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    Ferromanganese and Manganese Metal in China: Production, Market and Forecast

    Number of pages: 52 Number of tables: 21 Number of figures: 22
    Language: Russian
    Released: 11.02.2016
    Delivery method:

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    Demo: Download
    Price: 1 500 Euro

    This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


    This report is the first edition of the research of markets of ferromanganese and manganese metal in China.

    The purpose of research – market analysis of ferromanganese and manganese metal from the PRC.
    The object of the study are: ferromanganese, manganese metal
    This work is a Desk study. As sources of information use of analytical and statistical materials of foreign research centers, statistical data base, UN data, data manufacturers, the materials of the Russian and foreign press.
    The chronological scope of the study: 2010-2015
    Study geography: China – a comprehensive detailed analysis of the market.
    The report consists of 2 parts and 10 chapters, contains 52 pages, including 21 tables and 22 figures.

    The First Part is devoted to investigation of market of ferromanganese in China.
    In the first Chapter of this part provides information on the quality produced in China ferromanganese.
    The second Chapter is devoted to the production of ferromanganese in China. This Chapter presents data on volumes of production of ferromanganese in China, information about the state of the main enterprise-producers.
    The third Chapter analyzes the foreign trade of ferromanganese people's Republic of China. The dynamics of export and import, described the trends of export-import supplies, and also provides information about volumes and destinations of supplies of major exporters and importers of ferromanganese.
    In the fourth Chapter of the report presents data on dynamics of export-import prices on ferromanganese in China, as well as prices in the domestic Chinese market.
    In the fifth Chapter consumption of ferromanganese in China. This section provides a balance of production-consumption of ferromanganese in China, as well as describes the main consumers.

    The Second Part of the review is devoted to the research of the market of manganese metal in China.
    In the first Chapter of the second part provides requirements for the quality of the metal manganese.
    The second Chapter is dedicated to the production of manganese metal in China. This Chapter presents data on volumes of production of metal manganese in China, the status information of enterprises-manufacturers.
    The third Chapter analyzes the foreign trade of manganese metal of China. The dynamics of exports, described the trend of foreign trade.
    In the fourth Chapter of the report presents data on dynamics of export prices for manganese metal in China, as well as prices on the domestic market of the PRC.
    In the fifth Chapter assesses the consumption of manganese metal in China. This section provides a balance of production-consumption of manganese metal in China, as well as describes the main consumers of the products.

    Target audience research:
    - parties of the manganese market – producers, consumers, traders;
    - potential investors.
    The proposed study claims the role of reference for marketing services and for decision management solutions operating in the market manganese production.



    1. The market for ferromanganese in China (2010-2015)

    1.1. The quality produced in China ferromanganese

    1.2. Production of ferromanganese in China, the main producers

    Shanxi Dongfang Resources Development Co.

    Citic Jinzhou Ferroalloy Co.,Ltd.

    Jiaocheng Yiwang Ferroalloy

    1.3. Export-import of ferromanganese in China

    Exports of ferromanganese from China

    Imports of ferromanganese in China

    1.4. Price analysis of ferromanganese in China

    1.5. Consumption of ferromanganese in China, the main consumers


    2. The market of manganese metal in China

    2.1. The quality produced in China manganese metal

    2.2. The production of manganese metal in China, the main producers

    Ningxia Tianyan

    CITIC Dameng

    Hongxin Group

    2.3. Export-import of manganese metal in China

    2.4. Price analysis of manganese metal in China

    2.5. The consumption of manganese metal in China, the main consumers

    Table 1: Production of ferromanganese by province of China in 2014, thousand t
    Table 2: Main companies-producers of ferromanganese in China in 2014, their capacities and production volumes, kt
    Table 3: Exports of ferromanganese from China by countries in 2010-2014, kt
    Table 4: Exports of ferromanganese from China to the DPRK in 2010-2015, t
    Table 5: Exports of ferromanganese from China to Vietnam in 2010-2014, t
    Table 6: Exports of ferromanganese from China to Japan in 2010-2015, t
    Table 7: Imports of ferromanganese in China from selected countries in 2010-2014, kt
    Table 8: Supplies of ferromanganese in China from South Africa in 2010-2014, kt
    Table 9: Supplies of ferromanganese in China from Australia in 2010-2014, kt
    Table 10: Supplies of ferromanganese in China from Zambia in 2010-2014, kt
    Table 11: Apparent consumption of ferromanganese in China in 2010-2015, mln t
    Table 12: leading steel-making metallurgical group of China in 2012-2015, mln t
    Table 13: Chemical composition of manganese metal in flakes and powder in China, %
    Table 14: Chemical composition of manganese metal lumps in China, %
    Table 15: Production of manganese metal in China in 2011-2014, by province, thousand t
    Table 16: Structure of production of manganese metal in China in 2014, by province, thousand t
    Table 17: Main manufacturers of manganese metal in China in 2014, their capacities and production volumes, kt
    Table 18: Production of manganese metal by CITIC Dameng factories in 2011-2014, kt
    Table 19: Exports of manganese metal from China in 2010-2015, by countries, kt
    Table 20: Balance of production-consumption of manganese metal in China in 2005-2014, kt
    Table 21: Major stainless steel producers in China in 2010-2014, mln t

    Figure 1: Production of ferromanganese and production capacity for its release in China in 2010-2015, mln t

    Figure 2: Exports of ferromanganese from China in 2010-2015, thousand tons/million.

    Figure 3: China's Exports of ferromanganese by type in 2010-2015, kt

    Figure 4: Share of individual countries in exports of ferromanganese from China in 2010-2014, %

    Figure 5: Imports of ferromanganese in China in 2010-2015, thousand tons/million.

    Figure 6: Share of individual countries in imports of ferromanganese in China in 2010-2014, %

    Figure 7: Chinese Imports of ferromanganese by type in 2010-2015, kt

    Figure 8: Prices for high-carbon ferromanganese (FeMn 65C7.0) by province of China in 2010-2015, yuan/ton on ex-work terms

    Figure 9: prices of medium carbon ferromanganese in China in 2010-2015, yuan/t ex-work

    Figure 10: prices of low carbon ferro-manganese by province of China in 2010-2015, yuan/t ex-work

    Figure 11: Average export price of Chinese ferromanganese in 2010-2014, $/ton

    Figure 12: Average export price of Chinese ferromanganese for the species in 2010-2015, $/t

    Figure 13: Average import prices on ferromanganese in China in 2010-2014, $/ton

    Figure 14: Average import prices on ferromanganese by type for deliveries in China in 2010-2015, $/t

    Figure 15: Dynamics of production capacity and production of manganese metal in China in 2005-2014, kt

    Figure 16: Dynamics of production of manganese metal CITIC Dameng in 2009-2014, kt

    Figure 17: Dynamics of export of Chinese manganese metal in 2001-2014, kt

    Figure 18: Structure of Chinese exports of manganese metal by countries in 2010-2014, %

    Figure 19: Dynamics of domestic prices of manganese metal in flakes Mn997 in China in 2010-2015, thousand yuan/ton

    Figure 20: Dynamics of export prices for manganese metal in flakes Mn997 in China in 2010-2015, $/t (FOB China)

    Figure 21: Balance of production-consumption of manganese metal in China in 2005-2014, kt

    Figure 22: Dynamics of production of stainless steel in China in 2005-2014, kt


    Coming soon

    February 2025

    Aniline in Russia, the EAEU and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (3 Edition)

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    Organosilicon compounds in Russia and the world: Production, Market and Forecast

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    Niobium and niobium products in Russia, EAEU countries and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (9 edition)

    February 2025

    Sputtering Metal Targets in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast

    February 2025

    Titanium Raw Materials in Russia, the EAEU and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (5 edition)

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