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    Overview of Russian coal offerings of D and T grades in world markets

    Number of pages: 26 Number of tables: 9 Number of figures: 10
    Language: Russian
    Released: 20.08.2019
    Delivery method:

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    Pdf, Word (version for copying and editing)

    Demo: Download
    Price: 1 500 Euro

    This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


    This report is the first edition of a study of the supply of Russian coal grades D and T in world markets.

    The purpose of the study is to analyze the offers of Russian coal of grades D and T on world markets to understand the market situation and the prospects of Russia as an exporter of coal.

    The object of study are coals of grades D and T.

    Work is desk study. As sources of information, data were used by the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, IEA Coal Information 2018, IEA Coal Market Report 2018; IHS Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, (Australia); “Metal Expert”, statistics on railway transportation of the Russian Federation, BP Energy Outlook, UN bases.

    Chronological scope of the study: 2010-2019; forecast for the period up to 2025

    Geography of research: global market.


    The report consists of 5 chapters, contains 26 pages, including 10 figures and 9 tables.

    The first chapter presents the basic coal requirements for grades D and T.

    The second chapter provides an overview of the production of D and T grades in Russia by the main manufacturers, analyzes supplies to the domestic market, and presents the main areas of use.

    The third chapter briefly gives basic information about the estimated volumes of global coal consumption, which are close to the Russian ones to the Russian grades D and T.

    The fourth chapter presents data on the volume of Russian exports of coal of grades D and T, the main directions of supplies and the main exporting companies. The forecast of export of D and T coal grades from Russia is also presented.

    In the fifth chapter, the pricing environment for coal grades similar in properties to D and T is given, and a price forecast is presented.


    The target audience of the study:

    - coal market participants - producers, consumers, suppliers, exporters;

    - potential investors.

    The proposed study claims to be a reference tool for marketing services and management decision-makers working in the coal market.



    1. Quality requirements for coal grades D and T


    2. Mining and supply of the Russian Federation of coal grades D and T in 2016-2018, their main characteristics


    3. Consumption in the world of coals close in their characteristics to D and T brand coals


    4. Russian exports of D and T brand coals to the world market in 2019-2019 and its forecast until 2025


    5. Price environment for D and T brand coals and price forecast until 2025


    Table 1. Coal quality standards for the preparation of pulverized coal for injection into the furnace of a blast furnace

    Table 2. Qualitative characteristics of coals T for PUT of some Russian manufacturers

    Table 3. Production of T grade coal in the Russian Federation in 2017-2018 and forecast until 2025, million tons

    Table 4. Grade D coal production in the Russian Federation in 2017-2018 and forecast until 2025, million tons

    Table 5. Qualitative characteristics of brand D coals of some Russian producers

    Table 6. Forecast of export of coal grades D and T in the future until 2025, mln tons

    Table 7. Production of pig iron by the largest world producers in 2017-2018, million tons

    Table 8. The volume of use of coal for PUT by the largest world consumers in 2016-2018, million tons

    Table 9. Forecast of price conjuncture of grades D and T until 2025, $ / t

    Figure 1. International coal classifications

    Figure 2. Brand structure of steam coal production in Russia in 2018,%

    Figure 3. Dynamics of production and supply of D-grade coal in 2016-2018, million tons

    Figure 4. Dynamics of production and supply of T grade coal in 2016-2018, million tons

    Figure 5. Pattern of T brand coal consumption in the domestic market of the Russian Federation in 2016-2018,%

    Figure 7. Dynamics of average monthly export prices of the Russian Federation for T grade coal in the Asia-Pacific Region market in 2018-2019, $ / t

    Figure 8. Dynamics of average monthly export prices of the Russian Federation for T grade coal in the Atlantic market in 2018-2019, $ / t

    Figure 9. Dynamics of average monthly export prices of the Russian Federation for grade D coal in 2017-2019, $ / t

    Figure 10. Dynamics of prices for various types of coal in 2017-2019. $ / t, FOB Australia


    Coming soon

    January 2025

    Organosilicon compounds in Russia and the world: Production, Market and Forecast

    January 2025

    Pharmaceutical Substances and Intermediates in Russia:Production, Market and Forecast

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