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    Platinum Group Metal Catalysts (PGMs) in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast

    Number of pages: 106 Number of tables: 48 Number of figures: 20
    Language: Russian
    Released: 12.12.2019
    Delivery method:

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    Demo: Download
    Price: 2 500 Euro

    This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment. 


    This report is the first edition of a ready-made market research of platinum group metal catalysts in Russia.


    The purpose of the study is to analyze the Russian market of catalysts containing platinum group metals (excluding platinum networks used in the nitrogen industry).

    The object of the study are catalysts containing platinum group metals (oil refining and petrochemical catalysts, autocatalysts).

    Work is desk study. As sources of information, we used data from the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation (Rosstat), railway transport statistics, customs statistics of the Russian Federation, and the Infomine database. The materials of the industry and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of issuers of securities, websites of manufacturers and consumers of catalysts, as well as scientific and technical literature were also attracted.

    A feature of this review is the presence of a section on the processing of catalysts containing platinum group metals in Russia with an assessment of the capacities of the largest processing enterprises. In addition, installations of secondary oil refining processes operating at Russian refineries and using the catalysts in question are listed.


    Chronological scope of the study: 2008-2018; Forecast - 2019-2030

    Geography of research: Russia.

    Research volume: the report consists of 9 parts, contains 106 pages, including 48 tables, 20 figures and 3 appendices.


    The first chapter of the report is devoted to identifying the main areas of use of catalysts containing platinum group metals.

    The second chapter provides information about the raw materials necessary for the production of the products in question, its characteristics. In addition, data are provided on the main suppliers of raw materials.

    The third chapter contains a detailed nomenclature of catalysts produced in Russia containing platinum group metals, and their brief description.

    The fourth chapter analyzes the data on the production of the studied catalysts in 2008-2019. The section presents data on the volume of production of the products in question by major manufacturers, as well as the current status of these manufacturers is described in detail.

    The fifth chapter is devoted to the study of data on foreign trade operations with platinum-containing catalysts in the Russian Federation in 2008-2019. The geographical and sectoral structures of export-import are considered, data on the volumes of export-import by the largest enterprises participating in the market are presented.

    The sixth chapter provides information on the prices of the products in question on the domestic market, as well as on the level of export-import prices for various types of catalysts (reforming, isomerization, hydrogenation, gas purification, autocatalysts) in 2008-2019.

    The seventh chapter of the report discusses the consumption of the studied catalysts in Russia in 2008-2019. This section presents the balance of production - consumption of these products, the current state and development prospects of the main consuming industries (oil industry and automotive industry).

    The eighth chapter provides information on the status of disposal of used catalysts containing platinum group metals in Russia, its prospects.

    The ninth chapter is devoted to the forecast for the development of the Russian market of the products in question for the period until 2030.

    The appendices provide information on the reforming and isomerization units operating in Russia at consumer enterprises of catalysts containing platinum group metals, as well as the addresses and contact information of enterprises manufacturing and processing the studied catalysts.


    The target audience of the study:

    - catalyst market participants - manufacturers, consumers, traders, processors;

    - potential investors.

    The proposed study claims to be a reference tool for marketing services and specialists making managerial decisions working in the market of catalysts containing platinum group metals.





    I. Scopes of catalysts containing platinum group metals

    I.1. Oil refining

    I.2. Chemistry and petrochemistry

    I.3. Gas emission treatment

    I.4. Car exhaust neutralization


    II. Raw materials for the production of catalysts containing platinum group metals: main suppliers and supply lines


    III. Nomenclature of catalysts produced in Russia containing platinum group metals


    IV. Production of catalysts containing platinum group metals in Russia in 2008-2019

    IV.1. Dynamics and structure of production

    IV.2. Current status of the largest Russian producers of catalysts containing platinum group metals

    IV.2.1. The largest manufacturers of catalysts for oil refining and petrochemicals

    Angarsk Plant of Catalysts and Organic Synthesis JSC - AZKiOS (Irkutsk Region)

    Industrial Catalysts CJSC (Ryazan Region)

    ZAO Redkinsky Catalyst Plant (Redkino, Tver Region)

    Other enterprises

    IV.2.2. The largest manufacturers of autocatalysts

    Ecoalliance LLC (Ural Electrochemical Plant), (Novouralsk, Sverdlovsk Region)

    LLC Johnson Matthey Catalysts (Krasnoyarsk)

    Other manufacturers of converters and exhaust gas systems (SVOG)


    V. Foreign trade operations with catalysts containing platinum group metals in Russia in 2008-2019

    V.1. Oil Refining and Petrochemical Catalysts

    V.1.1. Key indicators and export trends

    V.1.2. Key indicators and import trends

    V.2. Autocatalysts

    V.2.1. Key indicators and export trends

    V.2.2. Key indicators and import trends


    VI. A review of the prices of catalysts containing platinum group metals

    VI.1. Russian prices

    VI.2. Russian export-import prices in 2008-2019

    VI.2.1. Oil Refining and Petrochemical Catalysts

    VI.2.2. Autocatalysts


    VII. Consumption of catalysts containing platinum group metals in the Russian Federation in 2008-2019

    VII.1. Oil Refining Catalysts

    VII.1.1. Production-consumption balance

    VII.1.2. Major suppliers

    VII.1.3. The current state and development prospects of the Russian oil refining industry

    VII.2. Autocatalysts

    VII.2.1. Production-consumption balance

    VII.2.2. The situation in the automotive industry of the Russian Federation


    VIII. Processing of used catalysts containing platinum group metals


    IX. Forecast of the production and consumption of catalysts containing platinum group metals in Russia for the period until 2030

    IX.1. Oil Refining and Petrochemical Catalysts

    IX.2. Autocatalysts


    Appendix 1. Reforming plants at Russian refineries

    Appendix 2. Isomerization units at Russian refineries

    Appendix 3. Address book of the largest manufacturers / processors of catalysts containing platinum group metals in Russia

    Table 1: The main areas of use of catalysts containing platinum group metals in the industry of the Russian Federation

    Table 2: Comparison of PR-51 catalyst with foreign analogues

    Table 3: Main characteristics of reforming catalysts (grain diameter 1.8-2.8 mm; average strength coefficient - 13 N / mm)

    Table 4: Nomenclature of commercial products manufactured by enterprises of the Russian Federation containing PGM

    Table 5. The main types of raw materials for the production of catalysts from PGMs and suppliers

    Table 6. Deliveries to Russian enterprises of ceramic carriers (substrates) for the production of automotive catalysts in 2008-2019, thousand units

    Table 7: The chemical composition of the alloys used for the production of platinum catalysts in the USSR

    Table 8: Characterization of catalyst nets from "Alloy No. 1"

    Table 9: Nomenclature and characteristics of the main Russian catalysts containing platinum group metals

    Table 10: Production of oil refining catalysts containing platinum group metals at Russian enterprises in 2008-2019, thousand tons

    Table 11: Production of autocatalysts at enterprises of the Russian Federation in 2008-2019, thousand units

    Table 12: Nomenclature of catalysts containing platinum group metals produced by AZKiOS JSC

    Table 13: Key financial and economic indicators of AZKiOS JSC in 2010-2016

    Table 14: Nomenclature of catalysts containing platinum group metals manufactured by Promkataliz CJSC

    Table 15: Russian installations operating on catalysts manufactured by Industrial Catalysts CJSC

    Table 16: Key financial indicators of Industrial Catalysts CJSC in 2007-2016, million rubles

    Table 17: Nomenclature of catalysts containing platinum group metals produced by ZAO Redkinsky Catalyst Plant

    Table 18: Palladium-containing catalysts developed by JSC "SKTB" Catalyst "(Novosibirsk)

    Table 19: Key Domestic Oil Refining Catalyst Developers

    Table 20. Import of raw materials of LLC Ecoalliance (UECC) in 2002-2019, t, pcs.

    Table 21. Some financial and economic indicators of the activity of LLC "Ecoalliance" in 2012-2018, million rubles.

    Table 22. Some financial and economic performance indicators of LLC Johnson Matthey Catalysts in 2012-2018, million rubles

    Table 23: Foreign trade in petroleum refining and petrochemical catalysts containing PGMs in Russia in 2008-2019, tons, thousand $

    Table 24: Geography of deliveries of Russian refining and petrochemical catalysts containing PGMs, in 2008-2019, t

    Table 25: Russian companies supplying petroleum refining and petrochemical catalysts containing PGM, in 2008-2019, t

    Table 26: Geography of Russian imports of oil refining and petrochemical catalysts containing PGM, in 2008-2019, t

    Table 27: Supplies of imported refining and petrochemical catalysts containing PGMs to Russia by type in 2008-2019, t

    Table 28: Deliveries of imported oil refining and petrochemical catalysts containing PGMs to Russia by type in 2008-2019, t

    Table 29: The main Russian recipients of imported catalysts for oil refining and petrochemicals containing PGM, in 2008-2019, t

    Table 30: Foreign trade in autocatalysts in the Russian Federation in 2008-2019, tons, thousand $

    Table 31. Russian enterprises exporting catalyst blocks for automotive converters in 2008-2019, thousand tons

    Table 32. Directions of Russian export of catalyst blocks for automotive converters in 2008-2019, thousand tons

    Table 33. Foreign recipients of Russian catalyst blocks for automotive converters in 2008-2019, thousand tons

    Table 34. Directions of the Russian import of catalyst blocks for automotive converters in 2008-2019, thousand tons

    Table 35. The largest Russian enterprises-recipients of imported catalyst blocks for automotive converters in 2008-2019, thousand tons

    Table 36: Average annual export prices of the Russian Federation for refining and petrochemical catalysts containing PGM, in 2008-2019, $ / kg

    Table 37: Average annual import prices of the Russian Federation for refining and petrochemical catalysts containing PGM, in 2008-2019, $ / kg

    Table 38. Export-import prices for autocatalysts in 2008-2019, $ / kg

    Table 39: Consumption volumes of oil refining catalysts containing PGMs in Russia in 2008-2019, thousand tons,%

    Table 40: Russian recipients of imported oil refining catalysts containing platinum group metals, by supplier companies in 2009-2019, t

    Table 41: Production of the main types of petroleum products in Russia in 2008-2019, mln tons

    Table 42: Change in oil refining capacity in 2005-2018 in Russia, million tons

    Table 43: Production-consumption balance of autocatalysts (catalyst blocks) in Russia in 2008-2019, thousand units,%

    Table 44. Car production in Russia in 2007-2018, thousand units

    Table 45: Russian enterprises with catalyst processing facilities

    Table 46. Characteristics of methods for analyzing the content of valuable elements in a catalytic sample

    Table 47: Assessment of the state of providing oil refining catalysts for Russian enterprises

    Table 48: Volume of investments in the modernization of the Russian oil refining industry until 2030, billion rubles

    Figure 1. Arrangement of ceramic and metal automotive catalysts

    Figure 2. Dynamics of import of ceramic carriers and production of autocatalysts in Russia in 2005-2019, thousand units

    Figure 3. Shares of the largest manufacturers of autocatalysts in the Russian Federation in 2005-2019,%

    Figure 4: Production of catalysts of AZKiOS JSC in 2003-2018, t

    Figure 5. Production of autocatalysts LLC Ecoalliance (UEHK) in 2002-2019, thousand pieces

    Figure 6. Import of ceramic supports and catalyst blocks of Johnson Matthey Catalysts LLC in 2008-2019, thousand units

    Figure 7: Dynamics of export-import supplies of oil refining and petrochemical catalysts containing PGMs to the Russian Federation in 2008-2019, t

    Figure 8: Supplies of Russian refining and petrochemical catalysts containing PGMs by types in 2006-2019, t

    Figure 9. Dynamics of export-import supplies of autocatalysts in the Russian Federation in 2006-2019, t

    Figure 10. Dynamics of export-import supplies of autocatalysts (catalytic blocks for automotive converters) in the Russian Federation in 2006-2018, thousand units

    Figure 11. Dynamics of prices for platinum, palladium and gold at the London Metal Exchange in 2000-2019. ($ per ounce)

    Figure 12. Dynamics of consumption of oil refining catalysts containing PGMs in Russia in 2008-2019, thousand tons

    Figure 13. The structure of the Russian market of oil refining catalysts containing PGMs by manufacturing companies in 2018-2019,%

    Figure 14: Consumption of foreign-made reforming catalysts by Russian refineries in 2008-2019, kt

    Figure 15: Consumption of foreign-made isomerization catalysts by Russian refineries in 2008-2019, t

    Figure 16. The dynamics of the capacity of the domestic market and the production of cars in the Russian Federation in 2012-2018, million units

    Figure 17. Brand structure of Russian car production in 2018,%

    Figure 18. Dynamics of automobile production and consumption of autocatalysts in the Russian Federation in 2002-2019, thousand units

    Figure 19. Dynamics of consumption of oil refining and petrochemical catalysts containing PGMs in Russia in 2008-2019. and forecast for the period until 2030, thousand tons

    Figure 20. Car production and consumption of autocatalysts in Russia in 2008-2018, forecast for the period until 2030, thousand units


    Coming soon

    January 2025

    Organosilicon compounds in Russia and the world: Production, Market and Forecast

    January 2025

    Pharmaceutical Substances and Intermediates in Russia:Production, Market and Forecast

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