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    Ferrotitanium in Russia and the EAEU: Production, Market and Forecast (4 edition)

    Number of pages: 66 Number of tables: 21 Number of figures: 22
    Language: Russian
    Released: 28.11.2023
    Delivery method:

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    Demo: Download
    Price: 2 000 Euro

    This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


    This review is the fourth edition of the ferrotitanium market research in Russia and the EAEU countries.


    The purpose of the study is to analyze the ferrotitanium market and forecast its development for the period until 2030.


    The object of study is ferrotitanium with different Ti contents according to GOST 4761-91.


    This work is a desk research. Data from the statistical committees of the EAEU countries, including Rosstat, were used as sources of information; UN international databases (UNdata); international and European trade data (TradeMap); Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (until 2022); Unified information system in the field of procurement; railway transport statistics; VLSI databases; foreign specialized companies; annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers; industry and regional press, conference materials, Internet sites of manufacturing enterprises and consumers of the products under study; scientific and technical literature (elibrary, etc.), Infomine database, etc.

    The chronological scope of the study is 2015-2023, forecast is 2024-2030.

    Geography of the study: Russian Federation – comprehensive detailed market analysis; EAEU countries – general retrospective market analysis.

    The report consists of 7 parts, contains 66 pages, including 22 figures, 21 tables and 3 appendices.


    The first chapter of the report describes trade operations with ferrotitanium in the world in 2013-2023. The dynamics of world exports and imports of ferrotitanium with distribution by country are presented.

    The second chapter of the report is devoted to production technologies and the raw material base of ferrotitanium. The technology for producing ferrotitanium is considered. The requirements for the quality of ferrotitanium are given. The chapter contains information about the main types of raw materials used to make ferrotitanium.

    The third chapter of the report is devoted to an analysis of ferrotitanium production in Russia. Data on the dynamics of output in 2015-2023 are presented. and the structure of production for the largest enterprises producing these products. The current state of the main ferrotitanium producers in Russia is described, including the range and quality of products, as well as production volumes.

    The fourth chapter is devoted to the analysis of Russia's foreign trade operations with ferrotitanium in 2015-2023. The dynamics of export and import of ferrotitanium, volumes and directions of supplies are shown. Data on supplies of ferrotitanium to the EAEU countries in 2015-2023 are provided.

    The fifth chapter provides an overview of domestic and export prices for ferrotitanium. Russian tenders for the supply of ferrotitanium in 2019-2023 are analyzed. (Annex 1).

    The sixth chapter examines the consumption of ferrotitanium in Russia. A calculation of the “apparent” consumption of ferrotitanium in 2015-2023 is given, the main industries and enterprises consuming ferrotitanium are described. Data are presented on the dynamics of alloy steel production in Russia.

    The final, seventh, chapter of the report provides a forecast for the development of the Russian ferrotitanium market until 2030, taking into account the crisis phenomena in the economy.

    Appendix 1 discusses tenders for the supply of ferrotitanium in 2019-2023. indicating the main customers, purchase costs and delivery volumes. The cost of 1 ton of ferrotitanium is also calculated.

    Appendixes 2 and 3 provide contact information for the main Russian producers and consumers of ferrotitanium.


    Target audience of the study:

    - ferrotitanium market participants – producers, consumers, traders;

    - potential investors.


    The proposed study purports to be a reference guide for marketing services and management decision makers working in the ferrotitanium market.





    1. Trade operations with ferrotitanium in the world in 2013-2023.


    2. Production technologies, quality and raw materials for the production of ferrotitanium in Russia

    2.1. Basic technologies for producing ferrotitanium

    2.2. Ferrotitanium quality requirements

    2.3. Raw materials for ferrotitanium production


    3. Ferrotitanium production in Russia

    3.1. The volume of ferrotitanium production in Russia in 2015-2023.

    3.2. Current state of manufacturing enterprises

    PJSC "VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation" (Sverdlovsk region, Verkhnyaya Salda)

    JSC "Klyuchevsky Ferroalloy Plant" (Sverdlovsk region, Dvurechensk village)

    Tivolga LLC (Yaroslavl)

    Volgovyatskvtortsvetmet LLC (Nizhny Novgorod)

    Nordic Titan LLC (Tver region, Zubtsov)


    4. Export-import of ferrotitanium of the Russian Federation in 2015-2023.

    4.1. Export of ferrotitanium from the Russian Federation in 2015-2023.

    4.2. Import of ferrotitanium from the Russian Federation in 2015-2023.

    4.3. Import of ferrotitanium by the EAEU countries in 2015-2023.


    5. Review of prices for ferrotitanium in the Russian Federation in 2015-2023.


    6. Consumption of ferrotitanium in Russia in 2015-2023.

    6.1. Balance of production-consumption of ferrotitanium in Russia

    6.2. Main areas of consumption and consumer enterprises of ferrotitanium in the Russian Federation


    7. Forecast of production and consumption of ferrotitanium in Russia until 2030.


    Appendix 1. Tenders for the purchase of ferrotitanium held in 2019-2023.

    Appendix 2. Contact information of the main ferrotitanium manufacturers in the Russian Federation

    Appendix 3. Contact information of the main consumers of ferrotitanium in the Russian Federation

    Table 1. Main countries supplying ferrotitanium to the world market in 2013-2022, thousand tons

    Table 2. Main importing countries of ferrotitanium in 2013-2022, thousand tons

    Table 3. Characteristics of ferrotitanium produced in Russia (GOST 4761-91)

    Table 4. Main types of titanium raw materials for the production of ferrotitanium in Russia

    Table 5. Ferrotitanium production by Russian enterprises in 2015-2023, thousand tons

    Table 6. Chemical composition of ferrotitanium produced by PJSC VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation,%, no more

    Table 7. Financial indicators of PJSC VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation in 2015-2023, billion rubles.

    Table 8. Chemical composition of ferrotitanium produced by PJSC Klyuchevsky Ferroalloy Plant

    Table 9. Main financial indicators of PJSC Klyuchevsky Ferroalloy Plant in 2015-2022, million rubles.

    Table 10. Geography of supplies of ferrotitanium produced by Tivolga LLC in 2019-2023, tons

    Table 11. Main financial indicators of Tivolga LLC in 2018-2022, million rubles.

    Table 12. Main financial indicators of Volgovyatskvtortsvetmet LLC in 2019-2022, million rubles.

    Table 13. Geography of supplies of ferrotitanium produced by Nordic Titan LLC in 2018-2023, tons

    Table 14. Main financial indicators of Nordic Titan LLC in 2017-2021, million rubles.

    Table 15. Geographical structure of ferrotitanium exports from Russia in 2015-2023, tons, thousand tons, million $

    Table 16. Export of ferrotitanium by Russian companies in 2015-2023, thousand tons

    Table 17. Geographical structure of ferrotitanium imports by Russia in 2015-2023, tons, thousand $

    Table 18. Geographical structure of exports and cost of supplies to Belarus in 2015-2023, tons, thousand $, thousand $/t

    Table 19. Geographical structure of exports and cost of supplies to Kazakhstan in 2015-2023, tons, thousand $, thousand $/t

    Table 20. Balance of production, export, import and “domestic” consumption of ferrotitanium in Russia in 2015-2023, thousand tons, %

    Table 21. Titanium content in various types of steels and alloys

    Figure 1. Volumes and value of world foreign trade transactions with ferrotitanium in 2013-2023, thousand tons, million $

    Figure 2. Structure of world exports of ferrotitanium with distribution by supplying countries in 2018-2022, %

    Figure 3. World average prices for ferrotitanium in foreign trade operations in 2013-2022, thousand $/t

    Figure 4. Scheme for producing ferrotitanium from ilmenite concentrate by 2-stage electric furnace smelting

    Figure 5. Scheme for producing ferrotitanium using waste from induction and electroslag smelting

    Figure 6. Dynamics of ferrotitanium production in Russia in 2015-2023, thousand tons

    Figure 7. Structure of ferrotitanium production by manufacturers in 2021-2022, %

    Figure 8. Dynamics of ferrotitanium production by PJSC VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation in 2015-2023, thousand tons

    Figure 9. Dynamics of ferrotitanium exports by PJSC VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation in 2015-2023, thousand tons

    Figure 10. Dynamics of production of ferrotitanium containing 30-35% Ti at PJSC Klyuchevsky Ferroalloy Plant in 2015-2023, thousand tons

    Figure 11. Dynamics of ferrotitanium production by Tivolga LLC in 2018-2023, thousand tons

    Figure 12. Dynamics of ferrotitanium production at Volgovyatskvtortsvetmet LLC in 2015-2023, thousand tons

    Figure 13. Dynamics of ferrotitanium production by Nordic Titan LLC/Zubtsovsky Machine-Building Plant LLC in 2015-2023, thousand tons

    Figure 14. Dynamics of ferrotitanium exports from Russia in 2015-2023, thousand tons

    Figure 15. Share of exporters in the total volume of Russian ferrotitanium exports in 2021-2022, %

    Figure 16. Dynamics of average annual prices for exported ferrotitanium in 2015-2023, thousand $/t

    Figure 17. Dynamics of average export prices of the main Russian ferrotitanium producers in 2018-2023, thousand $/t

    Figure 18. Dynamics of shipment price and average export price of PJSC VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation in 2018-2022, thousand rubles/t

    Figure 19. Average domestic prices for ferrotitanium in 2022-2023, thousand rubles/t

    Figure 20. Dynamics of “apparent consumption” of ferrotitanium in 2015-2023, thousand tons

    Figure 21. Alloy steel production in Russia in 2017-2023, million tons

    Figure 22. Forecast of production and consumption of ferrotitanium in the Russian Federation until 2030, thousand tons


    Coming soon

    February 2025

    Aniline in Russia, the EAEU and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (3 Edition)

    February 2025

    Organosilicon compounds in Russia and the world: Production, Market and Forecast

    February 2025

    Niobium and niobium products in Russia, EAEU countries and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (9 edition)

    February 2025

    Sputtering Metal Targets in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast

    February 2025

    Titanium Raw Materials in Russia, the EAEU and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (5 edition)

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