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    Disulfide oil, Dimethyl Disulphide (DMDS) and Thiophene in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast (2nd edition)

    Number of pages: 95 Number of tables: 23 Number of figures: 17
    Language: Russian
    Released: 09.04.2018
    Delivery method:

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    Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and PowerPoint presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

    Demo: Download
    Price: 2 000 Euro

    This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


    This report is the second edition of the market research of disulfide oil, dimethyl disulphide (DMDS) and thiophene in Russia.

    The monitoring of the market has been conducted since 2005.

    The purpose of the study was to analyze the market for disulfide oil, dimethyl disulphide and thiophene in Russia.

    The object of the study is disulphide oil, its substitute dimethyldisulphide (DMDS) and thiophene.

    This paper is a desk study. As sources of information, the data of the Federal State Statistics Service, the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, the statistics of rail transportation of the Russian Federation, the materials of the sectoral and regional press, and scientific and technical literature were used.


    Chronological framework of the study: 2005-2017; forecast - 2018-2025.

    Geography of the study: The Russian Federation - a comprehensive detailed analysis of the market.


    This research is devoted to the analysis of the market of disulfide oil, its substitute - dimethyl disulphide (DMDS) and thiophene in Russia. The report consists of 6 parts, contains 95 pages, including 17 figures, 23 tables and 4 annexes.

    In the first chapter the technology of production of disulphide oil, substitutes (DMDS) and thiophene is discussed in detail, potential sources of raw materials are listed.

    The second chapter gives product quality indicators and describes a potential producer of disulphide oil. Projects for the production of thiophene have also been reviewed and its potential producer has been described.

    The third chapter of the report contains data on foreign trade operations with dimethyl disulphide and other substitutes of disulfide oil in Russia in 2005-2017. Also considered the import of thiophene in 2005-2017.

    In the fourth chapter, data on import prices for dimethyldisulfide and thiophene are analyzed.

    In the fifth chapter of the report, potential areas of consumption of disulfide oil, substitutes (DMDS) and thiophene are considered.

    The sixth chapter provides a forecast for the development of the Russian market of disulphide oil, substitutes (DMDS) and thiophene for the period up to 2025.

    The appendices contain data on the demercaptanization of hydrocarbon raw materials in Russia, addresses and contact information of enterprises, potential consumers of disulphide oil and substitutes (DMDS). Also addresses and contact information of foreign companies-manufacturers of thiophene are given.


    The target audience of the study:

    - participants in the market of disulfide oil, dimethyldisulphide and thiophene - producers, consumers, traders;

    - potential investors.

    The proposed study claims to be a reference tool for marketing services and specialists who make managerial decisions in the chemical industry.





    1. Technological chain of raw-disulfide oil-thiophene

    1.1. Raw material for disulfide oil production

    1.2. Ways to produce disulfide oil

    1.2.1. Oxidation of mercaptans

    1.2.2. Alkaline demercaptanization with regeneration of alkali

    1.2.3. Combined processes of alkaline demercaptanization and oxidation of mercaptans

    1.3. Methods for the production of thiophene

    1.4. Raw materials for the preparation of thiophene

    1.4.1. Complex processing of high-sulfur schists

    1.4.2. The production of thiophene from hydrocarbons

    1.4.3. The production of thiophene from disulfide oil

    1.4.4. Industrial methods of obtaining thiophene abroad


    2. Disulfide oil production

    2.1. Indicators of disulfide oil quality

    2.2. Quality indicators of thiophene

    2.3. Current status of potential disulfide oil producers

    2.3.1. LLC Gazprom dobycha Orenburg (Orenburg)

    2.4. Projects for thiophene production


    3. Import of disulfide oil and thiophene

    3.1. Volumes of import of disulfide oil and its substitutes in 2005-2017 in the Russian Federation

    3.2. The main directions of import supplies of disulphide oil and its substitutes in 2005-2017 in the Russian Federation

    3.3. Volumes of thiophene imports in 2005-2017

    3.4. The main directions of imports of thiophene in Russia


    4. Prices for disulfide oil and thiophene

    4.1. Dynamics of import prices for substitutes of disulphide oil in Russia in 2005-2017

    4.2. Prices for thiophene


    5. Consumption of disulfide oil, substitutes (DMDS) and thiophene in Russia

    5.1. Analysis of potential areas of consumption of disulphide oil and substitutes (DMDS) in Russia

    5.1.1. Pyrolysis

    5.1.2. Sulphiding agent of refinery catalysts

    5.1.3. Synthesis of thiophene

    5.1.4. Other applications of disulfide oil and substitutes (DMDS)

    5.2. Analysis of potential consumption areas of thiophene in Russia

    5.2.1. Pharmacology

    5.2.2. Organic synthesis

    5.2.3. Other applications


    6. Forecast of the Russian market development of disulphide oil, its derivatives and thiophene up to 2025

    6.1. Forecast of the development of the Russian market of disulphide oil and its derivatives up to 2025

    6.2. Forecast of the Russian market development of thiophene up to 2025


    Appendix 1: Installations of demercaptanization at Russian enterprises

    Appendix 2: Contact information of potential consumers of disulfide oil in Russia

    Appendix 3: Contact information of foreign manufacturers of thiophene

    Appendix 4: List of sources used

    Table 1. Physico-chemical properties of some dialkyl disulfides

    Table 2. Physicochemical properties of thiophene

    Table 3. Physicochemical Properties of Lower Mercaptans

    Table 4. Content of total and mercaptan sulfur in petroleum and gas condensates of some deposits

    Table 5. The composition of disulfide oil from the gas condensate demercaptanization unit of the Orenburg Gas Processing Plant

    Table 6. The composition of disulfide oil from the demercaptanization unit of the propane-butane fraction of the Orenburg GPP

    Table 7. Content of valuable products obtained during rectification of shale gasoline, kg / t dry shale

    Table 8. Comparative analysis of the production of products (t / year) at the energy processing plant when processing 1 million tons of oil shale per year on the basis of a plant with a solid coolant

    Table 9. Quality parameters of thiophene

    Table 10. Composition of disulfide oil obtained at the U-335 unit of the Orenburg GPP, before and after modernization

    Table 11. Import of dialkyl disulphides in the Russian Federation in 2005-2017, t

    Table 12. Countries supplying dimethyl disulphide to Russia in 2005-2017, t

    Table 13. The main companies supplying dimethyl disulphide to Russia in 2005-2017, t

    Table 14. The main Russian buyers of imported dimethyldisulfide in 2005-2011, t

    Table 15. The main Russian buyers of imported dimethyldisulfide in 2012-2017, t

    Table 16. Countries supplying thiophene to Russia in 2005-2017, kg

    Table 17. The main companies supplying thiophene to Russia in 2005-2017, kg

    Table 18. Russian buyers of imported thiophene in 2005-2017, kg

    Table 19. The main companies supplying dimethyl disulphide to Russia in 2005-2017 and prices for imported products, $ / t

    Table 20. The price of thiophene from Sigma-Aldrich as of 01.02.2018

    Table 21. Price for thiophene from the company Acros Organics as of 01.02.2018

    Table 22. The price for thiophene from the company Alfa Aesar as of 01.02.2018

    Table 23. Capacity for the production of ethylene in Russia

    Figure 1. Block flow diagram of low-waste recycling sulfur oil shale
    Figure 2. Process flow diagram of the catalytic synthesis of thiophene disulfide oil and n-butane
    Figure 3. Dynamics of import supplies of thiophene in Russia in 1999-2011, kg
    Figure 4. The conductive properties of the polymer based on thiophene


    Coming soon

    September 2024

    Iron Ore Raw Materials (Iron Ore Concentrate, Sinter, Pellets) in Russia and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (10 edition)

    September 2024

    Ammonium Nitrate in Russia and CIS: Production, Market and Forecast (3 edition)

    September 2024

    Polyester and Epoxy Resins in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast

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