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The results of the company in 2015
INFOMINE performed more than 60 studies in 2015.
A feature of the past year was a General decrease in contract research investment. Especially, this trend was noticeable in the middle of the year. However, by the end of 2015 has been an increase in contract research on different topics.
One of the landmark events of the year for the company was the successful accreditation by the Bank of "INFOMINE" were included in the list of Vnesheconombank as an approved company to conduct marketing research.
In 2015, the Russian company remained major customers of market research "INFOMINE" (their share was 58%).
However, there have been increased reports of purchase marketing "INFOMINE" enterprises of the CIS countries (Kazakhstan, Belarus), as well as companies abroad.
In 2015 a number of our clients include Russian companies:
JSC NK "Rosneft", JSC "Polymetal management", PJSC "Tupolev", JSC UK "SMR", JSC "Nevinnomyssky Nitrogen", JSC "Kovdor GOK", OJSC "Seligdar", OJSC "Giprovostokneft? JSC "VNIINM Academician A. A. Bochvar", LLC "VEB Engineering" LLC "Biya-Sintez", LLC "Sibelko Rus", LLC "Titanium investment", LLC "PC Frolovo", LLC "dealing Saint-Petersburg" and others
as well as a number of companies in the CIS:
LLC "Altyn Kumushtak mining" (Kyrgyzstan), LLP "Karazhal Operating" (Kazakhstan), LLP "SAT Energy" (Kazakhstan), JSC "Syrymbet" (Kazakhstan).
In 2015 the main topics of our research were chemical products (32%), metals (25%), non-metallic raw materials and building materials (21%).
In the structure of custom work has significantly increased the share of market research of chemical products (1.5 times).
In 2015 the company's experts published 6 articles in scientific and popular science publications.
Also, the staff was made 6 presentations at various conferences, seminars and meetings.