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    Soda Ash in Ukraine: Production, Market and Forecast

    Number of pages: 74 Number of tables: 31 Number of figures: 17
    Language: Russian
    Released: 20.01.2011
    Delivery method:

    PDF Copy

    Pdf, Word (version for copying and editing)

    Pdf, Word, Excel - the version with the source data

    Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies (for credit organizations)

    Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and PowerPoint presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

    Price: 2 000 Euro

    This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.

    This report focuses on the review of the current position of the market of soda ash in Ukraine and forecast of its development until 2015.

    The report consists of 5 parts, introduction and conclusion, contains 74 pages, including 17 Figures, 31 Tables and Appndix. Methodologically, the work was carried out as a desk research. We have analyzed multiple sources of information, particularly data of state bodies - the Federal Service of State Statistics (FSSS RF), State Committee on Statistics of CIS countries, the State Customs Committee of Ukraine (Ukrainian State Customs Committee), statistics of railage in Ukraine. In addition, we used data from the sectoral and regional press, annual reports of companies, as well as web-sites of company-producers. 

    In the first chapter of the report we examined the production of soda ash in Ukraine, the volume of output in 1997-2010, as well as the position of major manufacturers; 
    The second chapter is devoted to export-import of sodium carbonate, trends and characteristics of foreign trade in this product in Ukraine. 
    The third chapter analyzes the dynamics of domestic and export-import prices. 
    In the fourth chapter of the report key attention is paid to the consumption of soda ash in Ukraine: the balance and structure of consumption, the basic industry, using soda (glass and chemical industries), and the largest consumers of this product. 
    Market forecast of soda ash in Ukraine (fifth chapter) has been prepared based on the analysis of investment projects on construction of new glass plants and expanding existing production capacities. 
    The conclusion provides InfoMine's expert overview of the condition of Ukrainian market of soda ash.

    I. Production of soda ash in Ukraine 
    I.1. The volume of production of soda ash in Ukraine in 1997-2009 and 9 months of 2010, th. tonnes 
    I.2. Current position of the producers of soda ash in Ukraine 
    I.2.1. JSC Crimean Soda Plant (Krasnoperekopsk, Republic of Crimea, Ukraine) 
    I.2.2. JSC Lisichansk Soda (Lisichansk, Lugansk Region, Ukraine) 
    II. Export-import of soda ash in Ukraine 
    II.1. The volume of exports and imports of soda ash in Ukraine in 1999-2009 and 9 months of 2010 
    II.2. Trends and features of export-import supplies of soda ash in Ukraine 
    II.3. The main directions of export-import supplies of soda ash in Ukraine 
    III. Review of prices for soda ash in Ukraine 
    III.1. Domestic prices for soda ash in Ukraine 
    III.2. Dynamics of export and import prices on soda ash in Ukraine in 1999-2009 and 9 months of 2010 
    IV. Consumption of soda ash in Ukraine 
    IV.1. Supply-demand balance of soda ash in Ukraine 
    IV.2. Structure of consumption of soda ash in Ukraine 
    IV.3. The main end-consumers of soda ash in Ukraine 
    IV.3.1. Glass Industry 
    IV.3.2. Chemical and Petrochemical Industry 
    IV.4. The main company-consumers of soda ash in Ukraine, their position 
    IV.4.1. LLC Volnogorsk glass (Volnogorsk, Dnipropetrovsk Region) 
    IV.4.2. CJSC Lisichansk GlassWorks Proletarian (Lisichansk, Lugansk Region) 
    IV.4.3. JSC Zaporozhye Plant of welding fluxes and glass products (Zaporozhye) 

    V. Forecast of development of Ukrainian market of soda ash up to 2015 

    Appendix 1: Contact information on producers of soda ash in CIS 
    Appendix 2: Contact information on consumers of soda ash in Ukraine 

    Table 1: Physical properties of sodium carbonate 
    Table 2: Enterprises in Ukraine, having capacities for production of soda ash, and processes used (as of early 2010) 
    Table 3: Resources supply to Ukrainian companies that produce soda ash 
    Table 4: Requirements for the quality of soda ash of grade A (according to GOST 5100-85) 
    Table 5: Requirements for the quality of soda ash of grade B (according to GOST 5100-85) 
    Table 6: Production of soda ash in Ukraine by enterprises in 1997-2009 and 9 months of 2010, th. tonnes 
    Table 7: Grade pattern of exports of soda ash, produced by JSC Crimean soda plant in 2003-2009 and 9 months of 2010, th. tonnes 
    Table 8: Country-consumers of soda ash, produced by JSC Crimean soda plant in 2002-2009 and 9 months of 2010, th. tonnes 
    Table 9: Ukrainian consumers of soda ash, produced by JSC Crimean soda plant in 2007-2009 and 9 months of 2010, th. tonnes 
    Table 10: SWOT-analysis of JSC Crimean Soda Plant 
    Table 11: Country-consumers of soda ash, produced by JSC Lisichansk Soda in 2002-2009 and 9 months of 2010, th. tonnes 
    Table 12: SWOT-analysis of JSC  Lisichansk Soda  
    Table 13: Foreign trade of soda ash in Ukraine in 1999-2009 and 9 months of 2010, th. tonnes 
    Table 14: Grades of soda ash exported by Ukraine in 2002-2009 and 9 months of 2010, th. tonnes 
    Table 15: Exports of soda ash in its total production in Ukraine in 1999-2009 and 9 months of 2010, % 
    Table 16: Major suppliers of Ukrainian soda ash to foreign markets in 1999-2009 and 9 months of 2010, th. tonnes 
    Table 17: The main country-consumers of Ukrainian soda ash in 1999-2009 and 9 months of 2010, th. tonnes 
    Table 18: The main country-suppliers of soda ash to Ukraine in 1999-2009 and 9 months of 2010, th. tonnes 
    Table 19: The main Ukrainian consumers of imported soda ash in 2006-2009 and 9 months of 2010, th. tonnes 
    Table 20: Prices on soda ash of various grades, exported by Ukraine in 2002-2009 and 9 months of 2010, $ / t 
    Table 21: Export prices on soda ash of Ukrainian producers in 1999-2009 and 9 months of 2010, $ / t 
    Table 22: The main country-suppliers of soda ash to Ukraine in 2002-2009 and 9 months of 2010 and their price, $ / t 
    Table 23: Prices for the main Ukrainian consumers of imported soda ash in 2006-2009 and 9 months of 2010, $ / t 
    Table 24: Consumption of soda ash in Ukraine in 1999-2009 and 9 months of 2010, th. tonnes 
    Table 25: Production of bottles in Ukraine, mln pieces 
    Table 26: Manufacture of glass cans in Ukraine, mln pieces 
    Table 27: The main Ukrainian consumers of soda ash in 2009 - 9 months of 2010, th. tonnes 
    Table 28: Production of glass containers by LLC Volnogorsk glass in 2003-2009, mln pieces 
    Table 29: Supplies of soda to LLC Volnogorsk glass in 2007-2009 and 9 months of 2010, th. tonnes 
    Table 30: Supplies of soda to CJSC Lisichansk GlassWorks Proletarian in 2007-2009 and 9 months of 2010, th. tonnes 
    Table 31: Production of basic products by JSC Zaporozhstekloflyus and soda deliveries to the plant in 2007-2009

    Figure 1: Dynamics of production of soda ash in Ukraine in 1997-2009 and 9 months of 2010, th. tonnes, Ukraine's share in total production of soda in the CIS, % 
    Figure 2: Capacity utilization of Ukrainian producers of soda ash in 2003-2009 and 9 months of 2010, % 
    Figure 3: Dynamics of production of soda ash (th. tonnes) and utilization of capacities (%) at JSC Crimean soda plant in 1997-2009 and 9 months of 2010 
    Figure 4: Dynamics of production of soda ash (th. tonnes) and utilization of capacities (%) by JSC Lisichansk Soda in 1997-2009 
    Figure 5: The main domestic consumers of soda ash, produced by JSC Lisichansk Soda in 2009, th. tonnes 
    Figure 6: The volume of ash production in Ukraine and the dynamics of export-import of the product in 1999-2009 and 9 months of 2010, th. tonnes 
    Figure 7: Grade pattern of Ukrainian exports of soda ash in 2002-2009 and 9 months of 2010, % 
    Figure 8: Share of exports of soda ash in the total amount of its production 
    Figure 9: Dynamics of average wholesale prices for soda ash in Ukraine in 2005-2009 and 9 months of 2010, $ / t including VAT 
    Figure 10: Dynamics of export and import prices on soda ash in Ukraine in 1999-2009 and 9 months of 2010, $ / t 
    Figure 11: Quarterly dynamics of export and import prices on soda ash in Ukraine in 2008-2009 and I-III quarter. 2010, $ / t 
    Figure 12: The main end-uses of soda ash in Ukraine in I-III quarters of 2010, % 
    Figure 13: Dynamics of production of glass containers in Ukraine in 2003-2009, mln pieces 
    Figure 14: The main fields of usage of soda ash by chemical enterprises in Ukraine in I-III quarter. 2010% 
    Figure 15: Dynamics of detergents production in Ukraine in 2000-2009 and 9 months of 2010, th. tonnes 
    Figure 16: Dynamics of production of float glass at CJSC Lisichansk GlassWorks Proletarian in 2003-2009, mln m2 
    Figure 17: Forecast of production and consumption of soda ash in Ukraine up to 2015, th. tonnes 


    Coming soon

    September 2024

    Iron Ore Raw Materials (Iron Ore Concentrate, Sinter, Pellets) in Russia and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (10 edition)

    September 2024

    Ammonium Nitrate in Russia and CIS: Production, Market and Forecast (3 edition)

    September 2024

    Polyester and Epoxy Resins in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast

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