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Boron and Boric Acid in Russia and world: Production, Market and Forecast (8 edition)
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This review is the 8th edition of the study of the market of boron, boric acid and boron products in Russia and in the CIS countries.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the market of boron products and boric acid in Russia and CIS countries.
The object of the study is boric acid and other boron-containing products.
Chronological framework of the study: 1999-2018; the forecast is 2019-2025.
Geography research: Russian Federation - a comprehensive detailed analysis of the market; CIS countries - a brief description
This review is a desk study. As sources of information, data from the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation, customs statistics from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan, the UN data database, reports of issuers of securities, materials of the federal and regional press were used.
In addition, when describing industries-consumers of boron-containing compounds, materials from the InfoMine were used: "Continuous Fiberglass and its products in the CIS: Production, Market and Forecast-2018" and "Glass Pharmaceutical Packaging in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast-2017".
The report consists of 7 chapters, contains 125 pages, 55 tables, 19 figures and 2 Appendices.
The first chapter provides general information on the global market for boric acid and boron products. The data on the world mineral resource base, the extraction of boron raw materials, the main producing countries, world consumption are presented.
The second chapter of the review is devoted to the description of the mineral resource base of boron ores in the CIS countries. It presents the structure of reserves and characteristics of the main fields.
The third chapter of the review is devoted to the extraction of boric ores and the production of boron products and boric acid in the CIS countries. In addition, here are the requirements for the quality of datolite concentrate and the technology used in the enrichment of datolite ore.
The fourth chapter provides data on the current state of enterprises-producers of boron products in the CIS.
The fifth chapter of the review presents data on foreign trade in boron products in the Russian Federation, Ukraine and other CIS countries. The dynamics of import-export prices in the Russian Federation and Ukraine is given.
The sixth chapter of the review examines the consumption of boron products and boric acid in the Russian Federation. This section presents the production-consumption balances of boron-containing ores and boric acid, the branch structure of boric acid consumption, and the main consumers.
The seventh chapter of the review contains a forecast of the development of the Russian boric acid market for the period up to 2025.
Appendix 1 provides contact details of the producers of boric acid in the CIS countries.
Appendix 2 shows the contact details of the largest consumers of boron products in the CIS countries.
Target audience of the study:
- market participants of boron products - producers, consumers, traders;
- potential investors.
The proposed study claims the role of reference for marketing services and management decision-makers working in the boron products market.
I. World Market
I.1. Manifestations of boron minerals, boron properties
I.2. Mineral reserves of boron in the world
I.3. Mining of boron ores (2001-2017) and the production of boron products in the world
I.4. Major countries and manufacturers
I.5. World consumption of boron products
I.6. Boric acid end-user markets
II. Reserves and deposits of boron in the CIS
III. Mining of boron ores and production of boron products in Russia / CIS (1996-2018)
III.1. Dynamics of boron ore mining in the CIS
III.2. Dynamics of production of boron products in the CIS
IV. Current state of enterprise-producers of boron products in the CIS
IV.1. Dalnegorsky GOK LLC (Dalnegorsk, Primorsky Krai, RF)
IV.2. OJSC "Buysky Chemical Plant" (Bui, Kostroma region, Russia)
IV.3. KazInvestNedra JSC (Atyrau region, Republic of Kazakhstan)
IV.4. LLP with IU "Satbor" (Uralsk, Republic of Kazakhstan)
IV.5. OJSC "South Ural Cryolite Plant" (Kuvandyk, Orenburg region, Russia)
V. Foreign trade operations with boron products in 1999-2018
V.1. The volume of exports and imports of boric acid in the Russian Federation in 1999-2018
V.2. Tendencies and features of export-import supplies of boric acid in the Russian Federation in 1999-2018
V.3. The main directions of export-import supplies
V.4. Export-import of boron products in the Russian Federation in 2006-2017
V.5. Import of boric acid to other CIS countries
V.5.1. Export-import of boron products in Ukraine in 2000-2017
V.5.2. Import of boric acid to other CIS countries in 2005-2018
V.6. Dynamics of export-import prices in the Russian Federation in 1999-2018
VI. Domestic consumption of boron products in the Russian Federation in 1999-2017
VI.1. Balance of consumption of boron-containing ores in the Russian Federation
VI.2. Balance of boric acid consumption in Russia
VI.3. Structure of consumption of boric acid in Russia
VI.4. The main industry-consumers of boric acid
VI.5. Main enterprise-consumers
VII. Prospects and forecast of production, export, import and consumption of boron-containing products in Russia / CIS countries until 2025
Table 1. Major boron minerals found in its industrial deposits
Table 2. Reserves of boron-containing ores in the world, million tons (in terms of В2О3)
Table 3. Extraction of boron-containing ores in the world in 1998-2017, kt
Table 4. Capacities of the main enterprises for the production of boron products of the Eti Mine company
Table 5. Geographical distribution of balance reserves of boric ores in the Russian Federation
Table 6. Requirements for the quality of commercial datolite concentrate produced by LLC Dalnegorsky GOK
Table 7. Mining of boron-containing ores in the CIS in 1996-2018, kt
Table 8. Physical and chemical indicators of boric acid of various grades according to GOST 18704-78
Table 9. Production of boric acid in the CIS in 1996-2018, kt
Table 10. The share of exports of boric acid (%) in the total volume of its production (kt) of OOO Dalnegorsky GOK in 1999-2018
Table 11. Geography of export supplies of OOO Dalnegorsky GOK in 1999-2012, t
Table 12. Geography of export supplies of OOO Dalnegorsky GOK in 2013-2018, t
Table 13. Railway supplies of boric acid produced by Dalnegorsky GOK, LLC to Russian consumers in 2002-2012, t
Table 14. Railway supplies of boric acid produced by LLC Dalnegorsky GOK
Table 15. Supplies of boron products produced by JSC "Buysky Chemical Plant" in 2006-2018, t
Table 16. Production of boron ore by JSC Inderbor in 1994-1997, kt
Table 17. Supplies of borate ore from Kazakhstan to South-Ural Cryolite Plant OJSC in 1999-2004
Table 18. Production and export of boric acid in JSC "YUKZ" in 1999-2004, t,%
Table 19. Geography of export supplies of boric acid of JSC "UUKZ" in 1999-2005, t, $ / t
Table 20. Supplies of boric acid produced by JSC "YUKZ" to the Russian market in 2002-2004, t
Table 21. Foreign trade in boric acid in the Russian Federation in 1999-2018, kt
Table 22. Share of exports of boric acid in the total volume of its production in Russia in 1999-2018, kt,%
Table 23. Russian exporters of boric acid in 1999-2018, t
Table 24. Destinations of Russian exports of boric acid in 1999-2018, kt
Table 25. Boric acid supplying countries in the Russian Federation in 2000-2018, t
Table 26. Companies supplying boric acid to the Russian Federation in 2006-2018, kt
Table 27. Russian recipients of boric acid in 2006-2018, kt
Table 28. Supplies of boron-containing products
Table 29. The main companies-suppliers of boron-containing products in the Russian Federation in 2008-2017, t
Table 30. Russian recipients of imported sodium perborate in 2006-2017, t
Table 31. Russian recipients of imported natural borates and borax in 2011-2017, t
Table 32. Foreign trade in boric acid in Ukraine in 2000-2017, t
Table 33. Boric acid supplying countries to Ukraine in 2000-2017, t
Table 34. The main companies-suppliers of boric acid to Ukraine in 2008-2017, t
Table 35. Ukrainian recipients of imported boric acid in 2003-2017, t
Table 36. Import of boric acid to Belarus in 2005-2018, t
Table 37. Import of boric acid to other CIS countries in 2005-2017, t
Table 38. Export-import prices on boric acid in Russia in 1999-2018, $ / t
Table 39. Import prices for boric acid for the main Russian recipients in 2006-2018, $ / t
Table 40. Prices of the main companies supplying boric acid in the Russian Federation in 2006-2018, $ / t
Table 41. Export prices for countries-consumers of Russian boric acid in 2006-2018, $ / t
Table 42. Import prices for boron-containing products supplied to the Russian Federation in 2006-2017, $ / t
Table 43. Import prices on sodium perborate for Russian consumers in 2006-2017, $ / t
Table 44. Consumption of boron-containing ores in Russia in 1999-2017, kt
Table 45. Indicators of boric acid consumption in Russia in 1999-2017, kt,%
Table 46. B2O3 content in inorganic glasses with special properties,% by weight
Table 47. The main types of glass for fiberglass
Table 48. Typical composition of the main fiber-forming glasses,% by weight
Table 49. Railway supplies of boric acid to Russian producers of enamels in 2002-2017, t
Table 50. Flux compositions for gas welding and brazing of cast iron,%
Table 51. Flux compositions for gas welding of copper and its alloys,%
Table 52. The chemical composition of ferroboron according to GOST 14848-69
Table 53. Ferroboron production in Russia in 2006-2017, t
Table 54. The main consumers of boric acid in Russia in 2002-2012, t
Table 55. Railway supplies of boric acid to Russian consumers in 2013-2017, t
Figure 1. Dynamics of world production of boric ores in 1998-2017, kt
Figure 2. Distribution of market share of boron-containing products among producers in 2016,%
Figure 3. Regional structure of world consumption of boron-containing products in 2016,%
Figure 4. Sectoral structure of world consumption of boron-containing products in 2016,%
Figure 5. Dynamics of production of boron-containing ores in the CIS in 1996-2018, kt
Figure 6. Dynamics of datolite ore mining and production of boric and sulfuric acid by Dalnegorsky GOK (CJSC Bor) in 1996-2018, kt
Figure 7. Dynamics of production of boric acid of South-Ural Cryolite Plant OJSC in 1993-2004, kt
Figure 8. Dynamics of export-import operations with boric acid in Russia in 1999-2018, kt
Figure 9. The share of Asia-Pacific countries in the export of H3BO3 from the Russian Federation in 2002-2017,%
Figure 10. Russian exports of borax and zinc borate in 2002-2017, t
Figure 11. Import volume of boric acid (kt) and the dynamics of average import prices ($ / t) in Ukraine in 2000-2017
Figure 12. Dynamics of import prices ($ / t) for boric acid and import volume (kt) in the Russian Federation in 1999-2018
Figure 13. Dynamics of export prices ($ / t) for boric acid and exports (kt) in the Russian Federation in 1999-2018
Figure 14. Dynamics of Russian export prices for various boron products in 2006-2017, $ / t
Figure 15. The balance of consumption of boric acid and borax in the Russian Federation in 2005-2017
Figure 16. Structure of boric acid consumption in the Russian Federation in 2017,%
Figure 17. Dynamics of production of fiberglass (continuous and staple) in Russia in 2006-2017, kt
Figure 18. Dynamics of production of ceramic glazed tiles in the Russian Federation in 1998-2017, mln m2
Figure 19. Forecast of production, consumption, exports and imports of boric acid until 2025, kt