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    Inorganic Coagulants in Russia, the EAEU countries and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (4 edition)

    Number of pages: 141 Number of tables: 54 Number of figures: 40
    Language: Russian
    Released: 14.11.2024
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    Price: 2 000 Euro
    This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.

    This report is the fourth edition of the study of the inorganic coagulants market.

    The purpose of the study is to analyze the market of inorganic coagulants in Russia, the EAEU countries and the world.

    The object of the study is inorganic coagulants, in particular, aluminum sulfate, aluminum oxychloride, iron chloride, iron sulfate (ferrous sulfate), etc.

    The presented work is a desk study. The following sources of information were used: data from statistical committees of the EAEU countries (including Rosstat, the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan); international UN databases (UNdata), World Bank, Eurostat; international and European trade data (UN Comtrade, Trade Map); the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (until 2022); statistics of railway transportation of the Russian Federation; SBIS database; annual and quarterly reports of issuers of securities; industry and regional press, conference materials, websites of enterprises-producers and consumers of the studied products; scientific and technical literature (elibrary, etc.), the FIPS patent database; the InfoMine database, etc.

    A distinctive feature of this study is the presence of a brief description of the world market of inorganic coagulants, a detailed description of sources and suppliers of raw materials, as well as the largest manufacturers and consumers operating in the market of various reagents used for water purification.

    Chronological framework of the study: 2002-2023, forecast - 2024-2030/35.

    Geography of the study: Russian Federation - a comprehensive detailed analysis of the market, the EAEU countries and the world - a brief retrospective analysis.


    The review consists of 7 parts, contains 141 pages, including 54 tables, 40 figures and 2 appendices.

    The first chapter of the review presents a brief description of the world market of various types of inorganic coagulants.

    The second chapter provides information on the raw materials required for the production of coagulants, their characteristics. This chapter also examines in detail the technology for the production of various types of inorganic coagulants. In addition, data on the main suppliers of raw materials, directions and volumes of supplies are provided.

    The third chapter is devoted to the production of inorganic coagulants in Russia and the EAEU countries. It presents statistical and estimated data on the production volumes of various brands of coagulants in these countries, provides quality indicators of the products obtained, and describes the current state of the main enterprises producing coagulants.

    The fourth chapter of the review analyzes data on foreign trade operations with coagulants in Russia in 2002-2023 and in the EAEU countries in 2014-2023. Data on the volumes of export and import of the studied products are provided, and the commodity and regional structure of supplies for Russia are estimated.

    The fifth chapter is devoted to the analysis of prices for inorganic coagulants. This section provides information on the price level of various brands of coagulants on the domestic Russian market, and also analyzes data on changes in export-import prices for products in Russia in 2002-2023 and in the EAEU countries in 2014-2023.

    The sixth chapter of the review examines the consumption of coagulants in Russia and the EAEU countries. This section provides a production-consumption balance for these products, the industry structure of consumption, lists the main consumers, and describes the current state and development prospects of the largest consumer enterprises.

    Estimating the capacity of the market for coagulants used in water treatment is difficult due to the wide variety of chemical reagents used in this area. Nevertheless, the study conducted by Infoiain allows us to estimate the volumes of production and consumption of coagulants in Russia.

    The seventh chapter provides a forecast for the development of the Russian coagulant market for the period up to 2030/35. The appendices provide addresses and contact information of enterprises producing and consuming coagulants in Russia and Belarus.


    The target audience of the study:

    - participants in the inorganic coagulants market – producers, consumers, traders;

    - potential investors.

    The proposed study claims to be a reference guide for marketing departments and decision-makers working in the inorganic coagulants market.





    1. Brief characteristics of the world market of inorganic coagulants in 2019-2023


    2. Coagulant production technology

    2.1. Types of coagulants and methods of their production

    2.1.1. Aluminum-containing coagulants

    Aluminum sulfate, nepheline coagulant

    Aluminum oxychloride


    2.1.2. Iron-containing coagulants

    Ferrous chloride

    Ferrous sulfate

    Ferrous sulfate

    2.2. Raw materials for the production of coagulants

    Primary aluminum raw materials (bauxites and nephelines)

    Alumina, aluminum hydroxide, metallic aluminum


    2.3. Directions and volumes of raw materials supplies


    3. Coagulant production in the Russian Federation and the EAEU countries

    3.1. Quality of manufactured products

    Aluminum sulfate technical purified

    Aluminum oxychloride

    Iron chloride technical

    Iron sulfate technical

    3.2. Range of inorganic coagulants manufactured in the EAEU countries

    3.3. Capacities of Russian enterprises producing aluminum-containing coagulants

    3.4. Production of inorganic coagulants in the Russian Federation and the EAEU countries in 2002-2023

    3.4.1. Russia

    Metakhim LLC (Moscow), Dal-OKHA LLC (Khabarovsk)

    Aurat Group of Companies (Moscow)

    Armenian branch of Titanium Investments LLC (Armiansk, Republic of Crimea)

    Severstal JSC (Cherepovets, Vologda Region)

    3.4.2. Belarus

    OOO Xant-Invest (Gomel)

    OAO Rechitsa Hardware Plant (Gomel)

    3.4.3. Other EAEU countries


    4. Foreign trade operations with coagulants in 2002-2023

    4.1. Russia

    4.1.1. Export

    4.1.2. Import

    4.2. Belarus

    4.3. Other EAEU countries


    5. Review of prices for coagulants in 2002-2023

    5.1. Current domestic prices in Russia

    5.2. Russian export-import prices

    5.3. Belarusian export-import prices


    6. Consumption of coagulants in the EAEU

    6.1. Russia

    6.1.1. Consumption balance in 2002-2023

    6.1.2. Structure of consumption

    6.1.3. Main industries-consumers of coagulants

    Water supply

    Wastewater treatment

    Water treatment at energy enterprises

    6.1.4. Largest enterprises-consumers

    JSC Mosvodokanal (Moscow)

    KF JSC Apatit (Kirovsk, Murmansk region)

    JSC Russian Chrome 1915 (Sverdlovsk region)

    JSC Generating Company (Republic of Tatarstan)

    6.2. Belarus


    7. Forecast of development of the coagulant market up to 2030-2035


    Appendix 1. Contact information of enterprises-producers of coagulants in the EAEU countries

    Appendix 2. Contact information of enterprises-consumers of coagulants in Russia

    Table 1: Advantages and disadvantages of the main inorganic coagulants

    Table 2: The largest countries-suppliers of aluminum sulfate to the world market in 2019-2023, thousand tons, thousand $, %

    Table 3: The largest countries-recipients of aluminum sulfate in 2019-2023, thousand tons, thousand $, %

    Table 4: Aluminum-containing coagulants

    Table 5. The main deposits of nepheline ores in Russia

    Table 6: Composition of nepheline concentrate, %

    Table 7: Alumina production in Russia by enterprises in 2019-2023, thousand tons

    Table 8: Production of primary aluminum by enterprises of the former USSR in 2019-2023, thousand tons

    Table 9: Production of sulfuric and hydrochloric acids in Russia by enterprises in 2019-2023, thousand tons

    Table 10: Directions and volumes of railway deliveries of raw materials for the production of coagulants in 2020-2023, tons

    Table 11: Technical characteristics of technical purified aluminum sulfate (according to GOST 12966-85)

    Table 12: Technical characteristics of the coagulant aluminum sulfate technical aqueous solution (according to TU 2141-064-00205067-2010)

    Table 13: Technical characteristics of the coagulant aluminum oxychloride (according to TU 216350-002-39928758-02)

    Table 14: Technical characteristics of ferric chloride aqueous solution (according to TU 6-01-1-88)

    Table 15: Technical characteristics of technical iron sulfate (according to GOST 6981-94)

    Table 16: Coagulants produced by enterprises of the EAEU countries

    Table 17: Coagulants produced by enterprises of the EAEU countries

    Table 18: Production of inorganic coagulants in the Russian Federation and the EAEU countries in 2002-2023, thousand tons

    Table 19: Production of various types of inorganic coagulants in the Russian Federation in 2002-2023, thousand tons

    Table 20: Production of iron-containing coagulants in Russia by enterprises in 2010-2023, thousand tons

    Table 21: Production of aluminum-containing coagulants in Russia by enterprises in 2010-2023, thousand tons

    Table 22: Some financial indicators of Dal-OKHA LLC in 2012-2023, million rubles.

    Table 23: Technical characteristics of aluminum oxychloride Aqua-Aurat 10, 14, 18, 30 (according to TU 6-09-05-1456-96)

    Table 24: Technical characteristics of aluminum oxychloride Skif 180, 300 (according to TU 2163-014-00205067-00)

    Table 25: Technical characteristics of aluminum oxychloride Gran-ECO (TU 2163-086-00205067-15)

    Table 26: Some financial indicators of enterprises of the Aurat Group of Companies in 2012-2023, million rubles.

    Table 27: Technical characteristics of POHA produced by Xant-Invest LLC

    Table 28: Foreign trade in inorganic coagulants in the Russian Federation in 2002-2023, t

    Table 29: Dynamics of Russian exports of coagulants by type in 2002-2023, t

    Table 30: Russian exports of various coagulants by country in 2014-2023, t

    Table 31: Largest Russian exporters of various coagulants in 2014-2023, t

    Table 32: Dynamics of Russian imports of coagulants by type in 2002-2023, t

    Table 33: Russian imports of various coagulants by supplier countries in 2014-2023 y ... various inorganic coagulants by country in Kazakhstan in 2014-2023, t, thousand $, $/t

    Table 41: Import of iron sulfate by country in Kyrgyzstan and Armenia in 2014-2023, t, thousand $, $/t

    Table 42: Prices for coagulants of the main Russian manufacturers in 2024, excluding VAT

    Table 43: Prices for various grades of coagulants exported and imported by the Russian Federation in 2002-2023, $/t

    Table 44: Prices of the main foreign manufacturers of coagulants for deliveries to the Russian Federation in 2014-2023, $/t

    Table 45: Export prices of Russian suppliers of coagulants in 2014-2023, $/t

    Table 46: Export prices for Belarusian aluminum sulfate for main consumer countries in 2014-2023, $/t

    Table 47: Prices for imported OHA in Belarus (by main supplier countries) in 2014-2023, $/t

    Table 48: Balance of consumption of inorganic coagulants in Russia in 2002-2023

    Table 49: Balance of consumption of coagulant-aluminum sulfate in Russia in 2002-2023

    Table 50: Balance of consumption of aluminum oxychlorides in Russia in 2002-2023

    Table 51: Balance of consumption of coagulant-iron sulfate in Russia in 2002-2023

    Table 52: Volumes of inorganic coagulants consumption by application industries in Russia, thousand tons

    Table 53: Main Russian consumers of coagulants in 2023, tons

    Table 54: Balance of inorganic coagulants consumption in Belarus in 2014-2023

    Figure 1: Classification of coagulants

    Figure 2: Segmentation of the world market of inorganic coagulants by type, %

    Figure 3: Segmentation of the world market of inorganic coagulants by type, %

    Figure 4: Scheme of obtaining aluminum oxychloride

    Figure 5: Dynamics of alumina production in the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan in 2000-2023, million tons

    Figure 6: Dynamics of sulfuric acid production in the Russian Federation and Belarus in 2000-2023, million tons

    Figure 7: Dynamics of hydrochloric acid production in the Russian Federation in 2000-2023, million tons

    Figure 8: Structure of sulfuric acid production in Belarus by enterprises, %

    Figure 9: Dynamics of inorganic coagulants production in the Russian Federation and the EAEU countries in 2002-2023, thousand tons

    Figure 10: Dynamics of inorganic coagulants production in Russia in 2002-2023, thousand tons

    Figure 11: Shares of enterprises in the total Russian production of aluminum sulfate in 2023, %

    Figure 12: Dynamics of OHA production at Dal-OKHA LLC in 2002-2023, thousand tons

    Figure 13: Dynamics of aluminum sulfate production by Metakhim LLC enterprises in 2002-2023, thousand tons

    Figure 14: Dynamics of OHA production by Aurat Group enterprises in 2002-2023, thousand tons

    Figure 15: Dynamics of aluminum sulfate production by Aurat Group enterprises in 2002-2023, thousand tons

    Figure 16: Scheme of production processes of the Krymsky Titan plant

    Figure 17: Dynamics of commercial iron sulfate production by the Krymsky Titan plant in 2006-2023, thousand tons

    Figure 18: Dynamics of ferrous sulfate production by Severstal JSC in 2004-2023, thousand tons

    Figure 19: Dynamics of aluminum-containing coagulants production by Xant-Invest LLC in 2002-2023, thousand tons

    Figure 20: Dynamics of foreign trade operations with inorganic coagulants in Russia in 2002-2023, thousand tons

    Figure 21: Dynamics of Russian coagulant exports in 2002-2023, thousand tons

    Figure 22: Commodity structure of Russian coagulant exports in 2022-2023, %

    Figure 23: Regional structure of Russian exports of coagulants in 2023, %

    Figure 24: Dynamics of Russian imports of coagulants in 2002-2023, thousand tons

    Figure 25: Regional structure of Russian imports of coagulants in 2002-2023, tons

    Figure 26: Dynamics of Russian imports of coagulants by type in 2002-2023, tons

    Figure 27: Dynamics of foreign trade operations with inorganic coagulants in Belarus in 2014-2023, thousand tons

    Figure 28: Dynamics of imports of various inorganic coagulants in Kazakhstan in 2014-2023, thousand tons

    Figure 29: Dynamics of export-import prices for aluminum sulfate in the Russian Federation in 2002-2023, $/t

    Figure 30: Dynamics of export-import prices for ferrous sulfate in the Russian Federation in 2014-2023, $/t

    Figure 31: Dynamics of export-import prices for ferrous sulfate in the Russian Federation in 2014-2023, $/t

    Figure 32: Dynamics of average export prices for aluminum sulfate in Belarus in 2002-2023, $/t

    Figure 33: Dynamics of average export prices for aluminum sulfate in Belarus in 2002-2023, $/t

    Figure 34: Dynamics of consumption of various inorganic coagulants in Russia in 2002-2023, thousand tons

    Figure 35: Change in commodity structure of coagulant consumption in the Russian Federation in 2002-2023, %

    Figure 36: Structure of coagulant consumption in the Russian Federation in 2023, %

    Figure 37: Technological scheme of municipal wastewater treatment

    Figure 38: Thermal energy production in Russia in 2006-2023, million Gcal

    Figure 39: Dynamics of the main indicators of the inorganic coagulant market in Belarus in 2014-2023, thousand tons

    Figure 40: Forecast of production and consumption of coagulants in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030-35, thousand tons


    Coming soon

    February 2025

    Aniline in Russia, the EAEU and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (3 Edition)

    February 2025

    Organosilicon compounds in Russia and the world: Production, Market and Forecast

    February 2025

    Niobium and niobium products in Russia, EAEU countries and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (9 edition)

    February 2025

    Sputtering Metal Targets in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast

    February 2025

    Titanium Raw Materials in Russia, the EAEU and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (5 edition)

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