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    Magnesium raw materials (magnesite and brucite) and magnesite powders in the CIS: Production, Market and Forecast (3rd edition)

    Number of pages: 137 Number of tables: 46 Number of figures: 41
    Language: Russian
    Released: 20.09.2011
    Delivery method:

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    Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and PowerPoint presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

    Price: 2 000 Euro

    This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


    The report is devoted to investigation of current standing of market of magnesite, brucite and magnesite powders in the CIS and forecast of its development.
    The report consists of 7 Sections, contains 137 pages, including 41 Figure, 46 Tables and 2 Appendices. This work is desk study. As information sources, data from Rosstat, the State Committee on Statistics of CIS countries, Federal Customs Service of Russia, official statistics railage, sectoral and regional press, annual and quarterly repots of companies, as well as web-sites of company-producers and consumers of magnesite.

    In the first chapter of the report presents brief characteristics of standing of world market of magnesite, brucite and magnesite powders. It presents data on volumes of mining of raw materials, production of magnesia products, as well as the largest importers and exporters of magnesite and magnesite powders on the market.

    The second chapter describes the mineral resources of magnesite and brucite in the CIS, presents data on the location and inventory of raw materials.

    The third chapter presents data on the main types of products obtained on the basis of magnesite and brucite, as well as the quality requirements of raw materials and products.
    The fourth chapter describes the data on volumes of production, foreign trade and consumption of raw magnesite in Russia (1999-2010) And Ukraine (2003-2010). Provides a brief overview of major mining companies.
    The fifth chapter is devoted to the production, export, import and consumption of magnesite powders in Russia (1999-2010) And Ukraine (2003-2010). Description of the main enterprise-producers and consumers of these products.

    The sixth chapter presents data on volumes of mining of brucite, production on this basis, the volume of export-import operations with brucite and brucite production and consumption in the CIS countries. Brief information on mining companies and manufacturers of products brucite.

    The seventh and final chapter of the report presents forecast of production and consumption of magnesite, brucite and magnesite powders in the CIS up to 2015

    Appendix 1 lists the technical characteristics of the main types of magnesite powders of JSC «Combine «Magnesite».

    Appendix 2 shows the contact information on enterprises in the mining magnesite and brucite, as well as manufacturers of magnesite powders.





    1. Brief characteristics of world market of raw magnesite and magnesia products


    2. Reserves and deposits of magnesite and brucite in the CIS


    3. Main types of products based on magnesite and brucite, quality of raw materials
    3.1. Main types of products
    3.2. Quality requirements for raw materials and magnesium production


    4. Market magnesite
    4.1. Mining of magnesite in the CIS
    JSC «Combine «Magnesite»(Chelyabinsk region).
    JSC "Razdolinsky magnesia plant" (Krasnoyarsk region)
    LLC "Siberian magnesite" (Krasnoyarsk region)
    JSC "Lithosphere" (Orenburg Region).
    JSC "StalMag" (Krasnoyarsk region)
    JSC "Maguire" (Irkutsk region).

    4.2. Foreign trade in magnesite in Russia (1999-2010)
    4.3. Foreign trade in magnesite in Ukraine (2003-2010)
    4.4. Review of export-import prices on magnesite in Russia in 1999-2010
    4.5. Consumption of magnesite in Russia


    5. Market magnesite powders
    5.1. The production of magnesite powders in Russia (2005-2010)
    JSC «Combine «Magnesite» (Chelyabinsk region).
    JSC "Razdolinsky magnesia plant" (Krasnoyarsk region)
    Bogdanovich JSC "Refractories" (Sverdlovsk region).
    LLC "Siberian powders" (Irkutsk region).

    5.2. Foreign trade in magnesite powders in Russia in 1999-2010
    5.3. Foreign trade in magnesite powders in Ukraine in 2003-2010
    5.4. Review of export-import prices on magnesite powders in Russia in 1999-2010

    5.5. Consumption of magnesite powders in Russia and Ukraine
    5.5.1. Balance of production and consumption of magnesite powders in Russia and Ukraine
    5.5.2. Structure of consumption of magnesite powders in Russia and Ukraine
    5.5.3. The application of magnesite powders
    5.5.4. The main company-consumers of magnesite powders in Russia


    6. Market brucite
    6.1. Mining of brucite in Russia
    6.2. Production based on brucite
    LLC "Russian Mining Chemical Society" (Moscow)
    JSC "Geocom" (Kaluga region).

    6.3. Foreign trade operations with brucite and brucite based products in Russia and Ukraine (2005-2010)
    6.4. Review of export-import prices on lumber and products based on it (2007-2010)
    6.5. Consumption of brucite in Russia 


    7. Forecast of production and consumption of magnesite and brucite up to 2015


    Appendix 1: Products of JSC «Combine «Magnesite»
    Appendix 2: Addresses of manufacturers of magnesite, brucite and magnesia products

    Table 1. The main Mg minerals
    Table 2. Proven and probable reserves of magnesite by country (without Russia), mln t
    Table 3. World production of magnesite in the 1999-2010, Kt
    Table 4. Capacity to produce basic magnesium products by countries, kt
    Table 5. The volume of export of raw magnesite world's largest exporters in 2007-2010, Kt
    Table 6. The volume of imports of raw magnesite world's largest importers in 2007-2010, tons
    Table 7. Export volumes of magnesia powders the world's largest exporters in 2007-2010, Kt
    Table 8. Import volumes of magnesium powder in the world's largest importers of 2007-2010, Kt
    Table 9. Prices of magnesite and magnesium products on the world market in 2007-2011, USD / t
    Table 10. Stocks and the degree of development of deposits of magnesite and brucite in Russia, mln t
    Table 11. Specifications for raw materials of magnesite and brucite
    Table 12. Requirements for the quality of magnesite deposits Catherine area Kirgiteyskogo
    Table 13. Quality requirements for the deposit of brucite Kuldurskogo
    Table 14. The main types of magnesia products and their applications
    Table 15. Requirements for major industries to the production of magnesite
    Table 16. Mining of magnesite in Russia in 1996-2010, Kt
    Table 17. Grade magnesite raw crushed Satka group of fields
    Table 18. Russian consumers magnesite JSC «Combine« Magnesite »in 2005-2010, Kt
    Table 19. Qualitative indices of varieties of magnesite deposits Khalilovsk
    Table 20. Supplies Magnesite Company "Lithosphere" Russian enterprises in 2007-2010, t
    Table 21. The volume of export of magnesite from RF fields in 1999-2010, Kt
    Table 22. The volume of imports of magnesite in the RF fields in 1999-2010, Kt
    Table 23. The volume of imports of magnesite in the Ukraine in 2003-2010, t
    Table 24. Balance of production and consumption of magnesite in Russia in 1999-2006, Kt
    Table 25. Volumes of production of magnesite powders by Russian enterprises in 2005-2010, Kt
    Table 26. Russian consumers of magnesite powders of JSC «Combine «Magnesite», kt
    Table 27. Volumes of consumption of Russian enterprises manufacturing electrical powder Bogdanovich OAO "Refractories" in 2007-2010, t
    Table 28. Export magnesite powders in Russia in 1999-2010., Kt
    Table 29. Imports of magnesite powders in Russia by countries in 1999-2010, Kt
    Table 30. The volume of imports of magnesite powders by Russian enterprises in 2007-2010, Kt
    Table 31. The volume of imports of magnesite powders in Ukraine in 2005-2010, Kt
    Table 32. The main Ukrainian recipients of magnesite powders in 2007-2010, Kt
    Table 33. Volumes of supplies and average export prices of magnesium powders produced in Russia in areas in 2007-2010, Kt, $ / t
    Table 34. Average export price of magnesium powders of Russian producers in 2007-2010, $ / T
    Table 35. Volumes of supplies and the average import price of magnesite powders in Russia in 2007-2010, Kt, $ / t
    Table 36. Balance of production and consumption of magnesite powders in Russia in 1999-2010, Kt
    Table 37. The greatest consumers of magnesite powders in Russia in 2007-2010, Kt
    Table 38. The main Russian consumers of brucite ore deposits Kuldurskogo, 2005-2010, M
    Table 39. Russian consumers of products of LLC "Vyazma-brucite " in 2007-2010, t
    Table 40. Volumes of export and brucite based products by Russian enterprises in 2007-2010, t
    Table 41. Export volumes of brucite ore company "Kuldursky brucite mine" in areas in 2007-2010, t
    Table 42. The volume of exports based on brucite produced by "Vyazma-brucite" in areas in 2007-2010, t
    Table 43. Import volumes of brucite by Ukrainian companies in 2007-2010, t
    Table 44. Volumes of supplies and the average annual export prices on a bar mark "Agromag" in areas in 2007-2010, t, $ / t
    Table 45. Volumes of supplies and the average annual export prices on a bar mark "Ekopiren" in areas in 2009-2010, t, $ / t
    Table 46. Supply-demand balance of brucite in Russia in 2007-2010, Kt%

    Figure 1. The structure of the world's proven reserves of magnesite, mln t,%
    Figure 2. Dynamics of production, consumption and foreign trade in the U.S. with Mg powder in 2006-2010, Kt
    Figure 3. Distribution of reserves of magnesite in Russia, %
    Figure 4. The main types of magnesia products
    Figure 5. Dynamics of mining of magnesite JSC «Combine« Magnesite »in 1996-2010, Kt
    Figure 6. Value of exports and imports of magnesite in Russia in 1999-2010, Kt
    Figure 7. Dynamics of imports of magnesite in the Ukraine in 2003-2010, t
    Figure 8. Dynamics of average export and import prices of magnesite in Russia in 1999-2010, $ / T
    Figure 9. Dynamics of consumption and production of magnesite in Russia in 1999-2010, Kt
    Figure 10. Dynamics of production of commodity magnesite powder JSC «Combine «Magnesite» and «Group "Magnesite" in 1992-2010, kt.
    Figure 11. Dynamics of production of processed powders of JSC "Razdolinsky magnesia plant" in 2006-2010, Kt
    Figure 12. Dynamics of production (2005-2010) And exports (2007-2010) Periclase powders Bogdanovich JSC "Refractories", t
    Figure 13. Dynamics of export-import of magnesite powders in Russia in 1999-2010, Kt
    Figure 14. Dynamics of export-import of magnesite powders in terms of value in Russia in 2003-2010, Kt
    Figure 15. The structure of Russian exports of magnesite powders by product in 2010,%
    Figure 16. The volume of imports of magnesite powders in Ukraine in 2003-2010, Kt
    Figure 17. Regional structure of import magnesite powders in Ukraine in 2006-2010
    Figure 18. Dynamics of export and import prices for magnesium powders in Russia in 1999-2010, $ / T
    Figure 19. Dynamics of production, export, import and «apparent» consumption of magnesite powders in Russia in 1999-2010, Kt
    Figure 20. Dynamics of «apparent» consumption of magnesite powders in Ukraine in 2003-2010, Kt
    Figure 21. Structure of consumption goods magnesite powders in Russia in 2010,%
    Figure 22. Structure of consumption of magnesite powders in the Ukraine in 2010,%
    Figure 23. Dynamics of steel production at JSC "MMK" in 2000-2010., Million tonnes
    Figure 24. Dynamics of consumption of magnesite powders of JSC "MMK" in 2007-2010, Kt
    Figure 25. Dynamics of production of steel in "OEMK" in 2000-2010, Kt
    Figure 26. Dynamics of consumption of magnesite powders "OEMK" in 2007-2010, Kt
    Figure 27. Dynamics of production of JSC «Ural Steel» in 2000-2010, Kt
    Figure 28. Dynamics of consumption of magnesite powders of JSC "Ural Steel" in 2007-2010, Kt
    Figure 29. Dynamics of production of ammonium nitrate, FL "Nitrogen" JSC "UCC" URALCHEM" in 2006-2011, Kt
    Figure 30. Dynamics of consumption of magnesite powders PL "Nitrogen" JSC "UCC" Uralchem ​​"in 2005-2010, Kt
    Figure 31. Dynamics of mining of brucite at Kuldurskom field in 1971-2010, Kt
    Figure 32. Dynamics of import supplies of brucite and exports based on brucite JSC "Geocom" in the 2005-2011, t
    Figure 33. Dynamics of export-import and brucite based products in Russia in 2005-2010, t
    Figure 34. Dynamics of imports of brucite in Ukraine in 2006-2010, t
    Figure 35. Dynamics of average export and import prices for raw brucite in Russia in 2007-2010, $ / t
    Figure 36. Dynamics of average export prices of goods on the basis of brucite in Russia in 2007-2010, $ / t
    Figure 37. The dynamics of production and consumption of brucite in Russia 2001-2010, Kt
    Figure 38. Consumption Structure of brucite in Russia in 2010,%
    Figure 39. The structure of steel production by type of melting process in Russia in 1994-2010.
    Figure 40. Forecast of consumption of magnesite in Russia up to 2015, kt
    Figure 41. Forecast production and consumption of brucite in Russia up to 2015, kt


    Coming soon

    September 2024

    Iron Ore Raw Materials (Iron Ore Concentrate, Sinter, Pellets) in Russia and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (10 edition)

    September 2024

    Ammonium Nitrate in Russia and CIS: Production, Market and Forecast (3 edition)

    September 2024

    Polyester and Epoxy Resins in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast

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