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    Rare and Trace Metals in the world and Russia: current status and development forecast until 2030. Part 1 (REM, niobium, tantalum, zirconium, beryllium, lithium)

    Number of pages: 207 Number of tables: 113 Number of figures: 12
    Language: Russian
    Released: 16.12.2014
    Delivery method:

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    Price: 5 000 Euro

    This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


    This report focuses on market research of rare and trace metals in Russia and the world - part one.

    The purpose of research - analysis of the current state of the market of rare and trace metals in Russia and the world with a forecast of its development until 2020 and 2030.

    The object of the study are rare and trace metals in Part 1 are considered rare earths, niobium, tantalum, zirconium, beryllium, and lithium.

    Is a desk study. As information sources, we used data of Rosstat, the Russian customs statistics, foreign trade website UNdata and Eurostat, the Western media materials, annual and quarterly reports of market participants, internet-sites of company-producers and consumers of rare and trace metals.

    Chronological framework of the study: 2007-2013; forecast for the period 2014-2020 and of 2020-2030.

    Geography of research: the Russian Federation, the world.


    The report consists of 6 Sections, contains 207 pages, including 12 figures, 113 tables, list of sources and 2 applications.

    In the first chapter the characteristics of world and Russian market of rare earth metals, given the dynamics of production, foreign trade operations, describes the main world producers, characterized by new projects for the production of rare-earth metals in the world, the prices of various rare-earth metals, analyzed the situation in the main areas of consumption, the forecast of the market development to 2020 and 2030.

    In the second chapter, the characteristic of the global and Russian markets niobium, given the dynamics of production, foreign trade operations, describes the main world producers, characterized by new projects for the production of niobium in the world prices of different brands of niobium, analyzed the situation in the main areas of consumption, the forecast of the market development to 2020 and 2030.

    In the third chapter, the characteristic of the global and Russian markets tantalum, given the dynamics of production, foreign trade operations, describes the main world producers, characterized by new projects for the production of tantalum in the world prices of different brands of tantalum, analyzed the situation in the main areas of consumption, the forecast of the market development to 2020 and 2030.

    In the fourth chapter the characteristics of world and Russian market of zirconium, given the dynamics of production, foreign trade operations, describes the main world producers, characterized by new projects for the production of zirconium in the world prices of different brands of zirconium, analyzed the situation in the main areas of consumption, the forecast of the market development to 2020 and 2030.

    In the fifth chapter the characteristics of world and Russian markets of beryllium, given the dynamics of production, foreign trade operations, describes the main world producers, characterized by new projects for the production of beryllium in the world prices of different brands of beryllium, analyzed the situation in the main areas of consumption, the forecast of the market development to 2020 and 2030.

    In the sixth chapter of the characteristic of the Russian and global market lithium, given the dynamics of production, foreign trade operations, describes the main world producers, characterized by new projects for the production of lithium in the world prices of different brands of lithium, analyzed the situation in the main areas of consumption, the forecast of the market development to 2020 and 2030.

    Source List contains 79 names of references.

    The annexes are major deposits in Russia, as well as major projects in the world.


    The target audience of the research:

    - Market participants are rare and trace metals - producers, consumers, suppliers;

    - Potential investors.

    The proposed study claims the role of reference for marketing services and professionals to make managerial decisions, working in the market of rare and trace metals.






    I.1 The global market for rare earth metals - the current state and development prgnoz to 2020 and 2030.

    I.2 Review of exploration projects, mining projects and processing of ores of rare earth metals in the Russian Federation and foreign countries.

    I.3 The Russian market of rare earth metals - the current status and development forecast up to 2020 and 2030.



    II.1 The global market for niobium - current status and prgnoz development up to 2020 and 2030.

    II.2 Overview exploration projects, mining projects and processing of niobium ores in Russia and foreign countries.

    II.3 The Russian market of niobium - current status and development forecast up to 2020 and 2030.



    III.1 The global market for tantalum - current status and prgnoz development up to 2020 and 2030.

    III.2 Overview of exploration projects, mining projects and processing of ores tantallovyh in the Russian Federation and foreign countries.

    III.3 Russian market tantala- current status and development forecast up to 2020 and 2030.



    IV.1 The world market of zirconium - the current state and development prgnoz to 2020 and 2030.

    IV.2 Overview of exploration projects, mining projects and processing of zirconium ores in Russia and foreign countries.

    IV.3 Russian market of zirconium - current status and development forecast up to 2020 and 2030.



    V.1 The global market for beryllium - current status and prgnoz development up to 2020 and 2030.

    V.2 Overview of exploration projects, mining projects and processing of beryllium ores in Russia and foreign countries.

    V.3 Russian market beryllium - current status and development forecast up to 2020 and 2030.



    VI.1 The global market for lithium - current status and prgnoz development until 2020 and 2030.

    VI.2 Overview exploration projects, mining projects and processing of lithium ore in the Russian Federation and foreign countries.

    VI.3 Russian market lithium - current status and development forecast up to 2020 and 2030.


    List of references


    Appendix 1. Russian deposits of rare metals

    Appendix 2. Major projects on extraction and production of rare metals in the world

    Table 1. The ratio of different types of commercial products REM%

    Table 2. Proven reserves of REM in the world and in some countries

    Table 3. Production / manufacturing REM in the world and in some countries in 2006-2013, t in terms of oxides

    Table 4. Exports from China to REM 2005-2013, th., Mln.

    Table 5. export quotas REM China in 2011-2014s distribution on the "light" and "heavy" group, th.

    Table 6. Structure of the rare-earth metals from China by products in 2012-2013,%

    Table 7. Dynamics of world imports of rare earth compounds and metals, the main directions of supplies in 2005-2013, th.

    Table 8. Dynamics of prices for rare earth oxides in 2005-2014 (FOB China) and the forecast for 2020-2025, USD / kg

    Table 9. Using a variety of REM in the manufacture of products,%

    Table 10. Structure of consumption of rare earth in terms of oxides in the world in 2011 and 2013 thousand. T /%

    Table 11. Consumption of rare earth in China and other countries in 2005-2013, in 2020 (forecast), th.

    Table 12. Distribution of REM consumption by main countries and areas of use in 2012, th.

    Table 13. Possible subsituty (substitutes) REM in a number of industries

    Table 14. Forecast of the global production of rare-earth metals to 2020 and 2030, th.

    Table 15. Forecast of consumption of REM to 2020 and 2030 in the directions of use, th. /%

    Table 16. The main directions and trends in the world consumption of REM

    Table 17. The volume of world consumption of individual REM in 2020 and 2030, th.

    Table 18. Balance of individual REM at the forecast of world production and consumption in 2020 and 2030, th.

    Table 147: Statements and ongoing projects for the extraction of rare earth resources in the world

    Table 20. Indicators of production of rare earth products in Russia in 2007-2013, th.

    Table 21. Financial performance of "Solikamsk magnesium plant» in 2002-2013, mln.

    Table 22. Dynamics of export and import of rare earth products in Russia 2007-2013

    Table 23. Structure of the compounds of rare-earth metals by products and components in 2007-2013,%

    Table 24. Structure of imports of rare-earth metals and alloys Russia by products in 2007-2013,%

    Table 25. Level of average import prices of major imported to Russia rare earth products in 2007-2013, USD / kg

    Table 26. "Apparent" consumption of rare-earth metals in Russia in 2007-2013 (calculated as oxides)

    Table 27. Structure of consumption of rare earth in the directions of use in Russia in 2010-2013 (in terms of oxides),%

    Table 28. Scenarios and indicators for the development of REM Industry of the Russian Federation

    Table 29. Forecast of production of REM to 2020 and 2030 under different scenarios, th.

    Table 30. Forecast of consumption of REM to 2020 and 2030 under different scenarios, th.

    Table 31. Forecast of the balance of production and consumption in Russia various REM in 2020 and 2030

    Table 32. The main target of the Russian market indicators REM in 2020 and 2030

    Table 33. Distribution of niobium reserves by country, th. In terms of Nb2O5,%

    Table 34. World production of niobium (in terms of metal) in 2007-2013, th.

    Table 35. Foreign trade in Ferroniobium in the world in 2007-2013, th.

    Table 36. Forecast of the global consumption of niobium and prices ferronioby in 2020 and 2030

    Table 37. The most important projects for the extraction and processing of niobium ores

    Table 38. Production of niobium concentrate (in terms of Nb2O5) in Russia in 2007-2013, t

    Table 39. Production Ferroniobium in Russia in 2007-2013, t

    Table 40. Production and delivery to consumers of niobium (in terms of Nb2O5) JSC «Solikamsk magnesium plant» in 2000-2013, t

    Table 41. Foreign trade in Ferroniobium and Nb2O5 in Russia in 2007-2013, t, thousand. $, $ / Kg

    Table 42. Import Ferroniobium Russia in 2007-2013, t

    Table 43. Export of Nb2O5 "Solikamsk Magnesium Plant" by countries in 2007-2013, t

    Table 44. "Apparent" consumption of niobium (in terms of niobium) in Russia in 2007-2013, t

    Table 45. Production of large diameter pipes for oil and gas pipelines in Russia in 2010-2013, mln t

    Table 46. Production of steel and Ferroniobium consumption (in terms of metal) in Russia in 2013 and forecast to 2030

    Table 47. Forecast of production and consumption of niobium in the Russian Federation until 2030

    Table 48. The main target indicators of the Russian market of niobium in 2020 and 2030

    Table 49. The main minerals of tantalum

    Table 50. Distribution of reserves of tantalum by country, th. In terms of Ta2O5,%

    Table 51. The world's largest deposits of tantalum

    Table 52. World production of tantalum (in terms of Ta2O5) in concentrates in 2007-2013, t

    Table 53. The main world producers of tantalum products

    Table 54. World trade in tantalum metal and articles thereof in 2008-2013, t

    Table 55. Deliveries of new aircraft to customers in 2004-2013, pcs.

    Table 56. Forecast of the global consumption of tantalum (in terms of Ta2O5) and the price of tantalum pentoxide in 2020 and 2030

    Table 57. Production of tantalum concentrate (in terms of Ta2O5) in Russia in 2007-2013, t

    Table 58. Supplies of consumers of tantalum pentoxide JSC «Solikamsk magnesium plant» in 2007-2013, t

    Table 59. Foreign trade in tantalum produktsieyv Russia in 2007-2013, t

    Table 60. Supply-demand balance of tantalum in Russia in 2007-2013, t

    Table 61. Forecast of production and consumption of tantalum in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030, ie

    Table 62. The main target indicators of the Russian market of tantalum in 2020 and 2030

    Table 63. World reserves of zirconium

    Table 64. Dynamics of world production of zirconium concentrates (with the release of the Russian Federation) in 2007-2013, th.

    Table 65. World production of zirconium concentrates on countries in 2007-2013, th.

    Table 66. Major exporters of zirconium concentrates in 2008-2013, th.

    Table 67. The main importing countries of zirconium concentrates in 2008-2013, th.

    Table 36. Dynamics of average world prices for zircon and baddeleyite and zirconia in 2007-2014, $ / t

    Table 69. Global consumption of zirconium concentrates on countries in 2008-2013, th.

    Table 70. Forecast of world production of zirconium concentrates until 2020 and 2030, th.

    Table 39. Forecast of capacity of the world market of zirconium concentrates until 2030, th.

    Table 72. The capacity of the world market of zirconium concentrates by industry in 2013-2030, th. (Base case forecast)

    Table 73. Dynamics of production of baddeleyite concentrate in Russia in 2007-2013, th.

    Table 74. Dynamics of foreign trade operations in zirconium concentrates in Russia in 2007-2013, th.

    Table 75. Areas of exports of baddeleyite concentrate of JSC «Kovdor GOK» in 2007-2013, th.

    Table 76. Dynamics of import of zirconium concentrate * in Russia by countries in 2007-2013, th.

    Table 77. Dynamics of import of zirconium dioxide in Russia by countries in 2007-2013, t

    Table 78. Dynamics of foreign trade operations with the zirconium metal in Russia in 2007-2013, t

    Table 79. Volumes of import of zirconium metal in Russia by countries in 2009-2013, t

    Table 80. Balance of production and consumption of zirconium-containing raw materials in Russia in 2007-2013, th.

    Table 81. Structure of apparent consumption of zirconium concentrates in Russia * in 2007-2013, th.

    Table 82. Forecast of production of zirconium concentrates in Russia up to 2030, th.

    Table 83. Forecast of consumption of zirconium concentrates in Russia up to 2030, th.

    Table 84. The main target indicators of the Russian market of zirconium in 2020 and 2030

    Table 85. Stocks of beryllium oxide in the world, th. BeO%

    Table 86. Distribution of reserves by commercial types of beryllium deposits% of the reserves in the world and in Russia

    Table 87. Dynamics of world production of beryllium concentrates in 2007-2013, that is in terms of metal

    Table 88. The volume of foreign trade with the United States of beryllium products in 2010-2012, t

    Table 89. Volume of production of beryllium products of JSC "UMP" in 2008-2013, t

    Table 90. Export of beryllium products in Kazakhstan in 2007-2013, t

    Table 91. Average export and import prices in the US beryllium products in 2007-2012, $ / kg, $ / t

    Table 92. Average export prices of Kazakhstan to the metal beryllium, $ / kg

    Table 93. Structure of consumption of beryllium products in the United States in 2013,%

    Table 94. Forecast of the global consumption of beryllium to 2020/2030, t

    Table 95. The volume of foreign trade operations with beryllium products in 2007-2013, t

    Table 96. Average import prices for Russian beryllium products in 2007-2013, $ / kg

    Table 97. Calculation of the "apparent consumption" of beryllium and its alloys in Russia in 2007-2013, t (in terms of metal)

    Table 98. Structure of consumption of beryllium bronze and wood products in Russia and the main consumers in 2013, t,%

    Table 99. Forecast of consumption of beryllium to 2020 and 2030 under different scenarios, ie,

    Table 100. World reserves and resources of lithium, th.

    Table 101. World production of lithium in 2007-2013, th.

    Table 102. The world's largest exporters and importers of lithium carbonate in 2009-2013, th.

    Table 103. Average export prices for lithium production in 2007-2013, $ / kg

    Table 104. The main applications of lithium and lithium compounds

    Table 105. The structure of the global consumption of lithium in 2012,%

    Table 106. Forecast of the global consumption of lithium to 2020/2030, thous. Tons (in terms of metal)

    Table 107. The range and scope of the lithium production of "NPCC"

    Table 108. The volume of Russian foreign trade in lithium production in 2007-2013, t

    Table 109. Imports of lithium carbonate in the RF in 2008-2013, t

    Table 110. Export and import prices for Russian lithium production in 2007-2013, $ / kg

    Table 111. Apparent consumption of lithium in Russia in 2007-2013, in terms of metal, th.

    Table 112. Forecast of consumption of lithium to 2020 and 2030 under different scenarios, thous. Tons (in terms of metal)

    Table 113. The main target indicators of the Russian market of lithium in 2020 and 2030

    Figure 1. Dynamics of prices for rare earth oxides ("weighted average basket " Lynas) in 2001-2014 and forecast for 2020, US $ / kg

    Figure 2. The main uses of REM

    Figure 3. Dynamics (2011-2013) and forecast (to 2030) sales of hybrid and electric vehicles (PHEV + EV), thous. Pcs

    Figure 4. Dynamics of the global wind energy market in 1997-2013 and forecast up to 2020, GW

    Figure 5. Dynamics of world average export prices ferronioby standard grade in 2005-2013 and forecast up to 2030, $ / kg

    Figure 6. Dynamics of the world average prices for niobium pentoxide and columbite concentrate in 2005-2013, $ / kg

    Figure 7. World consumption Ferroniobium and steel production in 2000-2013 and forecast up to 2030, kt

    Figure 8. Dynamics of average prices tantalitovy concentrate containing 30% Ta2O5 sold on the spot market in 2003-2014, $ / kg Ta2O5

    Figure 9. Dynamics of average prices for tantalum pentoxide different quality in 2005-2013 and forecast up to 2030, $ / kg

    Figure 10. Global consumption of tantalum (in terms of Ta2O5) in 2005-2013, t

    Figure 11. Monthly dynamics of world prices for zircon concentrate (premium grade, FOB Australia) in 2010-2014, $ / t

    Figure 12. The dynamics of beryllium in the USA 1994-2013, in terms of metal, etc.


    Coming soon

    February 2025

    Aniline in Russia, the EAEU and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (3 Edition)

    February 2025

    Organosilicon compounds in Russia and the world: Production, Market and Forecast

    February 2025

    Niobium and niobium products in Russia, EAEU countries and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (9 edition)

    February 2025

    Sputtering Metal Targets in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast

    February 2025

    Titanium Raw Materials in Russia, the EAEU and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (5 edition)

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