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Cement in the Volga Federal District of the Russian Federation: Production, Market and Forecast
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This marketing research is the first edition of the cement market survey in the Volga Federal District of Russia.
The cement market has been monitored since 1997.
The purpose of the study - an analysis of the cement market of the Volga Federal District.
The object of the study is cement and its consumption.
This work is a desk study. The sources of information included data from Rosstat, the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, official statistics of rail transportation by Russian Railways, data from the UNdata database, industry and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of issuers of securities, and websites of cement manufacturing companies.
Chronological framework of the study: 1997-2018 (when assessing cement production in the country as a whole) and 2014-2018 (PFD); the forecast is 2019-2025.
Geography of research: Volga Federal District.
The report consists of 8 parts, contains 100 pages, including 45 tables, 27 figures and 1 annex.
The first chapter of the report assesses the state of the raw material base of the cement industry in Russia as a whole and in the Volga Federal District in particular. The data on stocks of cement raw materials, the regional structure of their location, as well as information about the raw material base of the leading cement producers are given.
The second chapter of the report is devoted to the production of cement in Russia from 1997 to 2018; the release of this type of product by Federal Districts in 2010-2018, as well as by holdings.
The third chapter of the report analyzes cement production in the Volga Federal District, presents data on the main regional producers and their financial activities.
The fourth chapter of the report presents data on the seasonality of cement production in Russia in 2014-2018. The peak production figures are in April-October, when demand from the country's building complex is activated.
The fifth chapter of the report analyzes Russia's foreign trade in cement in 2014–2018, and also shows the role of the Volga Federal District in total exports.
The sixth chapter of the report analyzes cement consumption in the Volga Federal District in 2014-2017, shows the regional consumption structure, highlights the main trade flows and presents major consumer companies.
The seventh chapter of the report presents data on the price level for cement in the domestic market in 2014-2018, as well as on average export and import prices for cement.
In the eighth chapter of the report, factors that influence cement consumption in the Volga Federal District are analyzed.
The appendix provides contact information for cement producers in the Volga Federal District.
Target audience of the study:
- cement market participants - producers, consumers, traders;
- potential investors.
The proposed study claims to be the reference for marketing services and management decision-makers working in the cement market.
1. The raw material base of cement raw materials of the Volga Federal District, limestone deposits - the name, location, reserves, exploration, owners, license validity period, distance to the railway tracks.
2. Cement production in Russia (dynamics 1997-2018, general situation, production structure by regions)
3. Cement production in the Volga Federal District (2014-2018), the main producers, analysis of their production and financial situation
3.1. Cement production in the VFD
3.2. Characteristics of the leading cement producers in the Volga Federal District
3.2.1 PJSC "Mordovcement" (Mordovia)
3.2.2 LLC South Ural GPK (Orenburg region)
3.2.3 Asia Cement LLC (Penza region)
3.2.4 PJSC "Gornozavodskcement" (Perm Territory)
3.2.5 Holcim (Rus) LLC (Saratov region)
3.2.6 Branch of HeidelbergCement Rus LLC in Sterlitamak (Republic of Bashkortostan)
3.2.7 JSC “HeidelbergCement Volga” (Saratov region)
3.2.8 Ulyanovskcement JSC (Ulyanovsk region)
3.2.9 Novotroitsk Cement Plant JSC (Orenburg region)
3.2.10 Sengileevsky Cement Plant LLC (Ulyanovsk Region)
4. Seasonality of cement production in Russia
5. Foreign trade in cement (2014-2018)
5.1. Cement import
5.2. Cement export
6. Cement consumption in the Volga Federal District (2014-2017) - consumption structure, main trade flows, main consumer companies
Perm region
The Republic of Mordovia
Republic of Tatarstan
Nizhny Novgorod Region
Republic of Bashkortostan
7. Review of prices on cement in Russia (2014-2018)
7.1. Review of domestic cement prices
7.2. Review of export-import prices on cement
8. Analysis of factors determining the demand for cement in the Volga Federal District, the forecast of supply and demand in the Volga Federal District cement market until 2025
Appendix: Contact information of enterprise-producers of cement in the VFD
Table 1: Balance reserves of cement raw materials in Russia by types of rocks
Table 2: Geographical distribution of balance reserves of cement raw materials in the Volga Federal District
Table 3: The main deposits of cement raw materials PFD, developing enterprises
Table 4: Cement production by federal districts of the Russian Federation in 2010-2018, million tons
Table 5: Membership in holdings of the main enterprises producing cement in Russia (2018)
Table 6: Cement production in the Russian Federation by holdings in 2014-2017, mln t
Table 7: Cement production in the Volga Federal District in 2014-2017, kt
Table 8: Some financial indicators of PJSC "Mordovcement" in 2014-2017, mln rub.
Table 9: Some financial indicators of LLC “SUGPK” in 2014-2017, million rubles
Table 10: Some financial indicators of Asia Cement LLC in 2014-2017, mln rub.
Table 11: Some financial indicators of PJSC "Gornozavodskcement" in 2014-2017, mln rub.
Table 12: Some financial indicators of Holcim (Rus) LLC in 2014-2017, mln rub.
Table 13: Some financial indicators of the branch of HeidelbergCement Rus LLC in Sterlitamak in 2014-2017, mln rubles.
Table 14: Some financial indicators of JSC "HeidelbergCement Volga" in 2014-2017, mln rub.
Table 15: Some financial indicators of Ulyanovsk Cement JSC in 2014-2017, mln rub.
Table 16: Some financial indicators of JSC "Novotroitsk Cement Plant" in 2014-2017, mln rub.
Table 17: Some financial indicators of Sengiley Cement Plant LLC in 2014-2017, million rubles
Table 18: Seasonality of cement production in Russia,%
Table 19: Volumes of foreign trade operations of Russia with cement in physical and monetary terms in 2014-2018
Table 20: Imports of cement in Russia from individual countries in 2015-2018
Table 21: Exports of cement from the Russian Federation to selected countries in 2015-2018, kt
Table 22: Exports of cement from PFD to selected countries in 2015-2018, kt
Table 23: Estimate of apparent cement consumption in the Volga Federal District in 2014-2017, million tons
Table 24: Estimated cement consumption by selected regions of the Volga Federal District in 2014-2017, million tons
Table 25: Balance of import and export of cement of the Perm region in 2014-2017 railway transport, thousand tons
Table 26: Structure of cement export from the Perm region by regions of Russia by railway transport in 2014-2017, kt
Table 27: Structure of cement import to the Perm region by railway transport from selected regions of Russia in 2014-2017, kt
Table 28: Cement supplies of PJSC "Gornozavodskcement" by rail transport to selected regions of Russia in 2014-2017, kt
Table 29: Share of individual federal districts in the structure of cement supply of PJSC "Gornozavodskcement" by rail transport in 2014-2017,%
Table 30: Balance of import and export of cement R. Mordovia in 2014-2017 railway transport, thousand tons
Table 31: Structure of cement export from R. Mordovia by railway transport by regions of Russia in 2014-2017, kt
Table 32: Share of individual federal districts in the structure of cement supplies from R. Mordovia by rail transport in 2014-2017,%
Table 33: Balance of import-export of cement R. Tatarstan in 2014-2017 railway transport, thousand tons
Table 34: Structure of cement import to R. Tatarstan by rail transport from selected regions of Russia in 2014-2017, kt
Table 35: Major suppliers of cement to R. Tatarstan by railway transport in 2014-2017, kt
Table 36: Structure of cement import to the Nizhny Novgorod region by railway transport from selected regions of Russia in 2014-2017, kt
Table 37: Major suppliers of cement to the Nizhny Novgorod region by railway transport in 2014-2017, kt
Table 38: Structure of the export of cement from R. Bashkortostan to selected regions of Russia in 2014-2017, kt
Table 39: Structure of cement import to R. Bashkortostan from selected regions of Russia in 2014-2017, kt
Table 40: Export of cement from the Volga Federal District by federal districts by railway transport in 2014-2017, million tons
Table 41: Importation of cement into the Volga Federal District from selected Federal Districts by railway transport in 2014-2017, million tons
Table 42: Volumes of supplies of cement by rail transport to large consumers in selected areas of the Volga Federal District in 2015-2017, kt
Table 43: Dynamics of real incomes of the population of the Volga Federal District in 2016-2018,% to the corresponding period of the previous year
Table 44: Construction of residential buildings in the Volga Federal District in 2014-2018, thousand square meters. m total area of residential premises
Table 45: Change in the volume of housing commissioning in the Volga Federal District in 2016-2018, % of the previous year
Figure 1: Cement production in Russia (million tons) and production growth rates (% vs. the previous year) in 1997-2018
Figure 2: Regional structure of cement production in Russia in 2010-2018,%
Figure 3: Structure of cement production by holdings in 2017,%
Figure 4: Regional structure of cement production in the Volga Federal District in 2014-2018,%
Figure 5: Cement production of PJSC "Mordovcement" (thousand tons) and its share in the production of PFO in 2014-2017 (%)
Figure 6: Cement production by LLC South Ural SBC (kt) and its share in the production of a VFD in 2014-2017 (%)
Figure 7: Cement production by Asia Cement LLC (thousand tons) and its share in the production of the VFD in 2014-2017 (%)
Figure 8: Cement production of PJSC "Gornozavodsk Cement" (kt) and its share in the production of the Volga Federal District in 2014-2017. (%)
Figure 9: Cement production by Holsim LLC (Rus) (thousand tons) and its share in the production of PFD in 2014-2017 (%)
Figure 10: Cement Production Branch of HeidelbergCement Rus LLC (kt) and its share in the production of the VFD in 2014-2017 (%)
Figure 11: Cement production of JSC HeidelbergCement Volga (kt) and its share in the production of the Volga Federal District in 2014-2017 (%)
Figure 12: Cement production of JSC "Ulyanovsk Cement" (thousand tons) and its share in the production of PFD in 2014-2017 (%)
Figure 13: Cement production by Novotroitsk Cement Plant JSC (kt) and its share in the production of a VFD in 2014-2017 (%)
Figure 14: Cement production by Sengileevsky Cement Plant LLC (kt) and its share in the production of a VFD in 2014-2017 (%)
Figure 15: Average seasonal dynamics of cement production in Russia in 2014-2018,%
Figure 16: Share of individual countries in the structure of cement imports to Russia in 2014-2018
Figure 17: Consumption of cement in the Volga Federal District in 2014-2017 (million tons) and the region's share in total Russian consumption (%)
Figure 18: Share of individual regions of the Volga Federal District in cement consumption in 2014-2017,%
Figure 19: The share of individual regions in the cement shipment structure of PJSC "Gornozavodsk Cement" by railway transport to the Volga Federal District in 2014-2017,%
Figure 20: Share of the Volga Federal District in the total volume of cement supplies by railway transport to R. Tatarstan in 2014-2017,%
Figure 21: Share of Volga Federal District in the total volume of cement supplies by rail to the Nizhny Novgorod region in 2014-2017,%
Figure 22: Share of the Volga Federal District in the total volume of cement supplies by railway transport to R. Bashkortostan in 2014-2017,%
Figure 23: Dynamics of average prices for cement without additives in the Russian market in 2014-2018, rub / ton (excluding VAT)
Figure 24: Dynamics of average prices for cement with additives on the Russian market in 2014-2018, rub / ton (excluding VAT)
Figure 25: Dynamics of average export and import prices for cement in 2014-2018, $ \ t
Figure 26: Forecast of cement consumption in Russia for the period up to 2025, million tons
Figure 27: Forecast of cement consumption in the Volga Federal District for the period up to 2025, million tons