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    Powders and Granules from Nickel and its alloys in the Russian Federation: Production, Market and Forecast

    Number of pages: 76 Number of tables: 18 Number of figures: 10
    Language: Russian
    Released: 05.05.2023
    Delivery method:

    PDF Copy

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    Demo: Download
    Price: 2 000 Euro

    This report is the 1st edition of the nickel powder market research in the Russian Federation.

    The purpose of the study is to analyze the market for nickel powders.

    The object of research are powders and granules of nickel and its alloys.

    This work is a desk study. As sources of information, data from the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation (Rosstat), railway traffic statistics of the Russian Federation, the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, the UN database (UNdata), and the Infomine database were used. The data of industry and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of issuers of securities, Internet sites of enterprises were also involved.

    Chronological scope of the study: 2010-2022; forecast - until 2028

    Research geography: Russian Federation.

    Scope of the study: the report consists of 6 parts, contains 76 pages, including 18 tables, 10 figures and 2 appendices.

    The first chapter of the report presents data on the production of nickel powders in the Russian Federation, estimates the volumes of their production, and briefly reviews manufacturing enterprises.

    The second chapter of the report provides data on import foreign trade operations of the Russian Federation with nickel powders (2010-2022). The main foreign suppliers of these products in Russia and Russian importing companies are presented.

    The third chapter of the report is devoted to the export of nickel powders from the Russian Federation (2010-2022). The deliveries of Russian companies and their foreign partners are analyzed.

    The fourth chapter of the report provides an overview of the price environment for nickel powders. This section of the report provides data on export-import prices of both nickel powders of various grades and those produced by various suppliers of these products. In addition, part of the chapter is devoted to the analysis of purchase prices as a result of tenders and competitions.

    The fifth chapter analyzes the consumption of nickel powders in the Russian Federation, shows the structure of consumption, describes the main areas of use and consumer companies.

    The final sixth chapter of the report provides a forecast for the production and consumption of nickel powders in the period up to 2028.

    The appendices provide data on tenders for the purchase of nickel powders in 2017-2022. and contact information of manufacturers and consumers of nickel powders in the Russian Federation.


    Target audience of the study:

    - participants in the powder metallurgy market - manufacturers, consumers, traders;

    - potential investors.


    The proposed study claims to be a reference tool for marketing services and specialists making managerial decisions in the powder metallurgy market.





    1. Production of nickel powders in the Russian Federation

    1.1 Nickel powder production estimate (2020-2022)

    1.2 Russian manufacturers of nickel powders

    JSC Kola MMC

    JSC "Polema" (Tula region)

    Federal State Unitary Enterprise NRC "Kurchatov Institute" - VIAM (All-Russian Research Institute of Aviation Materials) (Moscow)

    NPO Centrotech LLC (Novouralsk, Sverdlovsk Region)

    JSC "KBKhA" (Voronezh)

    OJSC VILS (Moscow)

    JSC SMK (Moscow region)

    PJSC "Ashinsky Metzavod" (Asha, Chelyabinsk region)

    JSC "Composite" (Moscow region)

    Grancom LLC (Nizhny Novgorod Region)

    JSC OZ Mikron (Pskov region)

    Sferam LLC (Ozersk, Chelyabinsk region)


    2. Import of nickel powders of the Russian Federation (2010-2022)


    3. Export of nickel powders of the Russian Federation (2010-2022)


    4. Price situation for nickel powders

    4.1. Export-import prices (2018-2022)

    4.2. Domestic prices (analysis of tenders) in 2017-2022


    5. Domestic consumption of nickel powders in Russia

    5.1 Assessment of the domestic market capacity (2020-2022) and consumption patterns

    5.2 The main directions of consumption of nickel powders in the Russian Federation


    6. Prospects for the development of the Russian market until 2028


    Appendix 1. Results of tenders and competitions for the purchase of nickel powder in 2017-2022

    Appendix 2. Contact information of the main producers and consumers of nickel powders in Russia

    Table 1: Production of nickel powders and granules in Russia, tons

    Table 2: Producers of nickel powders and granules in the Russian Federation, product range, production method, capacities

    Table 3: Chemical composition of carbonyl nickel powders, %

    Table 4: Composition and properties of powders of nickel-based heat-resistant alloys for coatings JSC "Polema"

    Table 5: Composition and properties of self-fluxing powders based on nickel JSC "Polema"

    Table 6: Chemical composition of refractory powders based on nickel JSC "Polema" for additive technologies and MIM

    Table 7: Purchases of nickel powders produced by Polema JSC in 2017-2022

    Table 8: Purchases of nickel powders produced by VIAM in 2017-2022

    Table 9: Characteristics of electrolytic powders LLC NPO Centrotech

    Table 10: Chemical composition of electrolytic powders LLC NPO Centrotech

    Table 11: Import deliveries of nickel powders in 2010-2022 major Russian companies, their purpose and foreign suppliers, t

    Table 12: Russian exporters of nickel in 2010-2022, product characteristics, main recipient companies and area of powder use, t

    Table 13: Export prices of nickel powders of individual grades in 2010-2022, USD/kg

    Table 14: Import prices of nickel powders of the main foreign suppliers in 2010-2022, USD/kg

    Table 15: Prices for nickel powder grades of Russian companies in 2017-2022, thousand rubles/kg

    Table 16: Balance of production and consumption of nickel powders in the Russian Federation in 2020-2022, tons

    Table 17: Availability of HIP installations at Russian enterprises and their characteristics

    Table 18: Availability of machines for 3D printing with metal materials in Russian companies

    Figure 1: Dynamics of Russian nickel powder imports in 2010-2022, tons

    Figure 2: Supply volumes of nickel powders to the Russian Federation by main shipping countries in 2010-2022, tons

    Figure 3: Summary structure of imported nickel powders in 2010-2022 by areas of consumption, %

    Figure 4: Dynamics of exports of all types of nickel powders of the Russian Federation in 2010-2022, thousand tons

    Figure 5: Dynamics of average annual export and import prices for all types of nickel powders in 2010-2022, USD/kg

    Figure 6: Dynamics of average annual export and import prices of nickel powders for coatings, AT and HIP in 2010-2022, USD/kg

    Figure 7: Dynamics of average prices of imported powders for use as coatings and for 3D printing in 2010-2022, USD/kg

    Figure 8: Average annual prices for nickel powders in 2017-2021, RUB/kg

    Figure 9: Dynamics of production of glass containers in the Russian Federation in 2017-2022, billion pieces

    Figure 10: Forecast of consumption of nickel powders in the Russian Federation until 2028, tons


    Coming soon

    February 2025

    Aniline in Russia, the EAEU and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (3 Edition)

    February 2025

    Organosilicon compounds in Russia and the world: Production, Market and Forecast

    February 2025

    Niobium and niobium products in Russia, EAEU countries and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (9 edition)

    February 2025

    Sputtering Metal Targets in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast

    February 2025

    Titanium Raw Materials in Russia, the EAEU and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (5 edition)

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