 7. Volume of underground and open-pit coal production (million tons) and the number of operating coal mining enterprises (units) in Russia in 2007-2022.

    Table 8. Volume of coal production in Russia by type in 2007-2023, million tons

    Table 9. Coal production volumes by the largest Russian companies in 2012-2023, million tons

    Table 10. Coking coal production by the main producers in Russia in 2012-2023, million tons

    Table 11. Structure of the largest coal assets in the Russian Federation

    Table 12. Main projects for the development of coal deposits in the Far Eastern Federal District and the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation

    Table 13. Volume of export supplies of Russian coal by destination in 2012-2023, million tons

    Table 14. Largest Russian coal exporters in 2014-2023

    Table 15. Largest Russian exporters of coking coal in 2014-2023, million tons

    Table 16. Volumes of Russian coal imports by direction and type of coal in 2011-2023, million tons

    Table 17. Largest importers of coal in Russia in 2012-2023, thousand tons

    Table 18. Volume of coal consumption at Reftinskaya GRES in 2013-2023, thousand tons

    Table 19. Loading of coal through the Russian Railways network by directions in 2019-2022, million tons

    Table 20. Volume and directions of Russian coal supplies in 2012-2020, million tons

    Table 21. Supplies of Russian coal to the domestic market in 2012-2023, million tons

    Table 22. Coal consumption in the Russian Federation, taking into account imports in 2012-2023, million tons

    Table 23. Balance of coal production and consumption in Russia in 2011-2023, million tons, %

    Table 24. Qualitative characteristics of some grades of coal for use in the energy sector

    Table 25. Coal supplies to Tom-Usinskaya GRES in 2012-2023, thousand tons

    Table 26. Coal supplies to Kuznetskaya CHPP in 2012-2023, thousand tons

    Table 27. Coal supplies to Novo-Kemerovo CHPP in 2014-2023, thousand tons

    Table 28. Coal supplies to Kemerovo State District Power Plant and Kemerovo Thermal Power Plant in 2012-2023, thousand tons

    Table 29. Coal supplies to Barnaul CHPP-2 in 2012-2023, thousand tons

    Table 30. Coal supplies to enterprises of the Siberian Energy Company in 2012-2023, thousand tons

    Table 31. Coal supplies to the Biyskaya CHPP in 2012-2023, thousand tons

    Table 32. Coal supplies to CHPP-9 and CHPP-10 of PJSC Irkutskenergo in 2012-2023, thousand tons

    Table 33. Volume of coal consumption by enterprises of DGK JSC and the average purchase price of coal in 2013-2022, million tons, rub/t

    Table 34. Coal supplies to power plants of the Khabarovsk branch of DGK JSC in 2012-2023, thousand tons

    Table 35. Coal supplies to power plants of the Primorsky branch of JSC "DGK" in 2012-2023, thousand tons

    Table 36. Coal supplies to Kashirskaya GRES in 2012-2017, thousand tons

    Table 37. Coal supplies to Gusinoozerskaya GRES in 2013-2023, thousand tons

    Table 38. Coal supplies to Cherepetskaya GRES in 2013-2023, thousand tons

    Table 39. Coal supplies to power plants of TGC No. 11 JSC in 2012-2023, thousand tons

    Table 40. Installed capacity and used fuel of power plants of PJSC OGK-2

    Table 41. Coal supplies to Novocherkassk State District Power Plant in 2013-2023, thousand tons

    Table 42. Coal supplies to Cherepovetskaya GRES in 2013-2017, thousand tons

    Table 43. Coal supplies to the Ryazan State District Power Plant in 2014-2023, thousand tons

    Table 44. Coal supplies to CHPP No. 22 of Mosenergo OJSC in 2012-2018, thousand tons

    Table 45. Coal supplies to the Apatitskaya CHPP in 2012-2023, thousand tons

    Table 46. Coal supplies to the Kirovsky branch of PJSC "T Plus"

    Table 47. Coal supplies to Izhevsk CHPP-2 in 2012-2020, thousand tons

    Table 48. Coal supplies to the Ivanovsky division of PJSC "T Plus" in 2012-2015, thousand tons

    Table 49. Coal supplies to the Komi branch of OJSC "TGC-9" in 2013-2020, thousand tons

    Table 50. Coal supplies to power plants “Generation of Buryatia” in 2013-2023, thousand tons

    Table 51. Coal supplies to Severodvinsk CHPP-1 in 2013-2023, thousand tons

    Table 52. Electricity production, volume of coal consumption and average purchase price of coal of PJSC South Kuzbass State District Power Plant in 2013-2022.

    Table 53. Coal supplies to the South Kuzbass State District Power Plant in 2012-2023, thousand tons

    Table 54. Coal supplies to the West Siberian Thermal Power Plant in 2013-2023, thousand tons

    Table 55. Coal supplies to the Magadan CHPP in 2013-2023, thousand tons

    Table 56. Volume of coke production (dry weight) in Russia in 2011-2023, thousand tons

    Table 57. Qualitative characteristics of coal concentrates produced by JSC Vorkutaugol

    Table 58. Qualitative characteristics of coal products of IMH enterprises (Koks Group)

    Table 59. Qualitative characteristics of coal products of Stroyservis CJSC

    Table 60. Qualitative characteristics of coal concentrate produced by SDS-Ugol Holding Company

    Table 61. Coal supplies of PJSC MMK in 2014-2023, thousand tons

    Table 62. Coal supplies of Altai-koks JSC in 2014-2023, thousand tons

    Table 63. Coal supplies of Severstal PJSC in 2014-2023, thousand tons

    Table 64. Coal supplies of EVRAZ ZSMK JSC in 2014-2023, million tons

    Table 65. Coal supplies by PJSC Koks in 2014-2023, thousand tons

    Table 66. Coal supplies of NLMK PJSC in 2014-2023, thousand tons

    Table 67. Supplies of coking coal by Mechel-Koks LLC in 2014-2023, thousand tons

    Table 68. Volume of consumption and average purchase price of coal by EVRAZ NTMK JSC, thousand tons, rub/t (excluding VAT)

    Table 69. Supplies of coking coal by EVRAZ NTMK JSC in 2014-2023, thousand tons

    Table 70. Supplies of coking coal to Ural Steel JSC in 2014-2023, thousand tons

    Table 71. Supplies of coking coal by Moscow Coke and Gas Plant JSC in 2014-2023, thousand tons

    Table 72. Supplies of coking coal to JSC Gubakha Coke in 2014-2023, thousand tons

    Table 73. Volumes of coal consumption by cement plants in Russia in 2012-2023, thousand tons

    Table 74. Coal supplies of Spasskcement OJSC in 2014-2021, thousand tons

    Table 75. Coal supplies to Topkinsky Cement LLC in 2013-2023, thousand tons

    Table 76. Coal supplies of Angarskcement JSC in 2013-2023, thousand tons

    Table 77. Coal supplies to TimlyuyCement LLC in 2013-2023, thousand tons

    Table 78. Coal supplies to Krasnoyarsk Cement LLC in 2013-2023, thousand tons

    Table 79. Coal supplies to Serebryansky Cement Plant LLC in 2012-2023, thousand tons

    Table 80. Coal supplies of Teploozerskcement JSC in 2013-2023, thousand tons

    Table 81. Coal supplies to Golukhinsky Cement LLC in 2012-2023, thousand tons

    Table 82. Coal supplies to JSC Savinsky Cement Plant in 2012-2014, thousand tons

    Table 83. Coal supplies of JSC RUSAL Achinsk in 2012-2023, thousand tons

    Table 84. Volumes of raw materials used for the production of heat and electricity by JSC SGChE in 2010-2017, thousand tons, million m3

    Table 85. Coal supplies of SGChE JSC in 2012-2023, thousand tons

    Table 86. Coal supplies to thermal power plants of Arkhangelsk PPM JSC in 2013-2023, thousand tons

    Table 87. Coal supplies to the thermal power plant of Yurginsky Machine Plant LLC in 2012-2023, thousand tons

    Table 88. Coal supplies to thermal power plants of NAO Rusal Sayanogorsk Aluminum Smelter in 2012-2018, thousand tons

    Table 89. Coal supplies to the thermal power plant of JSC Kuchuksulfat in 2014-2023, thousand tons

    Table 90. Coal supplies to JSC Utility Systems of BAM in 2013-2023, thousand tons

    Table 91. Coal supplies to Sorsk Mining and Processing Plant LLC in 2012-2023, thousand tons

    Table 92. Main indicators of the development of the Russian coal industry in the period until 2035.

    Figure 1. Distribution of coal reserves between the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, billion tons

    Figure 2. Distribution of coal reserves across coal basins of the Russian Federation, billion tons

    Figure 3. Dynamics of coal production in the world in 1990-2022, million tons

    Figure 4. Dynamics of coal enrichment at washing plants in the Russian Federation in 2000-2022, million tons

    Figure 5. Dynamics of coal production in Russia in 2000-2022, million tons

    Figure 6. Dynamics of Russian coal exports by type in 2000-2022, million tons

    Figure 7. Dynamics of Russian coal exports in physical and value terms in 2007-2022, million tons, billion $

    Figure 8. Regional structure of Russian coal exports in 2012-2022, %

    Figure 9. Dynamics of thermal coal prices on the world market in 2013-2023, $/t

    Figure 10. Dynamics of quotations of coking coal and metallurgical coke in 2013-2023. $/t

    Figure 11. Dynamics of prices for coking coals on the Russian domestic market in 2014-2023, rub/t, excluding VAT

    Figure 12. Volume of coal loading by rail in the Russian Federation in 2000-2022, million tons.

    Figure 13. Structure of Russian coal exports through ports and land border crossings in 2012-2022, %

    Figure 14. Structure of coal exports through Russian seaports in 2012-2022, %

    Figure 15. Dynamics and structure of Russian coal consumption on the Russian domestic market in 2007-2022, million tons

    Figure 16. Dynamics of coal consumption in the Russian Federation, taking into account imports in 2012-2022, million tons

    Figure 17. Dynamics of electricity production and consumption in Russia in 2007-2022, billion kWh

    Figure 18. Electricity production in the Russian Federation by type of generation in 2017-2021, billion kWh

    Figure 19. Level of gasification with natural gas in Russia in 2011-2022, %

    Figure 20. Dynamics of coal production, export, import and consumption in Russia in 2007-2022, million tons

    Figure 21. Structure of electricity production in Russia by generation type in 2012-2020, %

    Figure 22. Volume of coal consumption by enterprises of PJSC Inter RAO in 2013-2022, %

    Figure 23. Dynamics of coke production and ferrous metallurgy products in Russia in 2002-2022, million tons

    Figure 24. Structure of coal consumption (by grade) by cement plants in Russia in 2013-2022, %

    Figure 25. Dynamics of brown coal supplies to the thermal power plant of JSC RUSAL Achinsk in 2014-2022, thousand tons

    Figure 26. Forecast of coal production in Russia until 2035, million tons


    Coming soon

    February 2025

    Aniline in Russia, the EAEU and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (3 Edition)

    February 2025

    Organosilicon compounds in Russia and the world: Production, Market and Forecast

    February 2025

    Niobium and niobium products in Russia, EAEU countries and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (9 edition)

    February 2025

    Sputtering Metal Targets in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast

    February 2025

    Titanium Raw Materials in Russia, the EAEU and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (5 edition)

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