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Coal Tar Pitch in Russia, CIS and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (11 edition)
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This report is available both in Russian and English versions
This report is the 11th edition of the study of the market for coal tar pitch in the CIS countries.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the coal tar pitch market.
The object of the research is coal tar pitch; the report also touches upon the market of coal coke, graphite electrodes and aluminum.
This work is a desk study. The sources of information were data from the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation (Rosstat), the Agency on Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the State Committee on Statistics of Ukraine, statistics of railway transportation of the Russian Federation, the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, the UN database (UNdata), the Infomine database. Also, data from the industry and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers, Internet sites of companies producing pitch were used.
Chronological scope of the study: 1994-2020; forecast - up to 2030
Geography of research: in detail - the CIS (Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan), the world (trade flows and price conditions).
Research volume: the report consists of 7 parts, contains 115 pages, including 43 tables, 25 figures and 3 appendices.
The first chapter of the report provides data on the raw materials required for the production of pitch. Also, this chapter discusses the methods and features of obtaining pitch, its grades and characteristics.
The second chapter is devoted to an overview of the main trade flows of coal tar pitch in the world, presents the main exporting and importing countries of the products in question, as well as the price situation in 2013-2020.
The third chapter of the report is devoted to the production of pitch in the CIS countries (Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan). This section of the report provides data on the output of these products in 1994-2020. at the enterprises of the CIS. In addition, part of the chapter is devoted to the description of the current state of the main producers of pitch in the CIS, which, in particular, provides data on their supplies.
The fourth chapter of the report provides data on foreign trade operations with pitch in Russia (1994-2020), Ukraine (1999-2020), Kazakhstan (1995-2020) and Tajikistan (2003-2020).
The fifth chapter analyzes data on changes in export-import prices for pitch in Russia (1994-2020), Ukraine (2002-2020), and Kazakhstan (1995-2020). Selected domestic prices for pitch from Russian producers are given.
The sixth chapter of the report examines the consumption of pitch in Russia / CIS. This section provides the balance of production-consumption of pitch (1994-2020), the sectoral structure of consumption, shows the main Russian consumers (with consumption volumes in 2003-2020), and also describes the current state of the largest consumer enterprises (aluminum and electrode plants).
The seventh and final chapter of the report provides a forecast of pitch production in Russia and Ukraine, as well as a forecast of pitch consumption in Russia for the period up to 2030.
The appendices provide contact information for producers and consumers of pitch in the CIS, as well as tender information.
Target audience of the study:
- market participants of coke-chemical, aluminum and electrode products - manufacturers, consumers, traders;
- potential investors.
The proposed study claims to be a reference manual for marketing services and specialists who make management decisions in the market of coke-chemical, aluminum and electrode products.
1. Raw materials for the production of pitch and methods of obtaining it, quality requirements
1.1. Raw materials for pitch production
1.2. Pitch production technology
1.3. Requirements for the quality of pitch produced in the CIS
2. The main commodity flows of coal tar pitch in the world and the price environment (2013-2020)
3. Production of pitch in the CIS (1997-2020)
3.1. Dynamics of output and producers of pitch in the CIS countries (Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan) in 1997-2020
3.2. Characteristics and condition of the main manufacturing enterprises in Russia
PJSC Severstal / LLC Rutgers Severtar
OJSC Altai-Koks
3.3. The state of the enterprises-producers of pitch in Ukraine
PJSC "Avdeevskiy coke-chemical plant"
3.4. The state of the enterprises-producers of pitch in Kazakhstan
PJSC "ArcelorMittal Temirtau"
4. Export-import of pitch from Russia and the CIS countries in 1995-2020.
Other CIS countries
5. Review of export-import and domestic prices for pitch
5.1. Export-import prices 2003-2020
5.2. Domestic prices of the Russian Federation
6. Consumption of pitch in Russia / CIS in 1994-2020.
6.1. Anode paste and anode production
6.2. Production of graphite electrodes
6.3. Production of graphite materials
6.4. Other areas of application
6.5. Main consumers of pitch in Russia / CIS
Aluminum enterprises
OJSC RUSAL Bratsk (Bratsk aluminum smelter)
JSC RUSAL Krasnoyarsk (Krasnoyarsk aluminum smelter)
JSC RUSAL Sayanogorsk Aluminum Smelter
JSC RUSAL Novokuznetsk (Novokuznetsk aluminum smelter)
Branch of OJSC RUSAL-Bratsk in Shelekhov (OJSC IrkAZ-SUAL)
JSC RUSAL Volgograd (Volgograd Aluminum Smelter)
State Unitary Enterprise "Tajik Aluminum Company" (TALCO)
Electrode Plants
Enterprises of the Energoprom Group
OJSC "Chelyabinsk Electrometallurgical Plant" (CHEMK)
OJSC "Ukrgrafit"
7. Prospects for the development of the pitch market in Russia / CIS until 2030
Appendix 1: Contact information of the main enterprises-producers of pitch in the CIS
Appendix 2: Contact information of the main enterprises-consumers of pitch in the CIS
Appendix 3: Review of held tenders / tenders for the purchase of coal tar pitch in 2014-2021.
Table 1: Characteristics of medium temperature pitch produced in the CIS
Table 2: Characteristics of high-temperature pitch produced in the CIS
Table 3: Requirements for the quality of pitches
Table 4: Major exporting countries of coal tar pitch
Table 5: Major importing countries of coal tar pitch
Table 6: Dynamics of prices for coal tar pitch in different supplying and recipient countries in 2013-2020, USD / t
Table 7: Major commodity flows of coal tar pitch in the world
Table 8: Production of pitch in Russia by enterprises in 1994-2020, thousand tons
Table 9: Production of pitch in Ukraine by enterprises in 1997-2020, thousand tons
Table 10: Production of pitch in Kazakhstan in 1995-2020, thousand tons
Table 11: Coal tar pitch (TU-14-7-120-90) of JSC Severstal for the production of anode mass and other purposes
Table 12: Deliveries of commercial pitch of PJSC Severstal / LLC Rutgers Severtar in 2012-2020, thousand tons
Table 13: PJSC MMK's pitch supplies to Russian consumers in 2003-2020, thousand tons
Table 14: Supply of pitch by EVRAZ ZSMK OJSC to Russian consumers in 2001-2020, thousand tons
Table 15: Supplies of pitch from OJSC Altai-Koks to Russian consumers in 2001-2020, thousand tons
Table 16: Foreign consumers of pitch of PJSC Avdeevskiy Koksokhimzavod in 2005-2020, thousand tons
Table 17: The volume and directions of import supplies of pitch to the Russian Federation in 1994-2020, tons, thousand dollars
Table 18: Distribution of supplies of imported pitch by Russian importing companies in 2010-2020, thousand tons
Table 19: Volume and directions of export supplies of pitch in the Russian Federation in 2012-2020, tons, thousand dollars
Table 20: Volume and directions of export supplies of pitch from Ukraine in 1999-2020, tons
Table 21: Distribution of Ukrainian pitch exports by supplying companies in 2005-2020, thousand tons
Table 22: Volume and directions of export and import supplies of pitch in Kazakhstan in 1995-2020, thousand tons
Table 23: Import of pitch by Tajikistan by supply directions in 2003-2020, thousand tons
Table 24: Dynamics of average annual import prices for pitch supplied to Russia from different countries in 2003-2020, USD / t
Table 25: Average annual prices for pitch imported by the main Russian consumers in 2003-2020, USD / t
Table 26: Average annual export prices for pitch in Ukraine by supply directions in 2003-2020, USD / t
Table 27: Average annual sales prices of pitch by individual Russian enterprises in 2007-2019, rubles / t
Table 28: Balance of production and consumption of pitch in Russia in 1994-2020, thousand tons
Table 29: Structure of consumption of commercial pitch in Russia by industry in 2003-2020,%
Table 30: Volumes of supplies of domestic pitch to the main Russian consumers in 2001-2020, thousand tons
Table 31: Volumes of supplies of imported pitch to the main Russian consumers in 2001-2020, thousand tons
Table 32: Quality Requirements for Anode Fired Blocks
Table 33: Requirements for the quality of the anode paste
Table 34: Volumes of pitch supplies to JSC RUSAL Bratsk with distribution by company in 2003-2019, thousand tons
Table 35: Volumes of pitch supplies to JSC RUSAL Krasnoyarsk with distribution by company in 2003-2019, thousand tons
Table 36: Volumes of pitch supplies to JSC RUSAL Sayanogorsk aluminum smelter with distribution by company in 2003-2020, thousand tons
Table 37: Volumes of deliveries of pitch to the Branch of OJSC RUSAL-Bratsk in Shelekhov with distribution by company in 2003-2019, thousand tons
Table 38: Volumes of pitch supplies to JSC RUSAL Volgograd with distribution by company in 2003-2020, thousand tons
Table 39: Volumes of supplies of electrode-graphite products to the Energoprom Group enterprise in 2014-2020, thousand tons
Table 40: Volumes of pitch use by enterprises of the Energoprom Group in 2001-2019, thousand tons
Table 41: Volumes of pitch supplies to JSC "Energoprom-NEZ" with distribution by company in 2003-2019, thousand tons
Table 42: Revenue of enterprises of the Energoprom Group
Table 43: Volumes of pitch supplies to CJSC Energoprom-NovEP with distribution by company in 2003-2019, thousand tons
Figure 1: Dynamics of pitch production in the CIS in 1997-2020, thousand tons
Figure 2: The ratio of the shares of Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan in the production of pitch in the CIS in 1997-2020,%
Figure 3: The ratio of the shares of enterprises in the production of gross pitch in Russia in 1997-2019,%
Figure 4: Dynamics of production of bulk pitch at PJSC Severstal, LLC Rutgers Severtar in 1994-2020, thousand tons
Figure 5: Dynamics of pitch production at PJSC MMK in 1994-2020, thousand tons
Figure 6: Dynamics of pitch production at OJSC EVRAZ ZSMK in 1994-2020, thousand tons
Figure 7: Dynamics of pitch production at OJSC Altai-Koks in 2001-2020, thousand tons
Figure 8: Dynamics of production of gross pitch at PJSC "Avdeevsky Coke and Chemical Plant" in 2003-2020, thousand tons
Figure 9: Dynamics of production and export of pitch in PJSC "ArcelorMittal Temirtau" in 1995-2020, thousand tons
Figure 10: Dynamics of export-import of pitch in Russia in 1995-2020, thousand tons
Figure 11: Distribution of Russian pitch imports by main supplying countries in 2004-2020,%
Figure 12: Dynamics of export of pitch by Ukraine in 1999-2020, thousand tons
Figure 13: Distribution of Ukrainian pitch exports by suppliers in 2009-2020,%
Figure 14: Dynamics of imports of pitch by Ukraine in 2005-2020, thousand tons
Figure 15: Dynamics of prices for pitch imported by Russia in 1994-2020, USD / t
Figure 16: Dynamics of average annual export prices for pitch in Ukraine in 2002-2020, USD / t
Figure 17: Dynamics of average annual export and import prices for pitch in Kazakhstan in 1995-2020, USD / t
Figure 18: Dynamics of "visible" consumption of pitch by Russia in 1995-2020, thousand tons
Figure 19: Consumption of pitch by the main aluminum enterprises in Russia in 2010-2020, thousand tons
Figure 20: Dynamics of deliveries of pitch to aluminum plants and production of aluminum in the Russian Federation in 2004-2020, thousand tons
Figure 21: Dynamics of deliveries of pitch to JSC RUSAL Novokuznetsk in 2001-2020, thousand tons
Figure 22: Dynamics of the production of baked anodes and the use of pitch by the State Unitary Enterprise "Tajik Aluminum Company" in 2005-2019, thousand tons
Figure 23: Dynamics of deliveries of pitch to JSC "ChEMK" in 2003-2020, thousand tons
Figure 24: Dynamics of production of carbon electrodes (including graphite ones) at JSC "Ukrgrafit" in 2004-2019, thousand tons
Figure 25: Consumption of commercial pitch in Russia in 2016-2020 and its forecast until 2030, thousand tons