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    Building Long-Rolled Steel in Kazakhstan: Production, Market and Forecast (2nd edition)

    Number of pages: 98 Number of tables: 37 Number of figures: 27
    Language: Russian
    Released: 10.07.2012
    Delivery method:

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    Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and PowerPoint presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

    Price: 2 000 Euro

    This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


    This report focuses on market research of long-rolled steel construction in Kazakhstan and the current state of enterprise-producers of the product. The report consists of nine chapters, contains 98 pages, 27 Figures, 37 Tables and Appendix.
    In preparation for the study were used:
    - Data of the Statistics Agency, including the official statistical publications;
    - The materials of "InfoMine";
    - Customs statistics in Russia and Kazakhstan;
    - Materials of Kazakh ministries and departments (official posted on the website);
    - Materials of metallurgical enterprises in Russia and Kazakhstan (reports, press releases, news, etc.);
    - Edition of "Metal-Courier."

    In the first chapter of the report summarizes the current state of the economy of Kazakhstan. It presents the main macroeconomic indicators of the country's development over the past seven years, reflected the positive changes that have occurred in the country in the last 2 years.
    The second Section is devoted to the production of ferrous metals in Kazakhstan in 2000-2011. It shows the dynamics of steel production and steel production in the country. A brief description of the current state of steel producers and steel in Kazakhstan, their products, projects implemented in recent years, and future plans for the commissioning of new capacities.
    The third chapter of the market square billets of Kazakhstan. It analyzes the factors influencing the market. The prospects for the expansion of demand for square billet in the domestic market. Assessed the dynamics and structure of exports.
    Besides, presented the dynamics of prices for billet in some regional markets abroad and the export from the CIS.
    Chapter 4 is devoted to the assessment of market size rolled in Kazakhstan. It describes the structure of production, which still prevails release valves (excluding semi-finished products). Estimated apparent consumption of rolled steel by kinds in 2005-2011. In addition, the chapter discussed in detail in the markets of certain types of long products in Kazakhstan, including the quarterly dynamics of production, exports, imports, and apparent consumption of rebar, wire rod, bar and structural shapes (angular rolling, beams, channels) in 2005-2011. We describe the geographical structure of imports of these products and its changes over the past 7 years.
    The fifth chapter describes the pricing trends in the international and Kazakh markets rolled, are factors that influence the price changes. Shows the price situation the last few years. It is shown that the relative price trends for various types of long products in the market of Kazakhstan.
    The sixth chapter is devoted to the basic factors of the formation of long products market. It describes both external and internal factors influencing the market for long products in Kazakhstan.
    The seventh chapter describes the consumption of long products. There is a balance of apparent consumption of finished steel in Kazakhstan in 2007-2011. The chapter analyzes the consumption of long products in the country with an estimate of the structure of consumption of certain types of rolled products by sector in 2005-2011.
    The eighth chapter describes the state of the construction industry in Kazakhstan as a major consumer of long products. The data entry and construction of buildings, as well as the regional pattern of investment in construction in 2004-2011. The prospects for growth in construction, and, consequently, the consumption of construction steel grades. In addition, the chapter examines the prospects of housing renovation in Kazakhstan, which will also require increased consumption of long products.
    In the ninth, the final chapter of the report presents forecast of production and consumption of rolled steel, including graded, in Kazakhstan, as well as assessed the prospects of end-uses. I presented the projects rolling facilities in the country in the near future. All this is possible to predict the consumption of rolled steel, including those profiled in Kazakhstan until 2020.

    The annex contains contact information on producers of steel in Kazakhstan






    1. Brief review of standing of Kazakhstan’s economy


    2. Production of ferrous metals in Kazakhstan in 2000-2009

    2.1. JSC «ArcelorMittal Temirtau», Temirtau, Karaganda Region

    2.2. JSC «KazFerroSteel», Almaty

    2.3. Metallurgical plant Ltd. «Casting», Pavlodar

    2.4. Ltd. «KSP Steel», Pavlodar

    2.5. Other companies


    3. Market of square billet in Kazakhstan


    4. Evaluation of capacity of long-rolled steel market in Kazakhstan

    4.1. Rebar

    4.2. Structural shapes

    4.3. Wire rod

    4.4. Other bars


    5. Price tendencies at the long-rolled steel market


    6. Main factors governing the market of long-rolled steel


    7. Consumption of long-rolled steel in Kazakhstan


    8. Building complex of Kazakhstan


    9. Forecast of production and consumption of steel and rolled steel in Kazakhstan


    Appendix. Contact data of long-rolled steel producers in Kazakhstan

    Table 1: Main macroeconomic indicators of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2005-2011 (in% to previous year)
    Table 2: Forecast of socio-economic development of Kazakhstan for 2013-2017
    Table 3: Steel production in Kazakhstan in 2000-2011, kt
    Table 4: Estimated production of rolled products in Kazakhstan in 2005-2011, kt
    Table 5: Characteristics of rolling mill "ArselorMittalTemirtau"
    Table 6: Import of billet in Kazakhstan in 2005-2011, kt
    Table 7: Exports of billet from Kazakhstan in 2005-2011 by quarter, kt
    Table 8: Production of long products in Kazakhstan in 2005-2011, kt
    Table 9: Apparent consumption of long products in Kazakhstan in 2005-2011, kt
    Table 10: Production of rebar in Kazakhstan in 2005-2011 by quarter, kt
    Table 11: Power companies to produce reinforcing bars in Kazakhstan
    Table 12: Apparent consumption of rebar in Kazakhstan in 2005-2011 by quarter, kt
    Table 13: Imports of rebar in Kazakhstan in 2005-2011 by quarter, kt
    Table 14: Imports of rebar in Kazakhstan from selected countries in 2005-2011, kt
    Table 15: Export of rebar from Kazakhstan in 2005-2011 by quarter, kt
    Table 16: Apparent consumption of structural shapes in Kazakhstan in 2005-2011 by quarter, kt
    Table 17: Imports of structural shapes for the species in Kazakhstan 2005-2011, kt
    Table 18: Imports of structural shapes Kazakhstan from selected countries in 2005-2011, kt
    Table 19: Share of individual countries in imports of structural shapes in Kazakhstan in 2005-2011,%
    Table 20: Exports of structural shapes of Kazakhstan in 2005-2011 by quarter, kt
    Table 21: Imports of Kazakhstan beams from selected countries in 2005-2011, kt
    Table 22: Imports of Kazakhstan U-sections of the country in 2005-2011, kt
    Table 23: Imports of parts of Kazakhstan from selected countries in 2005-2011, kt
    Table 24: Imports of wire rod in Kazakhstan in 2005-2011 by quarter, kt
    Table 25: Imports of wire rod in Kazakhstan from selected countries in 2005-2011, kt
    Table 26: Share of individual countries in the wire rod imports by Kazakhstan in 2005-2011,%
    Table 27: Exports of wire rods from Kazakhstan in 2005-2011 by quarter, kt
    Table 28: Imports of other bar in Kazakhstan in 2005-2011 by quarter, kt
    Table 29: Apparent consumption of other bar in Kazakhstan in 2005-2011 by quarter, kt
    Table 30: Evaluation of apparent consumption of steel in Kazakhstan in 2007-2011, kt
    Table 31: Main indicators of construction sector in Kazakhstan in 2006-2011, mln
    Table 32: Key indicators of housing conditions in Kazakhstan in 2004-2011
    Table 33: Investment in housing construction in regions of Kazakhstan in 2004-2011, mln
    Table 34: Targets and performance indicators of the Program of Housing Construction for 2011-2014
    Table 35: Forecast of consumption of steel in Kazakhstan in 2010-2020, mln t
    Table 36: Forecast of consumption of long products in Kazakhstan in 2010-2020, mln t
    Table 37: Assessment of input capacity for the manufacture of long products by enterprises in Kazakhstan

    Figure 1: Investments in fixed capital of Kazakhstan in 2000-2011, bln
    Figure 2: Production of steel and flat products of JSC "ArselorMittalTemirtau" in 2000-2011, kt
    Figure 3: Exports of billet from Kazakhstan in 2005-2011, kt
    Figure 4: Structure of exports of billet by country of Kazakhstan in 2005 and 2011,%
    Figure 5: Export of billet by enterprises in 2009-2011, kt
    Figure 6: Changes in prices for billet in some regional markets abroad in 2005-2012, $ / t in the middle of the month
    Figure 7: Dynamics of prices of billets for export from the CIS in 2009-2012, $ / t FOB (without VAT)
    Figure 8: Share of individual types of rolled steel in the structure of consumption of variety in Kazakhstan in 2005-2011,%
    Figure 9: Share of individual countries in imports of rebar in Kazakhstan in 2005 and 2011,%
    Figure 10: Prices of rebar in the regional markets in 2005-2012, $ / t
    Figure 11: Storage and domestic prices for rebar in Kazakhstan in 2009-2012, $ / t
    Figure 12: Storage prices for wire rod (diameter 6.5, 8 mm, steel kn / cn / ps) in Kazakhstan and Russia in 2009-2012, $ / tonne with VAT, ex-warehouse
    Figure 13: Russian export prices for wire rod (diameter 6.5, 8 mm) in 2009-2012, $ / t exclusive of VAT
    Figure 14: Prices of imported stuff (steel kn / cn / ps) for supply in Kazakhstan in 2009-2012, $ / t exclusive of VAT
    Figure 15: Storage Area prices (kn / cn / ps) in Kazakhstan (Almaty) in 2009-2012, $ / tonne with VAT, ex-warehouse
    Figure 16: Prices on the beam in the regional markets in 2005-2012, $ / t
    Figure 17: Storage prices beams (steel kn / cn / ps) in Kazakhstan (Almaty) in 2009-2012, $ / t including VAT ex-warehouse
    Figure 18: Prices of imported beams (steel kn / cn / ps) for deliveries from Russia to Kazakhstan in 2009-2012, $ / ton excluding VAT, daf border of Kazakhstan
    Figure 19: Import prices on the channel (steel kn / cn / ps) for deliveries to Kazakhstan in 2009-2012, $ / ton excluding VAT, daf
    Figure 20: Storage prices for channel bars (kn / cn / ps) in Kazakhstan (Almaty) in 2009-2012, $ / tonne with VAT, ex-warehouse
    Figure 21: Key factors of the market of long products
    Figure 22: Assessment of rebar consumption by sector in 2005-2011,%
    Figure 23: Assessment of wire rod consumption by sector in 2005-2011,%
    Figure 24: Evaluation of patterns of structural shapes by sector in 2005-2011,%
    Figure 25: Evaluation of the structure of consumption by industry bar in 2005-2011,%
    Figure 26: Dynamics of the construction sector in GDP of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2000-2011,% of GDP
    Figure 27: Investment in housing construction and commissioning of the houses in the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2000-2011.


    Coming soon

    February 2025

    Aniline in Russia, the EAEU and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (3 Edition)

    February 2025

    Organosilicon compounds in Russia and the world: Production, Market and Forecast

    February 2025

    Niobium and niobium products in Russia, EAEU countries and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (9 edition)

    February 2025

    Sputtering Metal Targets in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast

    February 2025

    Titanium Raw Materials in Russia, the EAEU and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (5 edition)

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