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Aminoacetic acid (glycine) in Russia, CIS and the world: Production, Market and Forecast
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This report is the first edition of the market research for aminoacetic acid (glycine) in Russia and worldwide.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the Russian glycine market and forecast its development for the period up to 2027, to cover general data on the global glycine market.
The object of research is aminoacetic acid.
The chronological framework of the study is 2016-2020, the forecast is 2021-2027.
Geography of research: Russia, China, the world
This work is mainly a desk study. The sources of information are the data of the customs statistics of the Russian Federation, the UNdata database, the Eurostat database, the TradeMap database, the Infomine database. Also, data from the industry and regional press, Internet sites of manufacturing enterprises and consumers of glycine were attracted.
The report consists of 6 chapters, contains 49 pages, 14 figures, 19 tables and 1 Appendix.
In the first chapter about the main areas of application of aminoacetic acid and the main product categories of this reagent.
The second chapter contains information on the main technologies for the industrial production of aminoacetic acid, the feedstock used.
The third chapter contains general data on the global glycine market, it provides an estimate of the global production / consumption of glycine, the sectoral structure of consumption, and presents data on the main companies - market leaders. This chapter describes the visible trends in the global regent market.
The fourth chapter provides statistical data on foreign trade operations with glycine in the world, Europe, the USA, on prices in the period 2016-2020.
The fifth chapter is devoted to the analysis of the Russian market for aminoacetic acid. It provides statistical data on foreign trade operations with glycine, defines the geographic structure of supplies, gives the commodity structure of the market, assesses the capacity and development prospects of the Russian market, and makes a detailed analysis of price indicators in the context of commodity groups and supplier companies. The chapter presents a forecast of glycine consumption in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2027, based on an analysis of the prospects for the sectors of application of the reagent.
The sixth chapter contains statistical data on foreign trade operations in the CIS countries, forecast of market development in this region.
The appendix contains the contact information of the main market players.
Target audience of the study:
- participants of the glycine market - producers, consumers, traders;
- potential investors.
The proposed study claims to be a reference tool for marketing services and decision-makers working in the aminoacetic acid market.
I. Main uses of glycine, main product categories
II. Description of the main technologies for the production of glycine and the raw materials used
III. General data on the world market (assessment of world production / consumption, European production by country in 2016-2019, main market leaders, visible trends)
IV. World trade (volumes of export-import in 2016-2020, main exporting and importing countries, foreign trade average annual prices, imports of European countries in 2016-2020)
V. Russian market
5.1. Overview of the situation with production in the Russian Federation, announced projects
5.2. Dynamics of imports in 2016-2020 in volume and value terms, geography of supplies, foreign supplier companies, types of products supplied
5.3. Supplier prices in 2016-2020 for the main types of supplied products
5.4. Assessment of market capacity, application areas, analysis of application sectors
5.5. Forecast of glycine consumption in the Russian Federation until 2027, possible market development trends and risks, assessment of the influence of factors
VI. CIS market (dynamics of import / consumption by the main countries and forecast of market development)
Appendix. Contact information of the main market players
Table 1. Production of products corresponding to
Table 2. The volume of products sold corresponding to
Table 3. The volume of world exports and imports of products by the TN VED code 29.22.49 in 2016-2020. in volume and value terms, thousand tons, million $
Table 4. Imports of glycine in the USA in 2016-2020. in volume and value terms, t, thousand $
Table 5. Imports of glycine in Brazil in 2016-2020 in volume and value terms, t, thousand $
Table 6. The volume of exports and imports of the EU countries according to the TN VED code in 2016-2020 in volume and value terms, thousand tons, million €
Table 7. Volumes of Russian foreign trade operations with glycine in 2016-2020. in volume and value terms, t, thousand $, kg
Table 8. Main countries-suppliers of glycine to Russia in 2016-2020, tons
Table 9. Producing countries of glycine supplied to Russia in 2016-2020, t,%
Table 10. Major companies producing glycine supplied
Table 11. Main Russian companies-importers of glycine in 2016-2020, tons
Table 12. Volumes of glycine for various purposes imported to Russia in 2016-2020, t
Table 13. Average import prices for glycine for various purposes in Russia in 2016-2020, $ / t
Table 14. Russian average import prices of major exporters for glycine for various purposes in 2016-2020, $ / t
Table 15. Sectoral structure of glycine consumption in Russia in 2016-2020, tons,%
Table 16. Indices of industrial production of food and beverages in Russia in 2015-2020,%
Table 17. Forecasted values of indices of industrial production of food products and beverages in Russia in 2021-2030
Table 18. Forecast of glycine consumption in the Russian Federation by industry for the period up to 2027, t
Table 19. The volume of imports of products by code
Figure 1. Sectoral structure of the global glycine market in 2020
Figure 2. Volumes of production of technical glycine and national production capacity for this product in China
Figure 3. Dynamics of foreign trade operations in the world according to the TN VED code 29.22.49. in 2016-2020, thousand tons
Figure 4. Dynamics of average import prices for glycine in the USA
Figure 5. Dynamics of average import prices for glycine in Brazil
Figure 6. Dynamics of foreign trade operations in the EU countries according to the TN VED code in 2016-2020, thousand tons
Figure 7. Dynamics of average annual export and import prices according to the TN VED code in the EU countries in 2016-2020, thousand € / t
Figure 8. Dynamics of Russian import supplies of glycine
Figure 9. Dynamics of average import prices for glycine in Russia
Figure 10. Dynamics of average import prices for pharmaceutical grade glycine in Russia in 2016-2020, $ / t
Figure 11. Dynamics of average import prices for food grade glycine in Russia in 2016-2020, $ / t
Figure 12. Dynamics of average import prices for glycine for the chemical industry in Russia in 2016-2020, $ / t
Figure 13. Dynamics of the sectoral structure of glycine consumption in Russia in 2016-2020, t,%
Figure 14. Dynamics of consumption of glycine in Russia in 2016-2020. and its forecast for 2021-2027, t