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    Gold in the CIS: Production, Market and Forecast (5th edition)

    Number of pages: 188 Number of tables: 38 Number of figures: 29
    Language: Russian
    Released: 28.06.2010
    Delivery method:

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    Price: 2 000 Euro

    This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


    The report is devoted to research of current standing of gold market in the world, Russia and CIS. The report is composed of 8 Sections, contains 188 Pages, including 29 Figures, 38 Tables and Appendix.

    The work is a "desk" research; when implementing the investigation, we analysed many information sources, first of all, data of state bodies of Russia and CIS countries, for instance, Federal Service of State Statistics of Russia, Federal Customs Service of Russia, JSC "RZHD" (statistics of domestic railage), CIS Inter-State Statistic Committee. Besides, we used data of companies, for instance, data of Gold Fields Mineral Services (GFMS), IATs "Mineral", Russian Union of Gold Producers, "NBLZoloto", annual and quarterly reports of companies, web-sites of companies, involved in this business, sectoral and regional press, as well as own database of "InfoMine".

    This all allowed the authors to draw picture of actual standing of gold market in the world/CIS/Russia and prospects of its development.

    The first Section of the report presents brief characteristics of world market of gold (reserves, production, consumption, prices).

    The second Section is devoted to characteristics of mineral resources base of Russia with description of main deposits.

    The third Section of the report presents data on mining of gold in Russia in 1992-2009 and gives description of basic gold-mining regions in Russia (Far East, Eastern Siberia, Urals).

    The fourth Section presents characteristics of main gold-mining companies of Russia.

    The fifth Section of the report presents prospective projects in the territory of Russia, involving mining of gold.

    The sixth Section of the report is devoted to production and consumption of gold in Russia.

    Analysis of standing, prospects and forecast of gold mining in Russia is given in the seventh Section of the report.

    The eighth Section presents description of reserves, mining and production of gold in other CIS countries.

    The Conclusion presents forecast of gold mining in CIS countries up to 2015.

    The Appendix presents addresses and contact data of gold-mining enterprises in Russia and CIS.




    I. Brief characteristics of world market of gold (reserves, production, prices)

    I.1. Reserves

    I.2. Production

    I.3. Consumption

    I.4. Prices


    II. General characteristics of mineral resources base of Russia

    II.1. Eastern Siberia

    II.2. Far East

    II.3. Urals

    II.4. Western Siberia

    II.5. Central District


    III. Mining of gold in Russia (1992-2009)

    III.1. Far East

    III.2. Eastern Siberia

    III.3. Urals


    IV. Characteristics and standing of key companies, involved in gold mining in Russia

    IV.1. JSC "Polyus Zoloto"

    IV.2. CJSC "ChukotskayaK"

    IV.3. CJSC GK "Petropavlovsk"

    IV.4. CJSC "Severstal-Resource"

    IV.5. JSC "Polimetall"

    IV.6. JSC "YuzhUralZoloto Group"

    IV.7. JSC "RussDragMet"


    V. Gold mining-involving projects in the territory of Russia


    VI. Production and consumption of gold in Russia


    VII. Analysis of standing, prospects and forecast of gold mining in Russia


    VIII. Reserves, mining and production of gold in other CIS countries

    VIII.1. Uzbekistan

    VIII.2. Kazakhstan

    VIII.3. Kyrgyzstan

    VIII.4. Other countries


    Conclusion. Forecast of gold mining in CIS countries up to 2015


    Appendix: Contact information on gold-mining companies

    Table 1: Reserves of gold (t) and average grades in primary ores (ppm) and placers (g/m3)

    Table 2: Production of gold by leading country-producers in 1999-2009, t

    Table 3: 15 leading gold-mining companies in the world

    Table 4: World gold supply and demand, t

    Table 5: Main deposits of Russia

    Table 6: Geological reserves of Mnogovershinnoe deposit

    Table 7: Mining of gold by territories of Russia in 1992-2009, kg

    Table 8: Mining of primary gold by territories of Russia in 2002-2009, kg

    Table 9: Mining of gold in Far East in 2002-2009, kg

    Table 10: Main gold-mining enterprises in Far East in 2004-2009

    Table 11: Mining of gold in Eastern Siberia in 2002-2009, kg

    Table 12: Main gold-mining enterprises in Eastern Siberia in 2004-2009

    Table 13: Mining of gold in Ural territory in 2002-2009, kg

    Table 14: Main gold-mining enterprises in Urals in 2004-2009

    Table 15: Main gold-mining enterprises in Russia in 2005-2009

    Table 16: Dynamics of number of gold-mining companies in Russia in 2002-2009

    Table 17: Dynamics of mining of gold by foreign companies in Russia in 2003-2009, kg

    Table 18: Mineral resources base of JSC "Polyus Zoloto" according to classification of GKZ Russia

    Table 19: Mineral resources base of JSC "Polyus Zoloto" in accordance with JORC Code

    Table 20: Production activity of JSC "Polyus Zoloto" in 2007-2009

    Table 21: Investment activity of CJSC GK "Petropavlovsk"

    Table 22: Main Russian gold-mining enterprise-subsidiaries of CJSC "Severstal-Resource"

    Table 23: Key data of gold and silver mining by JSC "Polimetall" in 2003-2009

    Table 24: Ore reserves of deposits of JSC "Polimetall"

    Table 25: Operational data of JSC "Polimetall" at Vorontsovskoe deposit in 2006-2009

    Table 26: Operational data of JSC "Polimetall" at Khakandzhi and Yur’evskoe deposits in 2006-20009

    Table 27: Operational data of JSC "Polimetall" at Dukat and Lunnoe deposits in 2006-2009

    Table 28: Main gold-mining enterprise-subsidiaries of JSC "UzhUralZoloto GK"

    Table 29: Key results of operation of CJSC "Mnogovershinnoe" in 2008-2009

    Table 30: Dynamics of production of gold in Russia in 1991-2009, kg

    Table 31: Processing of mined of gold at Russian refineries in 2003-2009, kg

    Table 32: Requirements, imposed on quality of refined gold (GOST 28058-89)

    Table 33: Manufacturing small bars at Russian refineries in 2003-2009, kg

    Table 34: Consumption of gold in production of jewelry in Russia in 2000-2009, kg

    Table 35: Supply and demand at gold market in Russia in 2006-2009, t

    Table 36: Production of gold in CIS countries in 1999-2009, t

    Table 37: List of key deposits of gold in Kyrgyzstan

    Table 38: Volume of gold mining by "Kumtor Operating Company" in 1997-2009, t

    Figure 1: Dynamics of world mining of gold (kt) and growth index (% year-on-year)

    Figure 2: Mining of gold by region in 1999-2008, t

    Figure 3: Regional pattern of gold mining in 2008, %

    Figure 4: Regional pattern of gold consumption in 1999-2008, t

    Figure 5: Supply-demand balance (t) and prices on gold ($/ounce)

    Figure 6: Pattern of gold reserves in Russia by type of deposits

    Figure 7: Changing gold reserves pattern in Russia by type of deposits

    Figure 8: Gold-bearing provinces in Russia and main deposits of gold

    Figure 9: Breakage of balance reserves of gold by Russian Regions, t

    Figure 10: Geographic pattern of gold reserves in Russia, %

    Figure 11: Mining of gold in Russia in 1992-2009, t

    Figure 12: Dynamics of gold mining from primary, placer and complex deposits in Russia in 1992-2009, t

    Figure 13: Pattern of gold mining in Russia be Federal District in 2007-2009, %

    Figure 14: Dynamics of gold mining by JSC "Polyus Zoloto" in 2002-2009, t

    Figure 15: Dynamics of gold mining by CJSC GK "Petropavlovsk" in 2005-2009, t

    Figure 16: Dynamics of gold mining at key gold-bearing deposits of JSC "Polimetall" in 2004-2009, t

    Figure 17: Location of deposits of JSC "Polimetall" in Urals

    Figure 18: Location of deposits of JSC "Polimetall" in Khabarovsk Region

    Figure 19: Location of deposits of JSC "Polimetall" in Magadan Region

    Figure 20: Mining of gold by CJSC "Mnogovershinnoe" in 1999-2009, kg

    Figure 21: Location of deposits of Yana-Kolyma Gold-Bearing Province

    Figure 22: Mining and production of gold in Russia in 1991-1990, kg

    Figure 23: Volume of production of gold jewelry by basic Russian producers in 2008 in money terms, mln Rubles

    Figure 24: Dynamics of production and exports of gold in Russia in 2002-2009, t

    Figure 25: Forecast of production of gold in Russia up to 2015, t

    Figure 26: Production of gold in the USSR in 1985-1990, t

    Figure 27: Main deposits of Kazakhstan

    Figure 28: Mining and production of affined gold in Kazakhstan in 1999-2009, t

    Figure 29: Forecast of gold mining in CIS up to 2015, t


    Coming soon

    January 2025

    Organosilicon compounds in Russia and the world: Production, Market and Forecast

    January 2025

    Pharmaceutical Substances and Intermediates in Russia:Production, Market and Forecast

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