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Global market for pulverized coal injection (PCI) and Russia’s position
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This report is the first edition of the study on the global pulverized coal injection (PCI) market.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the global coal market for pulverized coal injection into blast furnaces (PCI) and determine Russia’s position in this market.
The objects of study are coal for pulverized coal injection into blast furnaces (PCI).
This work is a desk research. Data from the statistical committees of the EAEU countries (including Rosstat, the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan) were used as sources of information; UN international databases (UNdata), World Bank, Eurostat; international and European trade data (UN Comtrade, Trade Map); Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (until 2022); Unified information system in the field of procurement; railway transport statistics; VLSI databases; foreign specialized companies; annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers; industry and regional press, conference materials, Internet sites of manufacturing enterprises and consumers of the products under study; scientific and technical literature (elibrary, etc.), FIPS patent database; Infomine database, etc.
Chronological scope of the study: 2020-2023; forecast – until 2030
Geography of the study: China, EU countries, India.
The report consists of 7 parts, contains 63 pages, including 12 figures, 13 tables.
The first chapter of the report briefly examines the current situation in the global PCI and cast iron market, presents the market capacity and the main market players.
The second chapter of the report shows the basic requirements for the quality and characteristics of coals that can be used for pulverized coal injection into blast furnaces.
The third chapter provides data on the use of coal for PCI in the Chinese iron and steel industry and shows Russia's share in the import of these products. The characteristics of the main Chinese players in the PCI market are given.
The fourth chapter provides data on the use of coal for PCI in the iron and steel industry of the European Union, showing Russia's share in the import of these products. The characteristics of the main European players in the PCI market are given.
The fifth chapter of the report provides data on the use of coal for PCI in the Indian iron and steel industry and shows Russia's share in the import of these products. The characteristics of the main Indian players in the PCI market are given.
The sixth chapter of the report provides a forecast for the development of the global PCI market and in individual countries (China, India, EU) until 2030.
The seventh chapter of the report provides an overview of world prices for PCI of varying quality and their forecast until 2030.
Target audience of the study:
– participants in the coal market for pulverized coal injection into blast furnaces (PCI) – producers, consumers, traders;
– potential investors.
The proposed study purports to be a reference tool for marketing services and specialists making management decisions working in the market for the production of coal for pulverized coal injection into blast furnaces (PCI).
1. Introduction. Brief overview of the PCI market
2. Basic quality requirements and characteristics of PCI coals
3. Coal market for pulverized coal injection in China
3.1 Overview of the current situation of PCI production and consumption in China and the role of Russia
3.2 China PCI Market Capacity (2020-2023)
3.3 Key PCI Market Players in China (Consumer Companies)
4. Coal market for pulverized coal injection in the EU
4.1 Overview of the current situation of PCI production and consumption in the EU and the role of Russia
4.2 PCI market capacity in the EU (2020-2023)
4.3 Key PCI market players in the EU (consumer companies)
5. Pulverized Coal Injection Coal Market in India
5.1 Overview of the current situation of PCI production and consumption in India and the role of Russia
5.2 PCI Market Capacity in India (2020-2023)
5.3 Major PCI Market Players in India (Consumer Companies)
6. Forecast of the global PCI market volume until 2030.
7. Dynamics of world prices for PCI and their forecast until 2030.
Table 1. Qualitative characteristics of PCI coals from Australia and some Russian producers
Table 2. Iron and steel production in China in 2020-2023. (million tons), country's share in world production (%)
Table 3. Supplies of other bituminous coal* (in accordance with HS 2701129000) from Russia to China in 2020-2023. (million tons), share in total supplies (%)
Table 4. PCI coal supplies (in accordance with HS 2701129000) from Russia to China in 2020-2023. (million tons), share in total supplies (%)
Table 5. Leading provinces in China by number of operating blast furnaces as of mid-2023
Table 6. Pig iron production in selected EU countries in 2020-2023, million tons.
Table 7. Estimation of PCI coal consumption in EU countries in 2020-2023, million tons
Table 8. Supplies of other bituminous coal* (in accordance with HS 2701129000) from Russia to the EU countries in 2020-2023, million tons
Table 9. Leading companies producing cast iron in EU countries
Table 10. Iron and steel production in India in 2020-2023 (million tons), country's share in world production (%)
Table 11. PCI coal imports to India in 2020-2023 (million tons), share of ferrous metallurgy enterprises in imports (%)
Table 12. Supplies of other bituminous coal* (in accordance with HS 2701129000) from Russia to India in 2020-2023, million tons
Table 13. PCI coal supplies (in accordance with HS 2701129000) from Russia to China in 2020-2023. (million tons), share in total supplies (%)
Figure 1. Estimated PCI coal consumption in China (million tons) in 2020-2023. country's share in the world (%)
Figure 2. Pig iron production in EU countries in 2020-2023* (million tons), share in world output (%)
Figure 3. PCI coal imports to India by month 2020-2023, million tons
Figure 4. PCI coal consumption volumes in India in 2020-2023. (million tons) and the country’s share in the world (%)
Figure 5. Forecast of global coal consumption PCI for the period up to 2030, million tons
Figure 6. PCI coal consumption forecast in EU countries for the period up to 2030, million tons
Figure 7. PCI coal consumption forecast in China for the period up to 2030, million tons
Figure 8. Forecast of PCI coal consumption in India for the period up to 2030, million tons
Figure 9. Average monthly prices for PCI coal when supplied from Australia on FOB Queensland terms without VAT, USD/t
Figure 10. Average monthly prices for PCI coal for deliveries to China on CFR terms Chinese ports excluding VAT, USD/t
Figure 11. Average export prices for PCI coal for supplies to China* USD/t
Figure 12. Average export prices for PCI coal for supplies to India* USD/t